require 'spec_helper' module Beatport::Catalog describe Track do describe 'lazy loading' do it "should lazy load artists" do pending track = Track.all(:per_page => 1, :page => 1).first end end describe 'structure' do before(:all) { @track = Track.find(1217790) } it { == 1217790 } it { @track.type.should == 'track' } it { == "Tonight (IMS Anthem 2009)" } it { @track.mix_name.should == "Above & Beyond Remix" } it { @track.slug.should == "tonight-ims-anthem-2009-above-and-beyond-remix" } it { @track.title.should == "Tonight (IMS Anthem 2009) (Above & Beyond Remix)"} it { @track.release_date.should ==,05,17) } it { @track.publish_date.should ==,05,17) } it { @track.sample_url.should == '' } it { @track.rtmp_stream_url.should == 'rtmp://'} it { @track.exclusive.should be_false } it { @track.price.to_s.should == "1.49" } it { @track.audio_format_fee.wav.to_s.should == "1.00" } it { @track.audio_format_fee.aiff.to_s.should == "1.00" } # for some reason this doesn't always return the same result # it { @track.current_status.should == nil "General Content" } it { @track.length.should == "07:53" } it { @track.bpm.should == 128 } it { @track.key.standard.letter.should == "D" } it { @track.sale_type.should == "purchase" } it { == ["Above & Beyond", "Dirty Vegas"] } it { == ["Trance"]} it { == ['Progressive']} it { @track.charts.should == [] } it { == 245137 } it { == 495} it { @track.images.small.url.should == '' } it { @track.images.medium.url.should == '' } it { @track.images.large.url.should == '' } it { @track.images.waveform.url.should == '' } end describe '.find' do it "should find the track with the id 1217790" do track = Track.find(1217790) == 1217790 end end describe '.all' do it "should get arbitrary" do Track.all.length.should be > 1 end it "should get the first page with 5 tracks per page" do tracks = Track.all(:per_page => 5, :page => 1) tracks.length.should == 5 == 1 tracks.per_page.should == 5 end it "should get the first page with 5 tracks per page, sorted by publish date and release if, for the House genre" do tracks = Track.all(:sort_by=> ['publishDate asc', 'releaseId asc'], :genre_id=> 5, :per_page=>5, :page=>1) tracks.length.should == 5 old_id = old_date = tracks.first.publish_date tracks.each do |track| == 5 be >= old_id track.publish_date.should be >= old_date old_id = old_date = track.publish_date end end it "should get arbitrary tracks with filter metadata for all genre names and artist names" do tracks = Track.all :return_facets => ['genre_name', 'performer_name'] tracks.facets['fields']['performer_name'].count.should be > 1 tracks.facets['fields']['genre_name'].count.should be > 1 end it "should get all trance tracks for above & beyond" do tracks = Track.all :facets => {:genre_name => 'Trance', :performer_name => 'Above & Beyond'} tracks.each do |track| artists = track['artists'].map { |a| a['name'] } artists.should include("Above & Beyond") genres = track['genres'].map { |a| a['name'] } genres.should include('Trance') end end end describe '.most_popular' do it "should get the top download for the home page" do tracks = Track.most_popular tracks.count.should == 100 tracks.length.should == 10 end it "should get the top classics for the home page" do tracks = Track.most_popular :status => 5 tracks.count.should == 100 tracks.length.should == 10 end it "should not return the same results for most_popular and classics" do popular = Track.most_popular classics = Track.most_popular :status => 5 == end end describe '.most_popular_for_genre' do it "should get the top download for the trance page" do tracks = Track.most_popular_for_genre 7 tracks.count.should == 100 tracks.length.should == 10 tracks.each do |track| include(7) end end it "should get the top classics for the trance page" do tracks = Track.most_popular_for_genre 7, :status => 5 tracks.each do |track| include(7) end end it "should not return the same results for most_popular and classics" do popular = Track.most_popular_for_genre 7 classics = Track.most_popular_for_genre 7, :status => 5 == end end describe '.most_popular_for_artist' do it "should get the top downloads for Above & Beyond" do tracks = Track.most_popular_for_artist 7181 tracks.length.should be > 1 tracks.each do |track| include(7181) end end end describe '.most_popular_for_label' do it "should get the top downloads for Anjunabeats" do tracks = Track.most_popular_for_label 804 tracks.length.should be > 1 tracks.each do |track| == 804 end end end end end