## Hbtrack `hbtrack` is a simple Command Lines tool to keep track of your daily habits. The functionality of the current version is very limited. ## Installation ``` gem install hbtrack ``` ## Usage To add a new habit _(duplicate name will be ignore)_: ``` hbtrack add habit_name ``` To mark your habit as done for the current day: ``` hbtrack done habit_name ``` To mark your habit as undone for the current day: ``` hbtrack undone habit_name ``` You can also mark your habit done/undone for the previous day by adding `-y` option: ``` hbtrack done/undone -y habit_name ``` To remove the habit completely: ``` hbtrack remove habit_name ``` To have a look of all of your habit progress: ``` hbtrack list ``` To look at individual habit progress: ``` hbtrack list habit_name ``` ## Bugs/Features If there are any bugs/feature requesst, feel free to create a new issues.