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Feature: Create a basic rest client that can get, put, post, and delete
- Scenario: client uses an Accept header for a GET
Given I have a web service
And I have "GET" service for "/test" with the following headers
Accept application/json
And I am a rest client
When I have the following header
Accept application/json
And I "GET" from the web service
Then I receive the expected message
- Scenario: client uses an Accept and a Content-Type header for a POST
Given I have a web service
And I have "POST" service for "/test" with the following headers
Content-Type application/json
Accept application/json
And I am a rest client
When I have the following header
Content-Type application/json
Accept application/json
And I "POST" to the web service with the following
  {"Question": "What is the meaning of life?"}
Then I receive the expected message
- Scenario: client uses basic authentication
Given I have a web service
And I have "GET" service for "/test" for user "test" and password "rest"
And I am a rest client
And I have basic auth for user "test" and password "rest"
And I "GET" from the web service
Then I receive the expected message
- Scenario: client uses a secure web server
Given I have a secure web service
And I have "GET" service for "/test" for user "test" and password "rest"
And I am a rest client
And I have basic auth for user "test" and password "rest"
And I "GET" from the web service
Then I receive the expected message