` tag."
"name": "scheme",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:default`",
"description": "One of `:danger`, `:default`, or `:invisible`."
"name": "size",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:medium`",
"description": "One of `:large`, `:medium`, or `:small`."
"name": "tag",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "One of `:a`, `:button`, or `:summary`."
"name": "type",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "One of `:button`, `:reset`, or `:submit`."
"name": "aria-label",
"type": "String",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "String that can be read by assistive technology. A label should be short and concise. See the accessibility section for more information."
"name": "aria-description",
"type": "String",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "String that can be read by assistive technology. A description can be longer as it is intended to provide more context and information. See the accessibility section for more information."
"name": "show_tooltip",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`true`",
"description": "Whether or not to show a tooltip when this button is hovered. Tooltips should only be hidden if the aria label is redundant, i.e. if the icon has a widely understood definition."
"name": "tooltip_direction",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:s`",
"description": "One of `:e`, `:n`, `:ne`, `:nw`, `:s`, `:se`, `:sw`, or `:w`."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"methods": [
"previews": [
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/icon_button/playground",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/icon_button/playground",
"name": "playground"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/icon_button/default",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/icon_button/default",
"name": "default"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/icon_button/invisible",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/icon_button/invisible",
"name": "invisible"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/icon_button/danger",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/icon_button/danger",
"name": "danger"
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::Beta::Label",
"description": "Use `Label` to add contextual metadata to a design.",
"component": "Label",
"status": "beta",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "Label",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/beta/label.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/label/default/",
"parameters": [
"name": "tag",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:span`",
"description": "One of `:a`, `:div`, `:span`, or `:summary`."
"name": "scheme",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:default`",
"description": "One of `:accent`, `:attention`, `:danger`, `:default`, `:done`, `:info`, `:orange`, `:primary`, `:purple`, `:secondary`, `:severe`, `:sponsors`, `:success`, or `:warning`."
"name": "size",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:medium`",
"description": "One of `:large` or `:medium`."
"name": "inline",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`false`",
"description": "Whether or not to render this label inline."
"name": "variant",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:none`",
"description": "One of `:inline`, `:large`, or `:none`."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"methods": [
"previews": [
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/label/playground",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/label/playground",
"name": "playground"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/label/default",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/label/default",
"name": "default"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/label/color_schemes",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/label/color_schemes",
"name": "color_schemes"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/label/inline",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/label/inline",
"name": "inline"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/label/sizes",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/label/sizes",
"name": "sizes"
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::Beta::Link",
"description": "Use `Link` for navigating from one page to another. `Link` styles anchor tags with default blue styling and hover text-decoration.",
"component": "Link",
"status": "beta",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "Link",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/beta/link.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/link/default/",
"parameters": [
"name": "tag",
"type": "String",
"default": "`:a`",
"description": "One of `:a` or `:span`."
"name": "href",
"type": "String",
"default": "`nil`",
"description": "URL to be used for the Link. Required if tag is `:a`. If the requirements are not met an error will be raised in non production environments. In production, an empty link element will be rendered."
"name": "scheme",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:default`",
"description": "One of `:default`, `:primary`, or `:secondary`."
"name": "muted",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`false`",
"description": "Uses light gray for Link color, and blue on hover."
"name": "underline",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`true`",
"description": "Whether or not to underline the link."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"name": "tooltip",
"description": "`Tooltip` that appears on mouse hover or keyboard focus over the link. Use tooltips sparingly and as a last resort.\n**Important:** This tooltip defaults to `type: :description`. In a few scenarios, `type: :label` may be more appropriate.\nThe tooltip will appear adjacent to the anchor element. Both the tooltip and the anchor will be nested\nunder a positioning wrapper.\nConsult the {{#link_to_component}}Primer::Alpha::Tooltip{{/link_to_component}} documentation for more information.",
"parameters": [
"name": "type",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:description`",
"description": "One of `:description` or `:label`."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "Same arguments as {{#link_to_component}}Primer::Alpha::Tooltip{{/link_to_component}}."
"methods": [
"previews": [
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/link/playground",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/link/playground",
"name": "playground"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/link/default",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/link/default",
"name": "default"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/link/tooltip",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/link/tooltip",
"name": "tooltip"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/link/color_scheme",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/link/color_scheme",
"name": "color_scheme"
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::Beta::Markdown",
"description": "Use `Markdown` to wrap markdown content.",
"component": "Markdown",
"status": "beta",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "Markdown",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/beta/markdown.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/markdown/default/",
"parameters": [
"name": "tag",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:div`",
"description": "One of `:article`, `:div`, or `:td`."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"methods": [
"previews": [
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/markdown/playground",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/markdown/playground",
"name": "playground"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/markdown/default",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/markdown/default",
"name": "default"
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::Beta::Octicon",
"description": "`Octicon` renders an {{link_to_octicons}} with {{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}.\n`Octicon` can also be rendered with the `primer_octicon` helper, which accepts the same arguments.",
"component": "Octicon",
"status": "beta",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "Octicon",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/beta/octicon.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/octicon/default/",
"parameters": [
"name": "icon_name",
"type": "Symbol, String",
"default": "`nil`",
"description": "Name of {{link_to_octicons}} to use."
"name": "icon",
"type": "Symbol, String",
"default": "`nil`",
"description": "Name of {{link_to_octicons}} to use."
"name": "size",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:small`",
"description": "One of `:xsmall` (`12`), `:small` (`16`), or `:medium` (`24`)."
"name": "use_symbol",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`false`",
"description": "EXPERIMENTAL (May change or be removed) - Set to true when using with {{#link_to_component}}Primer::Alpha::OcticonSymbols{{/link_to_component}}."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"methods": [
"previews": [
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/octicon/playground",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/octicon/playground",
"name": "playground"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/octicon/default",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/octicon/default",
"name": "default"
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::Beta::Popover",
"description": "Use `Popover` to bring attention to specific user interface elements, typically to suggest an action or to guide users through a new experience.\n\nBy default, the popover renders with absolute positioning, meaning it should usually be wrapped in an element with a relative position in order to be positioned properly. To render the popover with relative positioning, use the relative property.",
"component": "Popover",
"status": "beta",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "Popover",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/beta/popover.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/popover/default/",
"parameters": [
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"name": "heading",
"description": "The heading",
"parameters": [
"name": "tag",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:h4`",
"description": "One of `:h1`, `:h2`, `:h3`, `:h4`, `:h5`, or `:h6`."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"name": "body",
"description": "The body",
"parameters": [
"name": "caret",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "One of `:bottom`, `:bottom_left`, `:bottom_right`, `:left`, `:left_bottom`, `:left_top`, `:right`, `:right_bottom`, `:right_top`, `:top`, `:top_left`, or `:top_right`."
"name": "large",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "Whether to use the large version of the component."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"methods": [
"previews": [
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/popover/playground",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/popover/playground",
"name": "playground"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/popover/default",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/popover/default",
"name": "default"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/popover/large",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/popover/large",
"name": "large"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/popover/directions",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/popover/directions",
"name": "directions"
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::Beta::ProgressBar",
"description": "Use `ProgressBar` to visualize task completion.",
"component": "ProgressBar",
"status": "beta",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "ProgressBar",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/beta/progress_bar.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/progress_bar/default/",
"parameters": [
"name": "size",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:default`",
"description": "One of `:default`, `:large`, or `:small`. Increases height."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"name": "items",
"description": "Use the Item slot to add an item to the progress bar",
"parameters": [
"name": "percentage",
"type": "Integer",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "The percent complete"
"name": "bg",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "The background color"
"name": "kwargs",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "The same arguments as {{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}."
"methods": [
"previews": [
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/progress_bar/playground",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/progress_bar/playground",
"name": "playground"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/progress_bar/default",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/progress_bar/default",
"name": "default"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/progress_bar/sizes",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/progress_bar/sizes",
"name": "sizes"
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::Beta::RelativeTime",
"description": "Formats a timestamp as a localized string or as relative text that auto-updates in the user's browser.",
"component": "RelativeTime",
"status": "beta",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "RelativeTime",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/beta/relative_time.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/relative_time/default/",
"parameters": [
"name": "datetime",
"type": "Time",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "The time to be formatted."
"name": "tense",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:auto`",
"description": "Which tense to use. One of `:auto`, `:future`, or `:past`."
"name": "prefix",
"type": "sring",
"default": "`nil`",
"description": "What to prefix the relative ime display with."
"name": "second",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`SECOND_DEFAULT`",
"description": "What format seconds should take. One of `nil`, `:numeric`, or `:two_digit`."
"name": "minute",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`MINUTE_DEFAULT`",
"description": "What format minues should take. One of `nil`, `:numeric`, or `:two_digit`."
"name": "hour",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`HOUR_DEFAULT`",
"description": "What format hours should take. One of `nil`, `:numeric`, or `:two_digit`."
"name": "weekday",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`WEEKDAY_DEFAULT`",
"description": "What format weekdays should take. One of `nil`, `:long`, `:narrow`, or `:short`."
"name": "day",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`DAY_DEFAULT`",
"description": "What format days should take. One of `nil`, `:numeric`, or `:two_digit`."
"name": "month",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`MONTH_DEFAULT`",
"description": "What format months should take. One of `nil`, `:long`, `:narrow`, `:numeric`, `:short`, or `:two_digit`."
"name": "year",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`YEAR_DEFAULT`",
"description": "What format years should take. One of `nil`, `:numeric`, or `:two_digit`."
"name": "time_zone_name",
"type": "Symbol",
"description": "What format the time zone should take. One of `nil`, `:long`, `:long_generic`, `:long_offset`, `:short`, `:short_generic`, or `:short_offset`."
"name": "threshold",
"type": "string",
"default": "`nil`",
"description": "The threshold, in ISO-8601 'durations' format, at which relative time displays become absolute."
"name": "precision",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`PRECISION_DEFAULT`",
"description": "The precision elapsed time should display. One of `nil`, `:day`, `:hour`, `:minute`, `:month`, `:second`, or `:year`."
"name": "format",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`nil`",
"description": "The format the display should take. One of `:auto`, `:elapsed`, or `:micro`."
"name": "format_style",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`nil`",
"description": "The format the display should take. One of `nil`, `:long`, `:narrow`, or `:short`."
"name": "lang",
"type": "string",
"default": "`nil`",
"description": "The language to use."
"name": "title",
"type": "string",
"default": "`nil`",
"description": "Provide a custom title to the element."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"methods": [
"previews": [
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/relative_time/playground",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/relative_time/playground",
"name": "playground"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/relative_time/default",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/relative_time/default",
"name": "default"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/relative_time/micro_format",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/relative_time/micro_format",
"name": "micro_format"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/relative_time/recent_time",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/relative_time/recent_time",
"name": "recent_time"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/relative_time/count_down_timer",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/relative_time/count_down_timer",
"name": "count_down_timer"
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::Beta::Spinner",
"description": "Use `Spinner` to let users know that content is being loaded.",
"component": "Spinner",
"status": "beta",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "Spinner",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/beta/spinner.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/spinner/default/",
"parameters": [
"name": "size",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:medium`",
"description": "One of `[:large, 64]`, `[:medium, 32]`, or `[:small, 16]`."
"name": "style",
"type": "String",
"default": "`box-sizing: content-box; color: var(--color-icon-primary);`",
"description": "Custom element styles."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"methods": [
"previews": [
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/spinner/playground",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/spinner/playground",
"name": "playground"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/spinner/default",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/spinner/default",
"name": "default"
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::Beta::State",
"description": "Use `State` for rendering the status of an item.",
"component": "State",
"status": "beta",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "State",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/beta/state.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/state/default/",
"parameters": [
"name": "title",
"type": "String",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "`title` HTML attribute."
"name": "scheme",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:default`",
"description": "Background color. One of `:closed`, `:default`, `:green`, `:merged`, `:open`, `:purple`, or `:red`."
"name": "tag",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:span`",
"description": "HTML tag for element. One of `:div` or `:span`."
"name": "size",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:default`",
"description": "One of `:default` or `:small`."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"methods": [
"previews": [
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/state/playground",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/state/playground",
"name": "playground"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/state/default",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/state/default",
"name": "default"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/state/sizes",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/state/sizes",
"name": "sizes"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/state/states",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/state/states",
"name": "states"
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::Beta::Subhead",
"description": "Use `Subhead` as the start of a section. The `:heading` slot will render an `
` font-sized text.\n\n- Optionally set the `:description` slot to render a short description and the `:actions` slot for a related action.\n- Use a succinct, one-line description for the `:description` slot. For longer descriptions, omit the description slot and render a paragraph below the `Subhead`.\n- Use the actions slot to render a related action to the right of the heading. Use {{#link_to_component}}Primer::ButtonComponent{{/link_to_component}} or {{#link_to_component}}Primer::Beta::Link{{/link_to_component}}.",
"component": "Subhead",
"status": "beta",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "Subhead",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/beta/subhead.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/subhead/default/",
"parameters": [
"name": "spacious",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`false`",
"description": "Whether to add spacing to the Subhead."
"name": "hide_border",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`false`",
"description": "Whether to hide the border under the heading."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"name": "heading",
"description": "The heading",
"parameters": [
"name": "tag",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "One of `:div`, `:h1`, `:h2`, `:h3`, `:h4`, `:h5`, or `:h6`."
"name": "danger",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "Whether to style the heading as dangerous."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"name": "actions",
"description": "Actions",
"parameters": [
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"name": "description",
"description": "The description",
"parameters": [
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"methods": [
"previews": [
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/subhead/playground",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/subhead/playground",
"name": "playground"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/subhead/default",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/subhead/default",
"name": "default"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/subhead/danger",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/subhead/danger",
"name": "danger"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/subhead/actions",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/subhead/actions",
"name": "actions"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/subhead/spacing",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/subhead/spacing",
"name": "spacing"
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::Beta::Text",
"description": "`Text` is a wrapper component that will apply typography styles to the text inside.",
"component": "Text",
"status": "beta",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "Text",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/beta/text.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/text/default/",
"parameters": [
"name": "tag",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:span`",
"description": ""
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"methods": [
"previews": [
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/text/playground",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/text/playground",
"name": "playground"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/text/default",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/text/default",
"name": "default"
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::Beta::TimelineItem",
"description": "Use `TimelineItem` to display items on a vertical timeline, connected by badge elements.",
"component": "TimelineItem",
"status": "beta",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "TimelineItem",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/beta/timeline_item.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/timeline_item/default/",
"parameters": [
"name": "condensed",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`false`",
"description": "Reduce the vertical padding and remove the background from the badge item. Most commonly used in commits."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"name": "avatar",
"description": "Avatar to be rendered to the left of the Badge.",
"parameters": [
"name": "kwargs",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "The same arguments as {{#link_to_component}}Primer::Beta::Avatar{{/link_to_component}}."
"name": "badge",
"description": "Badge that will be connected to other TimelineItems.",
"parameters": [
"name": "icon",
"type": "String",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "Name of {{link_to_octicons}} to use."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"name": "body",
"description": "Body to be rendered to the left of the Badge.",
"parameters": [
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"methods": [
"previews": [
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/timeline_item/playground",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/timeline_item/playground",
"name": "playground"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/timeline_item/default",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/timeline_item/default",
"name": "default"
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::Beta::TimelineItem::Badge",
"description": "This component is part of `Primer::Beta::TimelineItem` and should not be\nused as a standalone component.",
"component": "TimelineItem::Badge",
"status": "beta",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "TimelineItemBadge",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/beta/timeline_item/badge.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/timeline_item/badge/default/",
"parameters": [
"slots": [
"methods": [
"previews": [
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::Beta::Truncate",
"description": "Use `Truncate` to shorten overflowing text with an ellipsis.",
"component": "Truncate",
"status": "beta",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "Truncate",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/beta/truncate.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/truncate/default/",
"parameters": [
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"name": "items",
"description": "Text slot used for the truncated text.",
"parameters": [
"name": "priority",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "if true, the text will be given priority"
"name": "expandable",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "if true, the text will expand on hover or focus"
"name": "max_width",
"type": "Integer",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "if provided, the text will be truncated at a maximum width"
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"methods": [
"previews": [
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/truncate/playground",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/truncate/playground",
"name": "playground"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/truncate/default",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/truncate/default",
"name": "default"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/truncate/multiple_items",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/truncate/multiple_items",
"name": "multiple_items"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/truncate/advanced_multiple_items",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/truncate/advanced_multiple_items",
"name": "advanced_multiple_items"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/truncate/max_widths",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/beta/truncate/max_widths",
"name": "max_widths"
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::Beta::Truncate::TruncateText",
"description": "This component is part of `Primer::Beta::Truncate` and should not be\nused as a standalone component.",
"component": "Truncate::TruncateText",
"status": "alpha",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "TruncateTruncateText",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/beta/truncate/truncate_text.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/beta/truncate/truncate_text/default/",
"parameters": [
"slots": [
"methods": [
"previews": [
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::BlankslateComponent",
"description": "Use `Blankslate` when there is a lack of content within a page or section. Use as placeholder to tell users why something isn't there.",
"component": "Blankslate",
"status": "deprecated",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "Blankslate",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/blankslate_component.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/blankslate/default/",
"parameters": [
"name": "title",
"type": "String",
"default": "`\"\"`",
"description": "Text that appears in a larger bold font."
"name": "title_tag",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:h3`",
"description": "HTML tag to use for title."
"name": "icon",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`\"\"`",
"description": "Octicon icon to use at top of component."
"name": "icon_size",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:medium`",
"description": "One of `:xsmall` (`12`), `:small` (`16`), or `:medium` (`24`)."
"name": "image_src",
"type": "String",
"default": "`\"\"`",
"description": "Image to display."
"name": "image_alt",
"type": "String",
"default": "`\" \"`",
"description": "Alt text for image."
"name": "description",
"type": "String",
"default": "`\"\"`",
"description": "Text that appears below the title. Typically a whole sentence."
"name": "button_text",
"type": "String",
"default": "`\"\"`",
"description": "The text of the button."
"name": "button_url",
"type": "String",
"default": "`\"\"`",
"description": "The URL where the user will be taken after clicking the button."
"name": "button_classes",
"type": "String",
"default": "`\"btn-primary my-3\"`",
"description": "Classes to apply to action button"
"name": "link_text",
"type": "String",
"default": "`\"\"`",
"description": "The text of the link."
"name": "link_url",
"type": "String",
"default": "`\"\"`",
"description": "The URL where the user will be taken after clicking the link."
"name": "narrow",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`false`",
"description": "Adds a maximum width."
"name": "large",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`false`",
"description": "Increases the font size."
"name": "spacious",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`false`",
"description": "Adds extra padding."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"name": "spinner",
"description": "Optional Spinner.",
"parameters": [
"name": "kwargs",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "The same arguments as {{#link_to_component}}Primer::Beta::Spinner{{/link_to_component}}."
"methods": [
"previews": [
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::Box",
"description": "`Box` is a basic wrapper component for most layout related needs.",
"component": "Box",
"status": "stable",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "Box",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/box.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/box/default/",
"parameters": [
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"methods": [
"previews": [
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/box/playground",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/box/playground",
"name": "playground"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/box/default",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/box/default",
"name": "default"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/box/border",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/box/border",
"name": "border"
"inspect_path": "/lookbook/inspect/primer/box/border_bottom",
"preview_path": "/lookbook/preview/primer/box/border_bottom",
"name": "border_bottom"
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::ButtonComponent",
"description": "Use `Button` for actions (e.g. in forms). Use links for destinations, or moving from one page to another.",
"component": "Button",
"status": "deprecated",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "Button",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/button_component.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/button/default/",
"parameters": [
"name": "scheme",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:default`",
"description": "One of `:danger`, `:default`, `:invisible`, `:link`, `:outline`, or `:primary`."
"name": "variant",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`nil`",
"description": "DEPRECATED. One of `:medium` or `:small`."
"name": "size",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:medium`",
"description": "One of `:medium` or `:small`."
"name": "tag",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:button`",
"description": "One of `:a`, `:button`, or `:summary`."
"name": "type",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:button`",
"description": "One of `:button`, `:reset`, or `:submit`."
"name": "group_item",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`false`",
"description": "Whether button is part of a ButtonGroup."
"name": "block",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`false`",
"description": "Whether button is full-width with `display: block`."
"name": "dropdown",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`false`",
"description": "Whether or not to render a dropdown caret."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"name": "leading_visual",
"description": "Leading visuals appear to the left of the button text.\n\nUse:\n\n- `leading_visual_icon` for a {{#link_to_component}}Primer::Beta::Octicon{{/link_to_component}}.",
"parameters": [
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "Same arguments as {{#link_to_component}}Primer::Beta::Octicon{{/link_to_component}}."
"name": "trailing_visual",
"description": "Trailing visuals appear to the right of the button text.\n\nUse:\n\n- `trailing_visual_counter` for a {{#link_to_component}}Primer::Beta::Counter{{/link_to_component}}.",
"parameters": [
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "Same arguments as {{#link_to_component}}Primer::Beta::Counter{{/link_to_component}}."
"name": "tooltip",
"description": "`Tooltip` that appears on mouse hover or keyboard focus over the button. Use tooltips sparingly and as a last resort.\n**Important:** This tooltip defaults to `type: :description`. In a few scenarios, `type: :label` may be more appropriate.\nConsult the {{#link_to_component}}Primer::Alpha::Tooltip{{/link_to_component}} documentation for more information.",
"parameters": [
"name": "type",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:description`",
"description": "One of `:description` or `:label`."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "Same arguments as {{#link_to_component}}Primer::Alpha::Tooltip{{/link_to_component}}."
"methods": [
"name": "icon",
"description": "remove alias when all buttons are migrated to new slot names",
"parameters": [
"name": "counter",
"description": "remove alias when all buttons are migrated to new slot names",
"parameters": [
"previews": [
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::ConditionalWrapper",
"description": "Conditionally renders a `Primer::BaseComponent` around the given content. If the given condition\nis true, a `Primer::BaseComponent` will render around the content. If the condition is false, only\nthe content is rendered.",
"component": "ConditionalWrapper",
"status": "alpha",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "ConditionalWrapper",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/conditional_wrapper.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/conditional_wrapper/default/",
"parameters": [
"slots": [
"methods": [
"previews": [
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::Content",
"description": "Use `Content` as a helper to render content passed to a slot without adding any tags.",
"component": "Content",
"status": "stable",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "Content",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/content.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/content/default/",
"parameters": [
"slots": [
"methods": [
"previews": [
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::IconButton",
"description": "Use `IconButton` to render Icon-only buttons without the default button styles.\n\n`IconButton` will always render with a tooltip unless the tag is `:summary`.",
"component": "IconButton",
"status": "deprecated",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "IconButton",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/icon_button.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/icon_button/default/",
"parameters": [
"name": "scheme",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:default`",
"description": "One of `:danger` or `:default`."
"name": "icon",
"type": "String",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "Name of {{link_to_octicons}} to use."
"name": "tag",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "One of `:a`, `:button`, or `:summary`."
"name": "type",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "One of `:button`, `:reset`, or `:submit`."
"name": "aria-label",
"type": "String",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "String that can be read by assistive technology. A label should be short and concise. See the accessibility section for more information."
"name": "aria-description",
"type": "String",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "String that can be read by assistive technology. A description can be longer as it is intended to provide more context and information. See the accessibility section for more information."
"name": "tooltip_direction",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:s`",
"description": "One of `:e`, `:n`, `:ne`, `:nw`, `:s`, `:se`, `:sw`, or `:w`."
"name": "box",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`false`",
"description": "Whether the button is in a {{#link_to_component}}Primer::Beta::BorderBox{{/link_to_component}}. If `true`, the button will have the `Box-btn-octicon` class."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"methods": [
"previews": [
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::LayoutComponent",
"description": "Use `Layout` to build a main/sidebar layout.",
"component": "Layout",
"status": "deprecated",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "Layout",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/layout_component.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/layout/default/",
"parameters": [
"name": "responsive",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`false`",
"description": "Whether to collapse layout to a single column at smaller widths."
"name": "side",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:right`",
"description": "Which side to display the sidebar on. One of `:left` or `:right`."
"name": "sidebar_col",
"type": "Integer",
"default": "`3`",
"description": "Sidebar column width."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"name": "main",
"description": "The main content",
"parameters": [
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"name": "sidebar",
"description": "The sidebar content",
"parameters": [
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"methods": [
"previews": [
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::Navigation::TabComponent",
"description": "nodoc",
"component": "Navigation::Tab",
"status": "deprecated",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "NavigationTab",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/navigation/tab_component.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/navigation/tab/default/",
"parameters": [
"name": "list",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`false`",
"description": "Whether the Tab is an item in a `` list."
"name": "selected",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`false`",
"description": "Whether the Tab is selected or not."
"name": "with_panel",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`false`",
"description": "Whether the Tab has an associated panel."
"name": "panel_id",
"type": "String",
"default": "`\"\"`",
"description": "Only applies if `with_panel` is `true`. Unique id of panel."
"name": "icon_classes",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`\"\"`",
"description": "Classes that must always be applied to icons."
"name": "wrapper_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "`{}`",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}} to be used in the `- ` wrapper when the tab is an item in a list."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"name": "panel",
"description": "Panel controlled by the Tab. This will not render anything in the tab itself.\nIt will provide a accessor for the Tab's parent to call and render the panel\ncontent in the appropriate place.\nRefer to `UnderlineNav` and `TabNav` implementations for examples.",
"parameters": [
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"name": "icon",
"description": "Icon to be rendered in the Tab left.",
"parameters": [
"name": "kwargs",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "The same arguments as {{#link_to_component}}Primer::Beta::Octicon{{/link_to_component}}."
"name": "text",
"description": "The Tab's text.",
"parameters": [
"name": "kwargs",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "The same arguments as {{#link_to_component}}Primer::Beta::Text{{/link_to_component}}."
"name": "counter",
"description": "Counter to be rendered in the Tab right.",
"parameters": [
"name": "kwargs",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "The same arguments as {{#link_to_component}}Primer::Beta::Counter{{/link_to_component}}."
"methods": [
"previews": [
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::Tooltip",
"description": "`Tooltip` is a wrapper component that will apply a tooltip to the provided content.",
"component": "Tooltip",
"status": "deprecated",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "Tooltip",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/tooltip.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/tooltip/default/",
"parameters": [
"name": "label",
"type": "String",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "the text to appear in the tooltip"
"name": "direction",
"type": "String",
"default": "`:n`",
"description": "Direction of the tooltip. One of `:e`, `:n`, `:ne`, `:nw`, `:s`, `:se`, `:sw`, or `:w`."
"name": "align",
"type": "String",
"default": "`:default`",
"description": "Align tooltips to the left or right of an element, combined with a `direction` to specify north or south. One of `:default`, `:left_1`, `:left_2`, `:right_1`, or `:right_2`."
"name": "multiline",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`false`",
"description": "Use this when you have long content"
"name": "no_delay",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`false`",
"description": "By default the tooltips have a slight delay before appearing. Set true to override this"
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"methods": [
"previews": [
"subcomponents": [
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::Truncate",
"description": "Use `Truncate` to shorten overflowing text with an ellipsis.",
"component": "Truncate",
"status": "deprecated",
"a11y_reviewed": false,
"short_name": "Truncate",
"source": "https://github.com/primer/view_components/tree/main/app/components/primer/truncate.rb",
"lookbook": "https://primer.style/view-components/lookbook/inspect/primer/truncate/default/",
"parameters": [
"name": "tag",
"type": "Symbol",
"default": "`:div`",
"description": "One of `:div`, `:p`, `:span`, or `:strong`."
"name": "inline",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`false`",
"description": "Whether the element is inline (or inline-block)."
"name": "expandable",
"type": "Boolean",
"default": "`false`",
"description": "Whether the entire string should be revealed on hover. Can only be used in conjunction with `inline`."
"name": "max_width",
"type": "Integer",
"default": "`nil`",
"description": "Sets the max-width of the text."
"name": "system_arguments",
"type": "Hash",
"default": "N/A",
"description": "{{link_to_system_arguments_docs}}"
"slots": [
"methods": [
"previews": [
"subcomponents": [
"component": "BaseComponent",
"fully_qualified_name": "Primer::BaseComponent",
"description_md": "All Primer ViewComponents accept a standard set of options called system arguments, mimicking the [styled-system API](https://styled-system.com/table) used by [Primer React](https://primer.style/components/system-props).\n\nUnder the hood, system arguments are [mapped](https://github.com/primer/view_components/blob/main/lib/primer/classify.rb) to Primer CSS classes, with any remaining options passed to Rails' [`content_tag`](https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/TagHelper.html#method-i-content_tag).\n\n## Responsive values\n\nTo apply different values across responsive breakpoints, pass an array with up to five values in the order `[default, small, medium, large, xlarge]`. To skip a breakpoint, pass `nil`.\n\nFor example:\n\n```erb\n<%= render Primer::Beta::Heading.new(mt: [0, nil, nil, 4, 2]) do %>\n Hello world\n<% end %>\n```\n\nRenders:\n\n```html\n
Hello world
"args_md": "## HTML attributes\n\nSystem arguments include most HTML attributes. For example:\n\n| Name | Type | Description |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| `aria` | `Hash` | Aria attributes: `aria: { label: \"foo\" }` renders `aria-label='foo'`. |\n| `data` | `Hash` | Data attributes: `data: { foo: :bar }` renders `data-foo='bar'`. |\n| `height` | `Integer` | Height. |\n| `hidden` | `Boolean` | Whether to assign the `hidden` attribute. |\n| `style` | `String` | Inline styles. |\n| `title` | `String` | The `title` attribute. |\n| `width` | `Integer` | Width. |\n\n## Animation\n\n| Name | Type | Description |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| `animation` | Symbol | One of `:fade_down`, `:fade_in`, `:fade_out`, `:fade_up`, `:grow_x`, `:hover_grow`, `:pulse`, `:pulse_in`, `:rotate`, `:scale_in`, or `:shrink_x`. |\n\n## Border\n\n| Name | Type | Description |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| `border_bottom` | Integer | Set to `0` to remove the bottom border. |\n| `border_left` | Integer | Set to `0` to remove the left border. |\n| `border_radius` | Integer | One of `0`, `1`, `2`, or `3`. |\n| `border_right` | Integer | Set to `0` to remove the right border. |\n| `border_top` | Integer | Set to `0` to remove the top border. |\n| `border` | Symbol | One of `:bottom`, `:left`, `:right`, `:top`, `:x`, `:y`, or `true`. |\n| `box_shadow` | Boolean, Symbol | Box shadow. One of `:extra_large`, `:large`, `:medium`, `:none`, or `true`. |\n\n## Color\n\n| Name | Type | Description |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| `bg` | Symbol | Background color. One of `:accent`, `:accent_emphasis`, `:attention`, `:attention_emphasis`, `:closed`, `:closed_emphasis`, `:danger`, `:danger_emphasis`, `:default`, `:done`, `:done_emphasis`, `:emphasis`, `:inset`, `:open`, `:open_emphasis`, `:overlay`, `:severe`, `:severe_emphasis`, `:sponsors`, `:sponsors_emphasis`, `:subtle`, `:success`, `:success_emphasis`, or `:transparent`. |\n| `border_color` | Symbol | Border color. One of `:accent`, `:accent_emphasis`, `:attention`, `:attention_emphasis`, `:closed`, `:closed_emphasis`, `:danger`, `:danger_emphasis`, `:default`, `:done`, `:done_emphasis`, `:muted`, `:open`, `:open_emphasis`, `:severe`, `:severe_emphasis`, `:sponsors`, `:sponsors_emphasis`, `:subtle`, `:success`, or `:success_emphasis`. |\n| `color` | Symbol | Text color. One of `:accent`, `:attention`, `:closed`, `:danger`, `:default`, `:done`, `:inherit`, `:muted`, `:on_emphasis`, `:open`, `:severe`, `:sponsors`, `:subtle`, or `:success`. |\n\n## Flex\n\n| Name | Type | Description |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| `align_items` | Symbol | One of `:baseline`, `:center`, `:flex_end`, `:flex_start`, or `:stretch`. |\n| `align_self` | Symbol | One of `:auto`, `:baseline`, `:center`, `:end`, `:start`, or `:stretch`. |\n| `direction` | Symbol | One of `:column`, `:column_reverse`, `:row`, or `:row_reverse`. |\n| `flex` | Integer, Symbol | One of `1` or `:auto`. |\n| `flex_grow` | Integer | To enable, set to `0`. |\n| `flex_shrink` | Integer | To enable, set to `0`. |\n| `flex_wrap` | Symbol | One of `:nowrap`, `:reverse`, or `:wrap`. |\n| `justify_content` | Symbol | One of `:center`, `:flex_end`, `:flex_start`, `:space_around`, or `:space_between`. |\n\n## Grid\n\n| Name | Type | Description |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| `clearfix` | Boolean | Whether to assign the `clearfix` class. |\n| `col` | Integer | Number of columns. One of `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, `6`, `7`, `8`, `9`, `10`, `11`, or `12`. |\n| `container` | Symbol | Size of the container. One of `:lg`, `:md`, `:sm`, or `:xl`. |\n\n## Layout\n\n| Name | Type | Description |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| `display` | Symbol | One of `:block`, `:flex`, `:inline`, `:inline_block`, `:inline_flex`, `:none`, `:table`, or `:table_cell`. |\n| `w` | Symbol | One of `:auto`, `:fit`, or `:full`. |\n| `h` | Symbol | One of `:fit` or `:full`. |\n| `hide` | Symbol | Hide the element at a specific breakpoint. One of `:lg`, `:md`, `:sm`, `:whenNarrow`, `:whenRegular`, `:whenWide`, or `:xl`. |\n| `visibility` | Symbol | Visibility. One of `:hidden` or `:visible`. |\n| `vertical_align` | Symbol | One of `:baseline`, `:bottom`, `:middle`, `:text_bottom`, `:text_top`, or `:top`. |\n\n## Position\n\n| Name | Type | Description |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| `bottom` | Boolean | If `false`, sets `bottom: 0`. |\n| `float` | Symbol | One of `:left`, `:none`, or `:right`. |\n| `left` | Boolean | If `false`, sets `left: 0`. |\n| `position` | Symbol | One of `:absolute`, `:fixed`, `:relative`, `:static`, or `:sticky`. |\n| `right` | Boolean | If `false`, sets `right: 0`. |\n| `top` | Boolean | If `false`, sets `top: 0`. |\n\n## Spacing\n\n| Name | Type | Description |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| `m` | Integer | Margin. One of `0`, `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, `6`, or `:auto`. |\n| `mb` | Integer | Margin bottom. One of `-12`, `-11`, `-10`, `-9`, `-8`, `-7`, `-6`, `-5`, `-4`, `-3`, `-2`, `-1`, `0`, `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, `6`, `7`, `8`, `9`, `10`, `11`, `12`, or `:auto`. |\n| `ml` | Integer | Margin left. One of `-6`, `-5`, `-4`, `-3`, `-2`, `-1`, `0`, `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, `6`, or `:auto`. |\n| `mr` | Integer | Margin right. One of `-6`, `-5`, `-4`, `-3`, `-2`, `-1`, `0`, `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, `6`, or `:auto`. |\n| `mt` | Integer | Margin top. One of `-12`, `-11`, `-10`, `-9`, `-8`, `-7`, `-6`, `-5`, `-4`, `-3`, `-2`, `-1`, `0`, `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, `6`, `7`, `8`, `9`, `10`, `11`, `12`, or `:auto`. |\n| `mx` | Integer | Horizontal margins. One of `0`, `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, `6`, or `:auto`. |\n| `my` | Integer | Vertical margins. One of `0`, `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, `6`, `7`, `8`, `9`, `10`, `11`, or `12`. |\n| `p` | Integer | Padding. One of `0`, `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, `6`, or `:responsive`. |\n| `pb` | Integer | Padding bottom. One of `0`, `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, `6`, `7`, `8`, `9`, `10`, `11`, or `12`. |\n| `pl` | Integer | Padding left. One of `0`, `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, `6`, `7`, `8`, `9`, `10`, `11`, or `12`. |\n| `pr` | Integer | Padding right. One of `0`, `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, `6`, `7`, `8`, `9`, `10`, `11`, or `12`. |\n| `pt` | Integer | Padding left. One of `0`, `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, `6`, `7`, `8`, `9`, `10`, `11`, or `12`. |\n| `px` | Integer | Horizontal padding. One of `0`, `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, or `6`. |\n| `py` | Integer | Vertical padding. One of `0`, `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, `6`, `7`, `8`, `9`, `10`, `11`, or `12`. |\n\n## Typography\n\n| Name | Type | Description |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| `font_family` | Symbol | Font family. One of `:mono`. |\n| `font_size` | String, Integer, Symbol | One of `0`, `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, `6`, `00`, `:normal`, or `:small`. |\n| `font_style` | Symbol | Font style. One of `:italic`. |\n| `font_weight` | Symbol | Font weight. One of `:bold`, `:emphasized`, `:light`, or `:normal`. |\n| `text_align` | Symbol | Text alignment. One of `:center`, `:left`, or `:right`. |\n| `text_transform` | Symbol | Text transformation. One of `:uppercase`. |\n| `underline` | Boolean | Whether text should be underlined. |\n| `word_break` | Symbol | Whether to break words on line breaks. One of `:break_all` or `:break_word`. |\n\n## Other\n\n| Name | Type | Description |\n| :- | :- | :- |\n| classes | String | CSS class name value to be concatenated with generated Primer CSS classes. |\n| test_selector | String | Adds `data-test-selector='given value'` in non-Production environments for testing purposes. |"