# NOTE: a lot of the stuff in this file is duplicated in the "puppet_spec_helper" in the project # puppetlabs_spec_helper. We should probably eat our own dog food and get rid of most of this from here, # and have the puppet core itself use puppetlabs_spec_helper dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(dir, 'lib') # Don't want puppet getting the command line arguments for rake ARGV.clear begin require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError end require 'puppet' # Stub out gettext's `_` and `n_()` methods, which attempt to load translations. # Several of our mocks (mostly around file system interaction) are broken by # FastGettext's implementation of these methods. require 'puppet/gettext/stubs' require 'rspec' require 'rspec/its' # So everyone else doesn't have to include this base constant. module PuppetSpec FIXTURE_DIR = File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "fixtures") unless defined?(FIXTURE_DIR) end require 'pathname' require 'tmpdir' require 'fileutils' require 'puppet_spec/verbose' require 'puppet_spec/files' require 'puppet_spec/settings' require 'puppet_spec/fixtures' require 'puppet_spec/matchers' require 'puppet_spec/unindent' require 'puppet/test/test_helper' Pathname.glob("#{dir}/shared_contexts/*.rb") do |file| require file.relative_path_from(Pathname.new(dir)) end Pathname.glob("#{dir}/shared_behaviours/**/*.rb") do |behaviour| require behaviour.relative_path_from(Pathname.new(dir)) end Pathname.glob("#{dir}/shared_examples/**/*.rb") do |behaviour| require behaviour.relative_path_from(Pathname.new(dir)) end require 'webmock/rspec' require 'vcr' VCR.configure do |vcr| vcr.cassette_library_dir = File.expand_path('vcr/cassettes', PuppetSpec::FIXTURE_DIR) vcr.hook_into :webmock vcr.configure_rspec_metadata! # Uncomment next line to debug vcr # vcr.debug_logger = $stderr end # Disable VCR by default VCR.turn_off! RSpec.configure do |config| include PuppetSpec::Fixtures exclude_filters = {} exclude_filters[:benchmark] = true unless ENV['BENCHMARK'] config.filter_run_excluding exclude_filters config.filter_run_when_matching :focus config.mock_with :rspec do |mocks| mocks.verify_partial_doubles = true end tmpdir = Puppet::FileSystem.expand_path(Dir.mktmpdir("rspecrun")) oldtmpdir = Puppet::FileSystem.expand_path(Dir.tmpdir()) ENV['TMPDIR'] = tmpdir Puppet::Test::TestHelper.initialize config.before :all do Puppet::Test::TestHelper.before_all_tests() if ENV['PROFILE'] == 'all' require 'ruby-prof' RubyProf.start end end config.after :all do if ENV['PROFILE'] == 'all' require 'ruby-prof' result = RubyProf.stop printer = RubyProf::CallTreePrinter.new(result) open(File.join(ENV['PROFILEOUT'],"callgrind.all.#{Time.now.to_i}.trace"), "w") do |f| printer.print(f) end end Puppet::Test::TestHelper.after_all_tests() end config.before :each do |test| # Disabling garbage collection inside each test, and only running it at # the end of each block, gives us an ~ 15 percent speedup, and more on # some platforms *cough* windows *cough* that are a little slower. GC.disable # TODO: in a more sane world, we'd move this logging redirection into our TestHelper class. # Without doing so, external projects will all have to roll their own solution for # redirecting logging, and for validating expected log messages. However, because the # current implementation of this involves creating an instance variable "@logs" on # EVERY SINGLE TEST CLASS, and because there are over 1300 tests that are written to expect # this instance variable to be available--we can't easily solve this problem right now. # # redirecting logging away from console, because otherwise the test output will be # obscured by all of the log output @logs = [] Puppet::Util::Log.close_all if ENV["PUPPET_TEST_LOG_LEVEL"] Puppet::Util::Log.level = ENV["PUPPET_TEST_LOG_LEVEL"].intern end if ENV["PUPPET_TEST_LOG"] Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination(ENV["PUPPET_TEST_LOG"]) m = test.metadata Puppet.notice("*** BEGIN TEST #{m[:file_path]}:#{m[:line_number]}") end Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination(Puppet::Test::LogCollector.new(@logs)) @log_level = Puppet::Util::Log.level base = PuppetSpec::Files.tmpdir('tmp_settings') Puppet[:vardir] = File.join(base, 'var') Puppet[:publicdir] = File.join(base, 'public') Puppet[:confdir] = File.join(base, 'etc') Puppet[:codedir] = File.join(base, 'code') Puppet[:logdir] = "$vardir/log" Puppet[:rundir] = "$vardir/run" Puppet[:hiera_config] = File.join(base, 'hiera') FileUtils.mkdir_p Puppet[:statedir] FileUtils.mkdir_p Puppet[:publicdir] Puppet::Test::TestHelper.before_each_test() end # Facter 2 uses two versions of the GCE API, so match using regex PUPPET_FACTER_2_GCE_URL = %r{^http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1(beta1)?}.freeze PUPPET_FACTER_3_GCE_URL = "http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/?recursive=true&alt=json".freeze # Facter azure metadata endpoint PUPPET_FACTER_AZ_URL = "" # Facter EC2 endpoint PUPPET_FACTER_EC2_METADATA = '' PUPPET_FACTER_EC2_USERDATA = '' config.around :each do |example| # Ignore requests from Facter to external services stub_request(:get, PUPPET_FACTER_2_GCE_URL) stub_request(:get, PUPPET_FACTER_3_GCE_URL) stub_request(:get, PUPPET_FACTER_AZ_URL) stub_request(:get, PUPPET_FACTER_EC2_METADATA) stub_request(:get, PUPPET_FACTER_EC2_USERDATA) # Enable VCR if the example is tagged with `:vcr` metadata. if example.metadata[:vcr] VCR.turn_on! begin example.run ensure VCR.turn_off! end else example.run end end config.after :each do Puppet::Test::TestHelper.after_each_test() # TODO: would like to move this into puppetlabs_spec_helper, but there are namespace issues at the moment. allow(Dir).to receive(:entries).and_call_original PuppetSpec::Files.cleanup # TODO: this should be abstracted in the future--see comments above the '@logs' block in the # "before" code above. # # clean up after the logging changes that we made before each test. @logs.clear Puppet::Util::Log.close_all Puppet::Util::Log.level = @log_level # This will perform a GC between tests, but only if actually required. We # experimented with forcing a GC run, and that was less efficient than # just letting it run all the time. GC.enable end config.after :suite do # Log the spec order to a file, but only if the LOG_SPEC_ORDER environment variable is # set. This should be enabled on Jenkins runs, as it can be used with Nick L.'s bisect # script to help identify and debug order-dependent spec failures. if ENV['LOG_SPEC_ORDER'] File.open("./spec_order.txt", "w") do |logfile| config.instance_variable_get(:@files_to_run).each { |f| logfile.puts f } end end # return to original tmpdir ENV['TMPDIR'] = oldtmpdir FileUtils.rm_rf(tmpdir) end if ENV['PROFILE'] require 'ruby-prof' def profile result = RubyProf.profile { yield } name = RSpec.current_example.metadata[:full_description].downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9_-]/, "-").gsub(/-+/, "-") printer = RubyProf::CallTreePrinter.new(result) open(File.join(ENV['PROFILEOUT'],"callgrind.#{name}.#{Time.now.to_i}.trace"), "w") do |f| printer.print(f) end end config.around(:each) do |example| if ENV['PROFILE'] == 'each' or (example.metadata[:profile] and ENV['PROFILE']) profile { example.run } else example.run end end end end