#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Created by Luke Kanies on 2007-10-18. # Copyright (c) 2007. All rights reserved. describe "Puppet::FileServing::Files", :shared => true do it "should use the rest terminus when the 'puppet' URI scheme is used and a host name is present" do uri = "puppet://myhost/fakemod/my/file" # It appears that the mocking somehow interferes with the caching subsystem. # This mock somehow causes another terminus to get generated. term = @indirection.terminus(:rest) @indirection.stubs(:terminus).with(:rest).returns term term.expects(:find) @test_class.find(uri) end it "should use the rest terminus when the 'puppet' URI scheme is used, no host name is present, and the process name is not 'puppet'" do uri = "puppet:///fakemod/my/file" Puppet.settings.stubs(:value).returns "foo" Puppet.settings.stubs(:value).with(:name).returns("puppetd") Puppet.settings.stubs(:value).with(:modulepath).returns("") @indirection.terminus(:rest).expects(:find) @test_class.find(uri) end it "should use the file_server terminus when the 'puppet' URI scheme is used, no host name is present, and the process name is 'puppet'" do uri = "puppet:///fakemod/my/file" Puppet::Node::Environment.stubs(:new).returns(stub("env", :name => "testing", :module => nil)) Puppet.settings.stubs(:value).returns "" Puppet.settings.stubs(:value).with(:name).returns("puppet") Puppet.settings.stubs(:value).with(:fileserverconfig).returns("/whatever") @indirection.terminus(:file_server).expects(:find) @indirection.terminus(:file_server).stubs(:authorized?).returns(true) @test_class.find(uri) end it "should use the file terminus when the 'file' URI scheme is used" do uri = "file:///fakemod/my/file" @indirection.terminus(:file).expects(:find) @test_class.find(uri) end it "should use the file terminus when a fully qualified path is provided" do uri = "/fakemod/my/file" @indirection.terminus(:file).expects(:find) @test_class.find(uri) end it "should use the configuration to test whether the request is allowed" do uri = "fakemod/my/file" mount = mock 'mount' config = stub 'configuration', :split_path => [mount, "eh"] @indirection.terminus(:file_server).stubs(:configuration).returns config @indirection.terminus(:file_server).expects(:find) mount.expects(:allowed?).returns(true) @test_class.find(uri, :node => "foo", :ip => "bar") end end