### VERSION 0.6.8 * bug fix * fix typo on generator ### VERSION 0.6.7 * enhancements * initializer can be take block or value * refactoring * following rails way for naming file * [fullchanges](https://github.com/FinalCAD/csv2hash/pull/17) ### VERSION 0.6.6 * refactoring * little trick on YamlLoader * [fullchanges](https://github.com/FinalCAD/csv2hash/commit/a4b3fb5b6cdb3ed41b039f68391b30054fab3668) ### VERSION 0.6.5 * enhancements * Add Coercer for deserialize field from Yaml like ExtraValidator and Regex * Add Coercer for deserialize field from Csv value to ruby value like 'true' => true * Add missing module prefix Csv2hash * remove rule for dynmaic field with field is optional and not found * feature * Add generator for configure csv2hash on Rails app * [fullchanges](https://github.com/FinalCAD/csv2hash/pull/16) ### VERSION 0.6.4 * feature * make configuration file can be writing with ERB interpolation. * [fullchanges](https://github.com/FinalCAD/csv2hash/pull/15) ### VERSION 0.6.3 * refactoring * The Main constructor can be take in first arg a definition itself or simply the path of yaml file definition or just symbol of name of definition (when it have already loaded) * feature * add yml loader * [fullchanges](https://github.com/FinalCAD/csv2hash/pull/14) ### VERSION 0.6.2 * feature * Auto discover, you can add floating position on mapping rules * [fullchanges](https://github.com/FinalCAD/csv2hash/pull/12) ### VERSION 0.6.1 * deprecations * Structure validation rules, MinColumn, MaxColumn are replaced by :min_columns, :max_columns * [fullchanges](https://github.com/FinalCAD/csv2hash/pull/11) ### VERSION 0.6.0 * backwards incompatible changes * Introduce DSL for definition * refactoring * replace arguments for rules by DSL of cells * [fullchanges](https://github.com/FinalCAD/csv2hash/pull/10) ### VERSION 0.5.0 * backwards incompatible changes * The signature of Csv2hash::Main#new has changed. * refactoring * remove params ``` ignore_blank_line ``` to benefit of options of Hash * [fullchanges](https://github.com/FinalCAD/csv2hash/pull/9) ### VERSION 0.4.0 * backwards incompatible changes * The signature of Csv2hash::Main#new has changed. * refactoring * remove params ``` break_on_failure ``` to benefit of ``` Csv2hash::Main#parse! ``` of ``` Csv2hash::Main#parse ``` * [fullchanges](https://github.com/FinalCAD/csv2hash/pull/8) ### VERSION 0.3.0 * backwards incompatible changes * Csv2hash is module now, call Csv2hash::Main.new * The signature of Csv2hash::Main#new has changed. * refactoring * Use adapter to select source of data, either file.csv or Array of data, is more transparently, not impact signature of Csv2Hash constructor * [fullchanges](https://github.com/FinalCAD/csv2hash/pull/7) ### VERSION 0.2.1 * bug fix * Correct little bug on error mode. ### VERSION 0.2 * backwards incompatible changes * The signature of Definition#new * enhancements * Add checking of number of columns * deprecations ### VERSION 0.1 * enhancements * Add csv errors mode * Add Extra Validator * Add Notifier Plugin * Add Data Wrapper Response * Add possibility to pass directly data in constructor, for more testing * You can ignore blank line ### VERSION 0.0.2 * enhancements * Liitle enhancement ### VERSION 0.0.1 * Skeleton and first parsing