module GreatSchools # :nodoc:
# = GreatSchools Error
# Encompass any errors sent back by the GreatSchools API.
# GreatSchools sends back XML to all API requests. The error response looks
# like:
# 3
# Invalid API key.
# 2013/11/22
# /reviews/city/CA/Foster-City
# ==== Examples
# The most common error is trying to request data that your API key does not
# have access to.
# GreatSchools::API.key = 'INVALID_KEY'
# GreatSchools::Review.for_city('CA', 'Foster City')
# # => #
class Error < StandardError
attr_reader :call, :date, :error_code
alias_method :fault_string, :message
# Creates a new +GreatSchools::Error+ from a parsed +HTTParty+ response.
# The +faultString+ is used as the error +message+.
# ==== Attributes
# * +response+ - a parsed response object from +HTTParty+
# --
# TODO: add error handling - ensure we have a +Hash+, use +fetch+ with defaults
# ++
def initialize(response)
@call = response['error']['call']
@date = response['error']['date']
@error_code = response['error']['errorCode']
def inspect # :nodoc:
"#<#{self.class} error_code: \"#{error_code}\", fault_string: \"#{message}\", call: \"#{call}\", date: \"#{date}\">"