% render "layouts/basic.html", tab: :release do
<%= render "#{Origen.root}/doc/history" %>
### 0.5.0
* [OSDK-505](http://jira.amd.com/browse/OSDK-505): Add issue creation error checks to jironimo gem
### 0.4.0
* [OSDK-491](http://jira.amd.com/browse/OSDK-491): Remove previous company-centric issue filters that prevented use across AMD Jira projects
### 0.3.0
* [OSDK-438](http://jira.amd.com/browse/OSDK-438): Wrap project issues in method vs direct access to the Hash
* Moved to latest Github version of origen
### 0.2.0
* unit level spec tests working within AMD, using the OSDK and ATEOBR projects
### 0.1.0
* Initial release, not yet validated
% end