namespace :refinery do desc "Override files for use in an application" task :override => :environment do require 'fileutils' if (view = ENV["view"]).present? pattern = "#{view.split("/").join(File::SEPARATOR)}*.{erb,builder}" looking_for ={|p| p.join("app", "views", pattern).to_s} # copy in the matches matches = looking_for.collect{|d| Dir[d]}.flatten.compact.uniq if matches.any? matches.each do |match| dir = match.split("/app/views/").last.split('/') file = dir.pop # get rid of the file. dir = dir.join(File::SEPARATOR) # join directory back together unless (theme = ENV["theme"]).present? destination_dir = Rails.root.join("app", "views", dir) else destination_dir = Rails.root.join("themes", theme, "views", dir) end FileUtils.mkdir_p(destination_dir) FileUtils.cp match, (destination = File.join(destination_dir, file)) puts "Copied view template file to #{destination.gsub("#{Rails.root.to_s}#{File::SEPARATOR}", '')}" end else puts "Couldn't match any view template files in any engines like #{view}" end elsif (controller = ENV["controller"]).present? pattern = "#{controller.split("/").join(File::SEPARATOR)}*.rb" looking_for ={|p| p.join("app", "controllers", pattern).to_s} # copy in the matches matches = looking_for.collect{|d| Dir[d]}.flatten.compact.uniq if matches.any? matches.each do |match| dir = match.split("/app/controllers/").last.split('/') file = dir.pop # get rid of the file. dir = dir.join(File::SEPARATOR) # join directory back together destination_dir = Rails.root.join("app", "controllers", dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(destination_dir) FileUtils.cp match, (destination = File.join(destination_dir, file)) puts "Copied controller file to #{destination.gsub("#{Rails.root.to_s}#{File::SEPARATOR}", '')}" end else puts "Couldn't match any controller files in any engines like #{controller}" end elsif (model = ENV["model"]).present? pattern = "#{model.split("/").join(File::SEPARATOR)}*.rb" looking_for ={|p| p.join("app", "models", pattern).to_s} # copy in the matches matches = looking_for.collect{|d| Dir[d]}.flatten.compact.uniq if matches.any? matches.each do |match| dir = match.split("/app/models/").last.split('/') file = dir.pop # get rid of the file. dir = dir.join(File::SEPARATOR) # join directory back together destination_dir = Rails.root.join("app", "models", dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(destination_dir) FileUtils.cp match, (destination = File.join(destination_dir, file)) puts "Copied model file to #{destination.gsub("#{Rails.root.to_s}#{File::SEPARATOR}", '')}" end else puts "Couldn't match any model files in any engines like #{model}" end elsif (javascripts = ENV["javascript"]).present? pattern = "#{javascripts.split("/").join(File::SEPARATOR)}*.js" looking_for ={|p| p.join("public", "javascripts", pattern).to_s} # copy in the matches matches = looking_for.collect{|d| Dir[d]}.flatten.compact.uniq if matches.any? matches.each do |match| dir = match.split("/public/javascripts/").last.split('/') file = dir.pop # get rid of the file. dir = dir.join(File::SEPARATOR) # join directory back together destination_dir = Rails.root.join("public", "javascripts", dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(destination_dir) FileUtils.cp match, (destination = File.join(destination_dir, file)) puts "Copied javascript file to #{destination.gsub("#{Rails.root.to_s}#{File::SEPARATOR}", '')}" end else puts "Couldn't match any javascript files in any engines like #{javascript}" end elsif (stylesheets = ENV["stylesheet"]).present? pattern = "#{stylesheets.split("/").join(File::SEPARATOR)}*.css" looking_for ={|p| p.join("public", "stylesheets", pattern).to_s} # copy in the matches matches = looking_for.collect{|d| Dir[d]}.flatten.compact.uniq if matches.any? matches.each do |match| dir = match.split("/public/stylesheets/").last.split('/') file = dir.pop # get rid of the file. dir = dir.join(File::SEPARATOR) # join directory back together destination_dir = Rails.root.join("public", "stylesheets", dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(destination_dir) FileUtils.cp match, (destination = File.join(destination_dir, file)) puts "Copied stylesheet file to #{destination.gsub("#{Rails.root.to_s}#{File::SEPARATOR}", '')}" end else puts "Couldn't match any stylesheet files in any engines like #{stylesheets}" end else puts "You didn't specify anything to override. Here's some examples:" { :view => ['pages/home', 'pages/home theme=demolicious', '**/*menu', 'shared/_menu_branch'], :javascript => %w(jquery), :stylesheet => %w(refinery/site_bar), :controller => %w(pages), :model => %w(page) }.each do |type, examples| examples.each do |example| puts "rake refinery:override #{type}=#{example}" end end end end desc "Un-crudify a method on a controller that uses crudify" task :uncrudify => :environment do if (model_name = ENV["model"]).present? and (action = ENV["action"]).present? crud_lines = Refinery.roots('core').join('lib', 'refinery', 'crud.rb').read if (matches = crud_lines.scan(/(\ +)(def #{action}.+?protected)/m).first).present? and (method_lines = "#{matches.last.split(%r{^#{matches.first}end}).first.strip}\nend".split("\n")).many? indent = method_lines.second.index(%r{[^ ]}) crud_method = method_lines.join("\n").gsub(/^#{" " * indent}/, " ") default_crud_options = ::Refinery::Crud.default_options(model_name) crud_method.gsub!('#{options[:redirect_to_url]}', default_crud_options[:redirect_to_url]) crud_method.gsub!('#{options[:conditions].inspect}', default_crud_options[:conditions].inspect) crud_method.gsub!('#{options[:title_attribute]}', default_crud_options[:title_attribute]) crud_method.gsub!('#{singular_name}', default_crud_options[:singular_name]) crud_method.gsub!('#{class_name}', default_crud_options[:class_name]) crud_method.gsub!('#{plural_name}', default_crud_options[:plural_name]) crud_method.gsub!('\\#{', '#{') puts crud_method end else puts "You didn't specify anything to uncrudify. Here's some examples:" puts "rake refinery:uncrudify model=page action=create" puts "rake refinery:uncrudify model=product action=new" end end desc "Update the core files with the gem" task :update => :environment do puts "\nThe rake refinery:update task is DEPRECATED." puts "Please use the generator instead:" puts "rails generate refinerycms --update" puts "\n" end namespace :cache do desc "Eliminate existing cache files for javascript and stylesheet resources in default directories" task :clear => :environment do FileUtils.rm(Dir[Rails.root.join("public", "javascripts", "cache", "[^.]*").cleanpath.to_s]) FileUtils.rm(Dir[Rails.root.join("public", "stylesheets", "cache", "[^.]*").cleanpath.to_s]) end end end desc 'Removes trailing whitespace across the entire application.' task :whitespace do require 'rbconfig' if Config::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /linux/ sh %{find . -name '*.*rb' -exec sed -i 's/\t/ /g' {} \\; -exec sed -i 's/ *$//g' {} \\; } elsif Config::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /darwin/ sh %{find . -name '*.*rb' -exec sed -i '' 's/\t/ /g' {} \\; -exec sed -i '' 's/ *$//g' {} \\; } else puts "This doesn't work on systems other than OSX or Linux. Please use a custom whitespace tool for your platform '#{Config::CONFIG["host_os"]}'." end end