#!/usr/bin/env rspec require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/file_serving/content' describe Puppet::FileServing::Content do it "should should be a subclass of Base" do Puppet::FileServing::Content.superclass.should equal(Puppet::FileServing::Base) end it "should indirect file_content" do Puppet::FileServing::Content.indirection.name.should == :file_content end it "should should include the IndirectionHooks module in its indirection" do Puppet::FileServing::Content.indirection.singleton_class.included_modules.should include(Puppet::FileServing::IndirectionHooks) end it "should only support the raw format" do Puppet::FileServing::Content.supported_formats.should == [:raw] end it "should have a method for collecting its attributes" do Puppet::FileServing::Content.new("/path").should respond_to(:collect) end it "should not retrieve and store its contents when its attributes are collected if the file is a normal file" do content = Puppet::FileServing::Content.new("/path") result = "foo" File.stubs(:lstat).returns(stub("stat", :ftype => "file")) File.expects(:read).with("/path").never content.collect content.instance_variable_get("@content").should be_nil end it "should not attempt to retrieve its contents if the file is a directory" do content = Puppet::FileServing::Content.new("/path") result = "foo" File.stubs(:lstat).returns(stub("stat", :ftype => "directory")) File.expects(:read).with("/path").never content.collect content.instance_variable_get("@content").should be_nil end it "should have a method for setting its content" do content = Puppet::FileServing::Content.new("/path") content.should respond_to(:content=) end it "should make content available when set externally" do content = Puppet::FileServing::Content.new("/path") content.content = "foo/bar" content.content.should == "foo/bar" end it "should be able to create a content instance from raw file contents" do Puppet::FileServing::Content.should respond_to(:from_raw) end it "should create an instance with a fake file name and correct content when converting from raw" do instance = mock 'instance' Puppet::FileServing::Content.expects(:new).with("/this/is/a/fake/path").returns instance instance.expects(:content=).with "foo/bar" Puppet::FileServing::Content.from_raw("foo/bar").should equal(instance) end it "should return an opened File when converted to raw" do content = Puppet::FileServing::Content.new("/path") File.expects(:new).with("/path","rb").returns :file content.to_raw.should == :file end end describe Puppet::FileServing::Content, "when returning the contents" do before do @path = "/my/path" @content = Puppet::FileServing::Content.new(@path, :links => :follow) end it "should fail if the file is a symlink and links are set to :manage" do @content.links = :manage File.expects(:lstat).with(@path).returns stub("stat", :ftype => "symlink") proc { @content.content }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should fail if a path is not set" do proc { @content.content }.should raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT if the file is absent" do @content.path = "/there/is/absolutely/no/chance/that/this/path/exists" proc { @content.content }.should raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end it "should return the contents of the path if the file exists" do File.expects(:stat).with(@path).returns stub("stat", :ftype => "file") File.expects(:read).with(@path).returns(:mycontent) @content.content.should == :mycontent end it "should cache the returned contents" do File.expects(:stat).with(@path).returns stub("stat", :ftype => "file") File.expects(:read).with(@path).returns(:mycontent) @content.content # The second run would throw a failure if the content weren't being cached. @content.content end end