<%= link_to 'Send Notification Emails', send_notifications_emails_admin_cms_blog_cms_post_path(@blog, @post), method: :put, data: {confirm: 'This will send a post notification email to each user of this blog. Are you sure?'} %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to 'Re-Send Notification Emails', send_notifications_emails_admin_cms_blog_cms_post_path(@blog, @post), method: :put, data: {confirm: "WARNING: An email was already sent on #{format_datetime(@post.notification_sent_on)}. Are you sure you want to send another?"} %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to 'Send Test Email', send_notifications_emails_admin_cms_blog_cms_post_path(@blog, @post, test: true), method: :put, data: {confirm: 'This will send a test post notification email to your email account. Are you sure?'} %>
<% end %>
<%= f.input :slug, label: 'Slug', hint: 'Leave blank to have auto-generated based on title.' %>
<%= f.input :featured_image, label: 'Featured Image', id: 'image_error' %>
<%= f.input :comments_allowed, as: :boolean, label: 'Allow Comments', hint: 'Turn on if you want commenting for this post.' %>
<%= submit_or_cancel cancel_url: admin_cms_blog_path(@blog), delete_url: ([:admin, @blog, @post] unless @post.new_record?), delete_confirm: 'Are you sure you wish to delete this post? All comments will also be deleted!' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= render partial: 'dm_cms/admin/shared/liquid_tags_ref' %>