# frozen_string_literal: true module RuboCop module Cop module Style # Identifies places where argument can be replaced from # a deterministic regexp to a string. # # @example # # bad # 'foo'.byteindex(/f/) # 'foo'.byterindex(/f/) # 'foo'.gsub(/f/, 'x') # 'foo'.gsub!(/f/, 'x') # 'foo'.partition(/f/) # 'foo'.rpartition(/f/) # 'foo'.scan(/f/) # 'foo'.split(/f/) # 'foo'.start_with?(/f/) # 'foo'.sub(/f/, 'x') # 'foo'.sub!(/f/, 'x') # # # good # 'foo'.byteindex('f') # 'foo'.byterindex('f') # 'foo'.gsub('f', 'x') # 'foo'.gsub!('f', 'x') # 'foo'.partition('f') # 'foo'.rpartition('f') # 'foo'.scan('f') # 'foo'.split('f') # 'foo'.start_with?('f') # 'foo'.sub('f', 'x') # 'foo'.sub!('f', 'x') class RedundantRegexpArgument < Base extend AutoCorrector MSG = 'Use string `%s` as argument instead of regexp `%s`.' RESTRICT_ON_SEND = %i[ byteindex byterindex gsub gsub! partition rpartition scan split start_with? sub sub! ].freeze DETERMINISTIC_REGEX = /\A(?:#{LITERAL_REGEX})+\Z/.freeze STR_SPECIAL_CHARS = %w[ \a \c \C \e \f \M \n \" \' \\\\ \t \b \f \r \u \v \x \0 \1 \2 \3 \4 \5 \6 \7 ].freeze def on_send(node) return unless (regexp_node = node.first_argument) return unless regexp_node.regexp_type? return if !regexp_node.regopt.children.empty? || regexp_node.content == ' ' return unless determinist_regexp?(regexp_node) prefer = preferred_argument(regexp_node) message = format(MSG, prefer: prefer, current: regexp_node.source) add_offense(regexp_node, message: message) do |corrector| corrector.replace(regexp_node, prefer) end end alias on_csend on_send private def determinist_regexp?(regexp_node) DETERMINISTIC_REGEX.match?(regexp_node.source) end def preferred_argument(regexp_node) new_argument = replacement(regexp_node) if new_argument.include?('"') new_argument.gsub!("'", "\\\\'") quote = "'" else quote = '"' end "#{quote}#{new_argument}#{quote}" end def replacement(regexp_node) regexp_content = regexp_node.content stack = [] chars = regexp_content.chars.each_with_object([]) do |char, strings| if stack.empty? && char == '\\' stack.push(char) else strings << "#{stack.pop}#{char}" end end chars.map do |char| char = char.dup char.delete!('\\') unless STR_SPECIAL_CHARS.include?(char) char end.join end end end end end