# typed: strict # frozen_string_literal: true module Tapioca module Dsl class Pipeline extend T::Sig sig { returns(T::Enumerable[T.class_of(Compiler)]) } attr_reader :active_compilers sig { returns(T::Array[Module]) } attr_reader :requested_constants sig { returns(T::Array[Pathname]) } attr_reader :requested_paths sig { returns(T.proc.params(error: String).void) } attr_reader :error_handler sig { returns(T::Array[String]) } attr_reader :errors sig do params( requested_constants: T::Array[Module], requested_paths: T::Array[Pathname], requested_compilers: T::Array[T.class_of(Compiler)], excluded_compilers: T::Array[T.class_of(Compiler)], error_handler: T.proc.params(error: String).void, number_of_workers: T.nilable(Integer), ).void end def initialize( requested_constants:, requested_paths: [], requested_compilers: [], excluded_compilers: [], error_handler: $stderr.method(:puts).to_proc, number_of_workers: nil ) @active_compilers = T.let( gather_active_compilers(requested_compilers, excluded_compilers), T::Enumerable[T.class_of(Compiler)], ) @requested_constants = requested_constants @requested_paths = requested_paths @error_handler = error_handler @number_of_workers = number_of_workers @errors = T.let([], T::Array[String]) end sig do type_parameters(:T).params( blk: T.proc.params(constant: Module, rbi: RBI::File).returns(T.type_parameter(:T)), ).returns(T::Array[T.type_parameter(:T)]) end def run(&blk) constants_to_process = gather_constants(requested_constants, requested_paths) .select { |c| Module === c } # Filter value constants out .sort_by! { |c| T.must(Runtime::Reflection.name_of(c)) } # It's OK if there are no constants to process if we received a valid file/path. if constants_to_process.empty? && requested_paths.select { |p| File.exist?(p) }.empty? report_error(<<~ERROR) No classes/modules can be matched for RBI generation. Please check that the requested classes/modules include processable DSL methods. ERROR end if defined?(::ActiveRecord::Base) && constants_to_process.any? { |c| ::ActiveRecord::Base > c } abort_if_pending_migrations! end result = Executor.new( constants_to_process, number_of_workers: @number_of_workers, ).run_in_parallel do |constant| rbi = rbi_for_constant(constant) next if rbi.nil? blk.call(constant, rbi) end errors.each do |msg| report_error(msg) end result.compact end sig { params(error: String).void } def add_error(error) @errors << error end sig { params(compiler_name: String).returns(T::Boolean) } def compiler_enabled?(compiler_name) potential_names = Compilers::NAMESPACES.map { |namespace| namespace + compiler_name } active_compilers.any? do |compiler| potential_names.any?(compiler.name) end end sig { returns(T::Array[T.class_of(Compiler)]) } def compilers @compilers ||= T.let( Runtime::Reflection.descendants_of(Compiler).sort_by do |compiler| T.must(compiler.name) end, T.nilable(T::Array[T.class_of(Compiler)]), ) end private sig do params( requested_compilers: T::Array[T.class_of(Compiler)], excluded_compilers: T::Array[T.class_of(Compiler)], ).returns(T::Enumerable[T.class_of(Compiler)]) end def gather_active_compilers(requested_compilers, excluded_compilers) active_compilers = compilers active_compilers -= excluded_compilers active_compilers &= requested_compilers unless requested_compilers.empty? active_compilers end sig { params(requested_constants: T::Array[Module], requested_paths: T::Array[Pathname]).returns(T::Set[Module]) } def gather_constants(requested_constants, requested_paths) constants = Set.new.compare_by_identity active_compilers.each do |compiler| constants.merge(compiler.processable_constants) end constants = filter_anonymous_and_reloaded_constants(constants) constants &= requested_constants unless requested_constants.empty? && requested_paths.empty? constants end sig { params(constants: T::Set[Module]).returns(T::Set[Module]) } def filter_anonymous_and_reloaded_constants(constants) # Group constants by their names constants_by_name = constants .group_by { |c| Runtime::Reflection.name_of(c) } .select { |name, _| !name.nil? } constants_by_name = T.cast(constants_by_name, T::Hash[String, T::Array[Module]]) # Find the constants that have been reloaded reloaded_constants = constants_by_name.select { |_, constants| constants.size > 1 }.keys unless reloaded_constants.empty? reloaded_constant_names = reloaded_constants.map { |name| "`#{name}`" }.join(", ") $stderr.puts("WARNING: Multiple constants with the same name: #{reloaded_constant_names}") $stderr.puts("Make sure some object is not holding onto these constants during an app reload.") end # Look up all the constants back from their names. The resulting constant set will be the # set of constants that are actually in memory with those names. filtered_constants = constants_by_name .keys .map { |name| T.cast(Runtime::Reflection.constantize(name), Module) } .select { |mod| Runtime::Reflection.constant_defined?(mod) } Set.new.compare_by_identity.merge(filtered_constants) end sig { params(constant: Module).returns(T.nilable(RBI::File)) } def rbi_for_constant(constant) file = RBI::File.new(strictness: "true") active_compilers.each do |compiler_class| next unless compiler_class.handles?(constant) compiler = compiler_class.new(self, file.root, constant) compiler.decorate rescue $stderr.puts("Error: `#{compiler_class.name}` failed to generate RBI for `#{constant}`") raise # This is an unexpected error, so re-raise it end return if file.root.empty? file end sig { params(error: String).returns(T.noreturn) } def report_error(error) handler = error_handler handler.call(error) exit(1) end sig { void } def abort_if_pending_migrations! return unless defined?(::Rake) Rails.application.load_tasks if Rake::Task.task_defined?("db:abort_if_pending_migrations") Rake::Task["db:abort_if_pending_migrations"].invoke end end end end end