# encoding: utf-8 module CodeRay module Scanners # Clojure scanner by Licenser. class Clojure < Scanner register_for :clojure file_extension 'clj' SPECIAL_FORMS = %w[ def if do let quote var fn loop recur throw try catch monitor-enter monitor-exit . new ] # :nodoc: CORE_FORMS = %w[ + - -> ->> .. / * <= < = == >= > accessor aclone add-classpath add-watch agent agent-error agent-errors aget alength alias all-ns alter alter-meta! alter-var-root amap ancestors and apply areduce array-map aset aset-boolean aset-byte aset-char aset-double aset-float aset-int aset-long aset-short assert assoc assoc! assoc-in associative? atom await await-for bases bean bigdec bigint binding bit-and bit-and-not bit-clear bit-flip bit-not bit-or bit-set bit-shift-left bit-shift-right bit-test bit-xor boolean boolean-array booleans bound-fn bound-fn* bound? butlast byte byte-array bytes case cast char char-array char-escape-string char-name-string char? chars class class? clear-agent-errors clojure-version coll? comment commute comp comparator compare compare-and-set! compile complement concat cond condp conj conj! cons constantly construct-proxy contains? count counted? create-ns create-struct cycle dec decimal? declare definline defmacro defmethod defmulti defn defn- defonce defprotocol defrecord defstruct deftype delay delay? deliver denominator deref derive descendants disj disj! dissoc dissoc! distinct distinct? doall doc dorun doseq dosync dotimes doto double double-array doubles drop drop-last drop-while empty empty? ensure enumeration-seq error-handler error-mode eval even? every? extend extend-protocol extend-type extenders extends? false? ffirst file-seq filter find find-doc find-ns find-var first float float-array float? floats flush fn fn? fnext for force format future future-call future-cancel future-cancelled? future-done? future? gen-class gen-interface gensym get get-in get-method get-proxy-class get-thread-bindings get-validator hash hash-map hash-set identical? identity if-let if-not ifn? import in-ns inc init-proxy instance? int int-array integer? interleave intern interpose into into-array ints io! isa? iterate iterator-seq juxt key keys keyword keyword? last lazy-cat lazy-seq let letfn line-seq list list* list? load load-file load-reader load-string loaded-libs locking long long-array longs loop macroexpand macroexpand-1 make-array make-hierarchy map map? mapcat max max-key memfn memoize merge merge-with meta methods min min-key mod name namespace neg? newline next nfirst nil? nnext not not-any? not-empty not-every? not= ns ns-aliases ns-imports ns-interns ns-map ns-name ns-publics ns-refers ns-resolve ns-unalias ns-unmap nth nthnext num number? numerator object-array odd? or parents partial partition pcalls peek persistent! pmap pop pop! pop-thread-bindings pos? pr pr-str prefer-method prefers print print-namespace-doc print-str printf println println-str prn prn-str promise proxy proxy-mappings proxy-super push-thread-bindings pvalues quot rand rand-int range ratio? rationalize re-find re-groups re-matcher re-matches re-pattern re-seq read read-line read-string reduce ref ref-history-count ref-max-history ref-min-history ref-set refer refer-clojure reify release-pending-sends rem remove remove-all-methods remove-method remove-ns remove-watch repeat repeatedly replace replicate require reset! reset-meta! resolve rest restart-agent resultset-seq reverse reversible? rseq rsubseq satisfies? second select-keys send send-off seq seq? seque sequence sequential? set set-error-handler! set-error-mode! set-validator! set? short short-array shorts shutdown-agents slurp some sort sort-by sorted-map sorted-map-by sorted-set sorted-set-by sorted? special-form-anchor special-symbol? split-at split-with str string? struct struct-map subs subseq subvec supers swap! symbol symbol? sync syntax-symbol-anchor take take-last take-nth take-while test the-ns thread-bound? time to-array to-array-2d trampoline transient tree-seq true? type unchecked-add unchecked-dec unchecked-divide unchecked-inc unchecked-multiply unchecked-negate unchecked-remainder unchecked-subtract underive update-in update-proxy use val vals var-get var-set var? vary-meta vec vector vector-of vector? when when-first when-let when-not while with-bindings with-bindings* with-in-str with-local-vars with-meta with-open with-out-str with-precision xml-seq zero? zipmap ] # :nodoc: PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS = %w[ true false nil *1 *2 *3 *agent* *clojure-version* *command-line-args* *compile-files* *compile-path* *e *err* *file* *flush-on-newline* *in* *ns* *out* *print-dup* *print-length* *print-level* *print-meta* *print-readably* *read-eval* *warn-on-reflection* ] # :nodoc: IDENT_KIND = WordList.new(:ident). add(SPECIAL_FORMS, :reserved). add(CORE_FORMS, :reserved). add(PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS, :predefined_constant) KEYWORD_NEXT_TOKEN_KIND = WordList.new(nil). add(%w[ def defn defn- definline defmacro defmulti defmethod defstruct defonce declare ], :function). add(%w[ ns ], :namespace). add(%w[ defprotocol defrecord ], :class) BASIC_IDENTIFIER = /[a-zA-Z$%*\/_+!?&<>\-=]=?[a-zA-Z0-9$&*+!\/_?<>\-\#]*/ IDENTIFIER = /(?!-\d)(?:(?:#{BASIC_IDENTIFIER}\.)*#{BASIC_IDENTIFIER}(?:\/#{BASIC_IDENTIFIER})?\.?)|\.\.?/ SYMBOL = /::?#{IDENTIFIER}/o DIGIT = /\d/ DIGIT10 = DIGIT DIGIT16 = /[0-9a-f]/i DIGIT8 = /[0-7]/ DIGIT2 = /[01]/ RADIX16 = /\#x/i RADIX8 = /\#o/i RADIX2 = /\#b/i RADIX10 = /\#d/i EXACTNESS = /#i|#e/i SIGN = /[\+-]?/ EXP_MARK = /[esfdl]/i EXP = /#{EXP_MARK}#{SIGN}#{DIGIT}+/ SUFFIX = /#{EXP}?/ PREFIX10 = /#{RADIX10}?#{EXACTNESS}?|#{EXACTNESS}?#{RADIX10}?/ PREFIX16 = /#{RADIX16}#{EXACTNESS}?|#{EXACTNESS}?#{RADIX16}/ PREFIX8 = /#{RADIX8}#{EXACTNESS}?|#{EXACTNESS}?#{RADIX8}/ PREFIX2 = /#{RADIX2}#{EXACTNESS}?|#{EXACTNESS}?#{RADIX2}/ UINT10 = /#{DIGIT10}+#*/ UINT16 = /#{DIGIT16}+#*/ UINT8 = /#{DIGIT8}+#*/ UINT2 = /#{DIGIT2}+#*/ DECIMAL = /#{DIGIT10}+#+\.#*#{SUFFIX}|#{DIGIT10}+\.#{DIGIT10}*#*#{SUFFIX}|\.#{DIGIT10}+#*#{SUFFIX}|#{UINT10}#{EXP}/ UREAL10 = /#{UINT10}\/#{UINT10}|#{DECIMAL}|#{UINT10}/ UREAL16 = /#{UINT16}\/#{UINT16}|#{UINT16}/ UREAL8 = /#{UINT8}\/#{UINT8}|#{UINT8}/ UREAL2 = /#{UINT2}\/#{UINT2}|#{UINT2}/ REAL10 = /#{SIGN}#{UREAL10}/ REAL16 = /#{SIGN}#{UREAL16}/ REAL8 = /#{SIGN}#{UREAL8}/ REAL2 = /#{SIGN}#{UREAL2}/ IMAG10 = /i|#{UREAL10}i/ IMAG16 = /i|#{UREAL16}i/ IMAG8 = /i|#{UREAL8}i/ IMAG2 = /i|#{UREAL2}i/ COMPLEX10 = /#{REAL10}@#{REAL10}|#{REAL10}\+#{IMAG10}|#{REAL10}-#{IMAG10}|\+#{IMAG10}|-#{IMAG10}|#{REAL10}/ COMPLEX16 = /#{REAL16}@#{REAL16}|#{REAL16}\+#{IMAG16}|#{REAL16}-#{IMAG16}|\+#{IMAG16}|-#{IMAG16}|#{REAL16}/ COMPLEX8 = /#{REAL8}@#{REAL8}|#{REAL8}\+#{IMAG8}|#{REAL8}-#{IMAG8}|\+#{IMAG8}|-#{IMAG8}|#{REAL8}/ COMPLEX2 = /#{REAL2}@#{REAL2}|#{REAL2}\+#{IMAG2}|#{REAL2}-#{IMAG2}|\+#{IMAG2}|-#{IMAG2}|#{REAL2}/ NUM10 = /#{PREFIX10}?#{COMPLEX10}/ NUM16 = /#{PREFIX16}#{COMPLEX16}/ NUM8 = /#{PREFIX8}#{COMPLEX8}/ NUM2 = /#{PREFIX2}#{COMPLEX2}/ NUM = /#{NUM10}|#{NUM16}|#{NUM8}|#{NUM2}/ protected def scan_tokens encoder, options state = :initial kind = nil until eos? case state when :initial if match = scan(/ \s+ | \\\n | , /x) encoder.text_token match, :space elsif match = scan(/['`\(\[\)\]\{\}]|\#[({]|~@?|[@\^]/) encoder.text_token match, :operator elsif match = scan(/;.*/) encoder.text_token match, :comment # FIXME: recognize (comment ...) too elsif match = scan(/\#?\\(?:newline|space|.?)/) encoder.text_token match, :char elsif match = scan(/\#[ft]/) encoder.text_token match, :predefined_constant elsif match = scan(/#{IDENTIFIER}/o) kind = IDENT_KIND[match] encoder.text_token match, kind if rest? && kind == :reserved if kind = KEYWORD_NEXT_TOKEN_KIND[match] encoder.text_token match, :space if match = scan(/\s+/o) encoder.text_token match, kind if match = scan(/#{IDENTIFIER}/o) end end elsif match = scan(/#{SYMBOL}/o) encoder.text_token match, :symbol elsif match = scan(/\./) encoder.text_token match, :operator elsif match = scan(/ \# \^ #{IDENTIFIER} /ox) encoder.text_token match, :type elsif match = scan(/ (\#)? " /x) state = self[1] ? :regexp : :string encoder.begin_group state encoder.text_token match, :delimiter elsif match = scan(/#{NUM}/o) and not matched.empty? encoder.text_token match, match[/[.e\/]/i] ? :float : :integer else encoder.text_token getch, :error end when :string, :regexp if match = scan(/[^"\\]+|\\.?/) encoder.text_token match, :content elsif match = scan(/"/) encoder.text_token match, :delimiter encoder.end_group state state = :initial else raise_inspect "else case \" reached; %p not handled." % peek(1), encoder, state end else raise 'else case reached' end end if [:string, :regexp].include? state encoder.end_group state end encoder end end end end