/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Licensed Materials - Property of IBM | | | | (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2009, 2010 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Praveen Devarao | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef RUBY_IBM_DB_CLI_H #define RUBY_IBM_DB_CLI_H #include #include #include #include #include /* Defines a linked list structure for caching param data */ typedef struct _param_cache_node { SQLSMALLINT data_type; /* Datatype */ SQLUINTEGER param_size; /* param size */ SQLSMALLINT nullable; /* is Nullable */ SQLSMALLINT scale; /* Decimal scale */ SQLUINTEGER file_options; /* File options if PARAM_FILE */ SQLINTEGER bind_indicator; /* indicator variable for SQLBindParameter */ int param_num; /* param number in stmt */ int param_type; /* Type of param - INP/OUT/INP-OUT/FILE */ int size; /* Size of param */ char *varname; /* bound variable name */ SQLBIGINT ivalue; /* Temp storage value */ SQLDOUBLE fvalue; /* Temp storage value */ SQLPOINTER svalue; /* Temp storage value */ struct _param_cache_node *next; /* Pointer to next node */ } param_node; typedef struct _conn_handle_struct { SQLHANDLE henv; SQLHANDLE hdbc; long auto_commit; long c_bin_mode; long c_case_mode; long c_cursor_type; int handle_active; int transaction_active; SQLSMALLINT error_recno_tracker; SQLSMALLINT errormsg_recno_tracker; int flag_pconnect; /* Indicates that this connection is persistent */ int errorType; /*Indicates Whether the error logged in ruby_error_msg is a statement error or connection error*/ SQLPOINTER ruby_error_msg; SQLPOINTER ruby_error_state; SQLSMALLINT ruby_error_msg_len; } conn_handle; typedef union { SQLINTEGER i_val; SQLDOUBLE d_val; SQLFLOAT f_val; SQLSMALLINT s_val; SQLPOINTER str_val; } ibm_db_row_data_type; typedef struct { SQLINTEGER out_length; ibm_db_row_data_type data; } ibm_db_row_type; typedef struct _ibm_db_result_set_info_struct { #ifdef UNICODE_SUPPORT_VERSION SQLWCHAR *name; long name_length; #else SQLCHAR *name; #endif SQLSMALLINT type; SQLUINTEGER size; SQLSMALLINT scale; SQLSMALLINT nullable; SQLINTEGER lob_loc; SQLINTEGER loc_ind; SQLSMALLINT loc_type; } ibm_db_result_set_info; typedef struct _row_hash_struct { VALUE hash; } row_hash_struct; typedef struct _stmt_handle_struct { SQLHANDLE hdbc; SQLHANDLE hstmt; long s_bin_mode; long cursor_type; long s_case_mode; SQLSMALLINT error_recno_tracker; SQLSMALLINT errormsg_recno_tracker; /* Parameter Caching variables */ param_node *head_cache_list; param_node *current_node; int num_params; /* Number of Params */ int file_param; /* if option passed in is FILE_PARAM */ int num_columns; int is_executing; int is_freed; /* Indicates if the SQLFreeHandle is been called on the handle or not.*/ ibm_db_result_set_info *column_info; ibm_db_row_type *row_data; SQLPOINTER ruby_stmt_err_msg; SQLPOINTER ruby_stmt_err_state; SQLSMALLINT ruby_stmt_err_msg_len; } stmt_handle; /* Structure holding the data to be passed to SQLConnect or SQLDriverConnect CLI call */ typedef struct _ibm_db_connect_args_struct { #ifdef UNICODE_SUPPORT_VERSION SQLWCHAR *database; SQLWCHAR *uid; SQLWCHAR *password; #else SQLCHAR *database; SQLCHAR *uid; SQLCHAR *password; #endif SQLSMALLINT database_len; SQLSMALLINT uid_len; SQLSMALLINT password_len; int ctlg_conn; /*Indicates if the connection is a cataloged connection or not*/ SQLHANDLE *hdbc; } connect_args; /* Structure holding the necessary info to be passed to SQLEndTran CLI call */ typedef struct _ibm_db_end_tran_args_struct { SQLHANDLE *hdbc; SQLSMALLINT handleType; SQLSMALLINT completionType; } end_tran_args; /* Structure holding the necessary info to be passed to SQLDescribeparam CLI call */ typedef struct _ibm_db_describeparam_args_struct { stmt_handle *stmt_res; SQLUSMALLINT param_no; SQLSMALLINT sql_data_type; SQLUINTEGER sql_precision; SQLSMALLINT sql_scale; SQLSMALLINT sql_nullable; } describeparam_args; /* Structure holding the necessary info to be passed to SQLDescribeCol CLI call */ typedef struct _ibm_db_describecol_args_struct { stmt_handle *stmt_res; SQLUSMALLINT col_no; SQLSMALLINT name_length; SQLSMALLINT buff_length; } describecol_args; /* Structure holding the necessary info to be passed to CLI calls like SQLColumns SQLForeignKeys etc. The same structure is used to get the SP parameters, with table_name as proc_name */ typedef struct _ibm_db_metadata_args_struct { stmt_handle *stmt_res; #ifdef UNICODE_SUPPORT_VERSION SQLWCHAR *qualifier; SQLWCHAR *owner; SQLWCHAR *table_name; SQLWCHAR *proc_name; /*Used for call SQLProcedureColumns*/ SQLWCHAR *column_name; SQLWCHAR *table_type; #else SQLCHAR *qualifier; SQLCHAR *owner; SQLCHAR *table_name; SQLCHAR *proc_name; /*Used for call SQLProcedureColumns*/ SQLCHAR *column_name; SQLCHAR *table_type; #endif SQLSMALLINT qualifier_len; SQLSMALLINT owner_len; SQLSMALLINT table_name_len; SQLSMALLINT proc_name_len; /*Used for call SQLProcedureColumns*/ SQLSMALLINT column_name_len; SQLSMALLINT table_type_len; int scope; /*Used in SQLSpecialColumns To determine the scope of the unique row identifier*/ int unique; /*Used in SQLStatistics to determine if only unique indexes are to be fetched or all*/ } metadata_args; /* Structure holding the necessary info to be passed to SQLPrepare and SQLExecDirect CLI call */ typedef struct _ibm_db_exec_direct_args_struct { stmt_handle *stmt_res; #ifdef UNICODE_SUPPORT_VERSION SQLWCHAR *stmt_string; #else SQLCHAR *stmt_string; #endif long stmt_string_len; } exec_cum_prepare_args; /* Structure holding the necessary info to be passed to SQLParamData and SQLPutData CLI call */ typedef struct _ibm_db_param_and_put_data_struct { stmt_handle *stmt_res; SQLPOINTER valuePtr; } param_cum_put_data_args; /* Structure holding the necessary info to be passed to SQLNextResult CLI call */ typedef struct _ibm_db_next_result_args_struct { SQLHSTMT *new_hstmt; stmt_handle *stmt_res; } next_result_args; /* Structure holding the necessary info to be passed to calls SQLNumResultCols/SQLNumParams */ typedef struct _ibm_db_row_col_count_struct { stmt_handle *stmt_res; SQLSMALLINT count; } row_col_count_args; /* Structure holding the necessary info to be passed to call SQLRowcount */ typedef struct _ibm_db_row_count_struct { stmt_handle *stmt_res; SQLINTEGER count; } sql_row_count_args; /* Structure holding the necessary info to be passed to call SQLColAttributes */ typedef struct _ibm_db_col_attr_struct { stmt_handle *stmt_res; SQLSMALLINT col_num; SQLSMALLINT FieldIdentifier; SQLINTEGER num_attr; } col_attr_args; /* Structure holding the necessary info to be passed to call SQLBindCol */ typedef struct _ibm_db_bind_col_struct { stmt_handle *stmt_res; SQLUSMALLINT col_num; SQLSMALLINT TargetType; SQLPOINTER TargetValuePtr; SQLLEN buff_length; SQLLEN *out_length; } bind_col_args; /* Structure holding the necessary info to be passed to call SQLGetData */ typedef struct _ibm_db_get_data_args_struct { stmt_handle *stmt_res; SQLSMALLINT col_num; SQLSMALLINT targetType; SQLPOINTER buff; SQLLEN buff_length; SQLLEN *out_length; } get_data_args; /* Structure holding the necessary info to be passed to call SQLGetLength */ typedef struct _ibm_db_get_data_length_struct { SQLHSTMT *new_hstmt; SQLSMALLINT col_num; stmt_handle *stmt_res; SQLINTEGER *sLength; } get_length_args; /* Structure holding the necessary info to be passed to call SQLGetSubString */ typedef struct _ibm_db_get_data_subString_struct { SQLHSTMT *new_hstmt; SQLSMALLINT col_num; stmt_handle *stmt_res; SQLUINTEGER forLength; SQLSMALLINT targetCType; SQLPOINTER buffer; SQLLEN buff_length; SQLINTEGER *out_length; } get_subString_args; /* Structure holding the necessary info to be passed to call SQLFetchScroll and SQLFetch */ typedef struct _ibm_db_fetch_data_struct { stmt_handle *stmt_res; SQLSMALLINT fetchOrientation; SQLLEN fetchOffset; } fetch_data_args; /* Structure holding the necessary info to be passed to calls SQLSetStmtAttr/SQLSetConnectAttr/SQLEnvAttr */ typedef struct _ibm_db_set_handle_attr_struct { SQLHANDLE *handle; SQLINTEGER attribute; SQLPOINTER valuePtr; SQLINTEGER strLength; } set_handle_attr_args; /* Structure holding the necessary info to be passed to call SQLGetStmtAttr and SQLGetConnectAttr */ typedef struct _ibm_db_get_handle_attr_struct { SQLHANDLE *handle; SQLINTEGER attribute; SQLPOINTER valuePtr; SQLINTEGER buff_length; SQLINTEGER *out_length; } get_handle_attr_args; /* Structure holding the necessary info to be passed to call SQLBindParameter */ typedef struct _ibm_db_bind_parameter_struct { stmt_handle *stmt_res; SQLSMALLINT param_num; SQLSMALLINT IOType; SQLSMALLINT valueType; SQLSMALLINT paramType; SQLULEN colSize; SQLSMALLINT decimalDigits; SQLPOINTER paramValPtr; SQLLEN buff_length; SQLLEN *out_length; } bind_parameter_args; /* Structure holding the necessary info to be passed to call SQLGetInfo */ typedef struct _ibm_db_get_info_struct { conn_handle *conn_res; SQLUSMALLINT infoType; SQLPOINTER infoValue; SQLSMALLINT buff_length; SQLSMALLINT *out_length; } get_info_args; /* Structure holding the necessary info to be passed to call SQLGetDiagRec */ typedef struct _ibm_db_get_diagRec_struct { SQLSMALLINT hType; SQLHANDLE handle; SQLSMALLINT recNum; SQLPOINTER SQLState; SQLPOINTER msgText; SQLINTEGER *NativeErrorPtr; SQLSMALLINT buff_length; SQLSMALLINT *text_length_ptr; } get_diagRec_args; /* Structure holding the necessary info to be passed to call SQLFreestmt */ typedef struct _ibm_db_free_stmt_struct { stmt_handle *stmt_res; SQLUSMALLINT option; } free_stmt_args; int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLConnect_helper(connect_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLDisconnect_helper(SQLHANDLE *hdbc); void _ruby_ibm_db_Connection_level_UBF(void *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLEndTran(end_tran_args *endtran_args); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLDescribeParam_helper(describeparam_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLDescribeCol_helper(describecol_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLBindCol_helper(bind_col_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLColumnPrivileges_helper(metadata_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLColumns_helper(metadata_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLPrimaryKeys_helper(metadata_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLForeignKeys_helper(metadata_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLProcedureColumns_helper(metadata_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLProcedures_helper(metadata_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLSpecialColumns_helper(metadata_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLStatistics_helper(metadata_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLTablePrivileges_helper(metadata_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLTables_helper(metadata_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLExecDirect_helper(exec_cum_prepare_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLPrepare_helper(exec_cum_prepare_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLFreeStmt_helper(free_stmt_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLExecute_helper(stmt_handle *stmt_res); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLParamData_helper(param_cum_put_data_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLColAttributes_helper(col_attr_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLPutData_helper(param_cum_put_data_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLGetData_helper(get_data_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLGetLength_helper(get_length_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLGetSubString_helper(get_subString_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLNextResult_helper(next_result_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLFetchScroll_helper(fetch_data_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLFetch_helper(fetch_data_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLNumResultCols_helper(row_col_count_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLNumParams_helper(row_col_count_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLRowCount_helper(sql_row_count_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLGetInfo_helper(get_info_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLGetDiagRec_helper(get_diagRec_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLSetStmtAttr_helper(set_handle_attr_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLSetConnectAttr_helper(set_handle_attr_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLSetEnvAttr_helper(set_handle_attr_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLGetStmtAttr_helper(get_handle_attr_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLGetConnectAttr_helper(get_handle_attr_args *data); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLBindFileToParam_helper(stmt_handle *stmt_res, param_node *curr); int _ruby_ibm_db_SQLBindParameter_helper(bind_parameter_args *data); void _ruby_ibm_db_Statement_level_UBF(stmt_handle *stmt_res); #endif /* RUBY_IBM_DB_CLI_H */