require "spec_helper" feature "testing with teaspoon in the console", aruba: true do scenario "gives me the expected results" do run_simple("bundle exec teaspoon -r ../../spec/teaspoon_env.rb --suite=default app/assets/javascripts/integration/", false) expected = <<-OUTPUT.strip_heredoc Teaspoon running default suite at TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'foo()') # # testing console output ..FF.*. Pending: Integration tests pending is allowed # Not yet implemented Failures: 1) Integration tests allows failing specs Failure/Error: Expected true to be false. 2) Integration tests allows erroring specs Failure/Error: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: foo in (line 14) Finished in 0.31337 seconds 7 examples, 2 failures, 1 pending Failed examples: teaspoon -s default --filter="Integration tests allows failing specs." teaspoon -s default --filter="Integration tests allows erroring specs." OUTPUT output = all_output.gsub(/Finished in [\d\.]+ seconds/, "Finished in 0.31337 seconds") output = output.gsub(/127\.0\.0\.1:\d+/, "") assert_partial_output(expected, output) end describe "with coverage" do scenario "displays coverage information" do pending("needs istanbul to be installed") unless Teaspoon::Instrumentation.executable pending("needs to be figured out") # for some reason when loaded in the specs the instrumentation isn't working, though it is working in practice # confirmed that no data is coming through to Teaspoon::Coverage in the result reported by the console reporter # confirmed that instrument=true is being added to the asset source urls # which means that our sprockets/rack shim doesn't work in this environment run_simple("bundle exec teaspoon -r ../../spec/teaspoon_env.rb --coverage=default app/assets/javascripts/integration/", false) assert_partial_output("=============================== Coverage summary ===============================", all_output) assert_partial_output("Statements : 92.31% ( 12/13 )", all_output) assert_partial_output("Branches : 100% ( 0/0 )", all_output) assert_partial_output("Functions : 75% ( 3/4 )", all_output) assert_partial_output("Lines : 92.31% ( 12/13 )", all_output) assert_partial_output("================================================================================", all_output) end end end