require 'middleman-core/cli' require 'date' require 'middleman-blog/uri_templates' module Middleman module Cli ## # This class provides an "article" command for the middleman CLI. # # @usage bundle exec middleman article --help # @usage bundle exec middleman article "Article Title" # @usage bundle exec middleman article "Article Title" -t "test,test1" -c "String" -d 2017-03-25 -l fr-be -b blog_fr-be -s -e # # @see # # @todo Tags should be removed from the template if they are not required ## class Article < ::Thor::Group include Thor::Actions include Blog::UriTemplates check_unknown_options! # Template files are relative to this file # @return [String] def self.source_root File.dirname( __FILE__ ) end argument :title, type: :string class_option "blog", aliases: "-b", desc: "The name of the blog to create the post inside (for multi-blog apps, defaults to the only blog in single-blog apps)" class_option "content", aliases: "-c", desc: "Content of the post" class_option "date", aliases: "-d", desc: "The date to create the post with (defaults to now)" class_option "locale", aliases: "-l", desc: "The locale to create the post with (defaults to I18n.default_locale if available)" class_option "edit", aliases: "-e", desc: "Edit the newly created blog post", default: false, type: :boolean class_option "subdirectory", aliases: "-s", desc: "Generate an article subdirectory (for directory indexes, defaults to false)", default: false, type: :boolean class_option "tags", aliases: "-t", desc: "A list of comma-separated tags for the post" def article @content = options[:content] || "" @date = options[ :date ] ? options[ :date ] ) : @locale = options[ :locale ] || ( ::I18n.default_locale if defined? ::I18n ) @slug = safe_parameterize( title ) @tags = options[:tags] && options[:tags].split(/\s*,\s*/) || [] @title = title app = do config[ :mode ] = :config config[ :disable_sitemap ] = true config[ :watcher_disable ] = true config[ :exit_before_ready ] = true end blog_inst = if options[ :blog ] app.extensions[ :blog ].find { | key, instance | instance.options[ :name ] == options[ :blog ] }[ 1 ] else app.extensions[ :blog ].values.first end unless blog_inst msg = "Could not find an active blog instance" msg << " named #{ options[ :blog ] }" if options[ :blog ] throw msg end path_template = params = date_to_params( @date ).merge( locale: @locale.to_s, title: @slug ) article_path = apply_uri_template path_template, params absolute_article_path = File.join( app.source_dir, article_path + blog_inst.options.default_extension ) template blog_inst.options.new_article_template, absolute_article_path # Edit option process if options[ :edit ] editor = ENV.fetch( 'MM_EDITOR', ENV.fetch( 'EDITOR', nil ) ) if editor system( "#{ editor } #{ absolute_article_path }" ) else throw "Could not find a suitable editor. Try setting the environment variable MM_EDITOR." end end # Subdirectory option process if options[ :subdirectory ] empty_directory extract_directory_path( File.join( app.source_dir, article_path ) ) end end protected def blog_instance( key ) return nil unless app.extensions[ :blog ] return app.extensions[ :blog ][ key ] end # Add to CLI Base.register( self, 'article', 'article TITLE [options]', 'Create a new blog article' ) end end end