# Slim Slim is a template language whose goal is to reduce the view syntax to the essential parts without becoming cryptic. ## What? Slim is a fast, lightweight templating engine with support for __Rails 3__. It has been tested on Ruby 1.9.2 and Ruby/REE 1.8.7. Slim's core syntax is guided by one thought: "What's the minimum required to make this work". As more people have contributed to Slim, there have been ___optional___ syntax additions influenced from their use of [Haml](http://github.com/nex3/haml) and [Jade](http://github.com/visionmedia/jade). The Slim team is open to these optional additions because we know beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Slim uses [Temple](http://github.com/judofyr/temple) for parsing/compilation and is also integrated into [Tilt](http://github.com/rtomayko/tilt), so it can be used together with [Sinatra](http://github.com/sinatra/sinatra) or plain [Rack](http://github.com/rack/rack). ## Why? Within the Rails community, _Erb_ and _Haml_ are without doubt the two most popular templating engines. However, _Erb_'s syntax is cumbersome and _Haml_'s performance isn't exactly the best. Slim was born to bring a minimalist syntax approach with speed. If people chose not to use Slim, it would not be because of speed. ___Yes, Slim is speedy!___ Benchmarks are provided at the end of this README file. Alternatively, a benchmark rake task is provided so you could test it yourself (`rake bench`). ## How? Install Slim as a gem: gem install slim Include Slim in your Gemfile: gem 'slim', require: 'slim/rails' That's it! Now, just use the .slim extension and you're good to go. If you want to use the Slim template directly, you can use the Tilt interface: Tilt.new['template.slim'].render(scope) Slim::Template.new(filename, optional_option_hash).render(scope) Slim::Template.new(optional_option_hash) { source }.render(scope) ## Syntax Highlighters Syntax highlight support for __Vim__ (very beta) and __Emacs__ are included in the `extra` folder. There is also a [Textmate bundle](http://github.com/fredwu/ruby-slim-textmate-bundle). ## The syntax As a Rails developer, you might already be very familiar with _Haml_'s syntax and you think it is fantastic - until you entered the magic kingdom of _node.js_ and got introduced to _Jade_. Slim's syntax has been influenced by both _Haml_ and _Jade_. Here's a quick example to demonstrate what a Slim template looks like: ! doctype html html head title Slim Examples meta name="keywords" content="template language" body h1 Markup examples #content.example1 p Nest by indentation = yield - unless items.empty? table - for item in items do tr td = item.name td = item.price - else p No items found #footer | Copyright © 2010 Andrew Stone = render partial: 'tracking_code' script | $(content).do_something(); ## Language features ### Line indicators #### `|` > The pipe tells Slim to just copy the line. It essentially escapes any processing. #### `` ` `` or `'` > _Same as the pipe (`|`)._ #### `-` > The dash denotes control code (similar to Haml). Examples of control code are loops and conditionals. #### `=` > The equal sign tells Slim it's a Ruby call that produces output to add to the buffer (similar to Erb and Haml). #### `==` > Same as the single equal sign, but does not go through the escape_html method. #### `!` > This is a directive. Most common example: `! doctype html # renders ` #### `/` > Use the forward slash for ruby code comments - anything after it won't get displayed in the final render. ### Things to know #### Standard Ruby syntax after `-` and `=` `end` is forbidden behind `-`. Blocks are defined only by indentation. #### Can put content on same line or nest it. If you nest content (e.g. put it on the next line), start the line with a pipe (`|`) or a backtick (`` ` ``). #### Indentation matters, but it's not as strict as Haml. If you want to first indent 2 spaces, then 5 spaces, it's your choice. To nest markup you only need to indent by one space, the rest is gravy. #### If your ruby code needs to use multiple lines, append a `\` at the end of the lines, for example: = javascript_include_tag \ "jquery", \ "application"` ### Wrap attributes with delimiters If a delimiter makes the syntax more readable for you, you can use the characters {...}, (...), [...] to wrap the attributes. body h1(id="logo") = page_logo h2[id="tagline" class="small tagline"] = page_tagline ### Add content to a tag Either start on the same line as the tag body h1 id="headline" Welcome to my site. Or nest it. __Note:__ Must use a pipe or a backtick to escape processing body h1 id="headline" | Welcome to my site. ### Add content to a tag with code Can make the call on the same line body h1 id="headline" = page_headline Or nest it. body h1 id="headline" = page_headline ### Shortcut form for `id` and `class` attributes Similarly to Haml, you can specify the `id` and `class` attributes in the following shortcut form Note: the shortcut form does not evaluate ruby code body h1#headline = page_headline h2#tagline.small.tagline = page_tagline .content = show_content this is the same as body h1 id="headline" = page_headline h2 id="tagline" class="small tagline" = page_tagline div class="content" = show_content ### Set an attribute's value with a method * Alternative 1: Use parentheses (), {}, []. The code in the parentheses will be evaluated. * Alternative 2: If the code doesn't contain any spaces you can omit the parentheses. * Alternative 3: Use standard ruby interpolation #{} Attributes will always be html escaped. body table - for user in users do td id="user_#{user.id}" class=user.role a href=user_action(user, :edit) Edit #{user.name} a href={path_to_user user} = user.name ### Evaluate ruby code in text Use standard Ruby interpolation. The text will always be html escaped. body h1 Welcome #{current_user.name} to the show. To escape the interpolation (i.e. render as is) body h1 Welcome \#{current_user.name} to the show. ### Skip the html escaping Use a double equal sign body h1 id="headline" == page_headline ### Treat multiple lines of code as text that should bypass parsing Use a pipe (`|`) or backtick (`` ` ``) to start the escape. Each following line that is indented greater than the backtick is copied over. body p | This is a test of the text block. The parsed result of the above:

This is a test of the text block.

The left margin is set at the indent of the backtick + one space. Any additional spaces will be copied over. body p | This line is on the left margin. This line will have one space in front of it. This line will have two spaces in front of it. And so on... ### Add code comments Use a forward slash for ruby code comments body p / This line won't get displayed. Neither does this line. The parsed result of the above:

## Benchmarks # OS X 10.6 + Ruby 1.9.2 user system total real erb 2.200000 0.020000 2.220000 ( 2.259262) erubis 1.870000 0.010000 1.880000 ( 1.895547) fast erubis 1.870000 0.010000 1.880000 ( 1.887996) slim 10.380000 0.080000 10.460000 ( 10.543296) haml 16.250000 0.070000 16.320000 ( 16.376137) haml ugly 15.700000 0.080000 15.780000 ( 15.869233) erb (compiled) 0.820000 0.010000 0.830000 ( 0.821538) erubis (compiled) 0.680000 0.000000 0.680000 ( 0.680444) fast erubis (compiled) 0.600000 0.010000 0.610000 ( 0.605370) slim (compiled) 0.180000 0.000000 0.180000 ( 0.182536) haml (compiled) 1.800000 0.020000 1.820000 ( 1.863224) haml ugly (compiled) 1.560000 0.020000 1.580000 ( 1.602106) erb (cached) 0.120000 0.000000 0.120000 ( 0.127988) erubis (cached) 0.110000 0.000000 0.110000 ( 0.115064) fast erubis (cached) 0.120000 0.010000 0.130000 ( 0.122645) slim (cached) 0.140000 0.000000 0.140000 ( 0.134598) haml (cached) 0.660000 0.000000 0.660000 ( 0.661025) haml ugly (cached) 0.590000 0.010000 0.600000 ( 0.602522) ## Authors * [Andrew Stone](http://github.com/stonean) * [Fred Wu](http://github.com/fredwu) * [Daniel Mendler](http://github.com/minad) ## Discuss [Google Group](http://groups.google.com/group/slim-template) ## Slim related projects * [Textmate bundle](http://github.com/fredwu/ruby-slim-textmate-bundle) * [Rails 3 Generators](http://github.com/leogalmeida/slim-rails) * [Slim for Clojure](http://github.com/chaslemley/slim.clj)