OER Recommender - Register a Collection

<%= error_messages_for :feed %> <% form_for(:feed, :url => "/feeds", :html => {:onsubmit => "return validate()"}) do |f| %>

<%= f.text_field :title, :size => 100 %>

Short Title (this will be appended to resource titles)
<%= f.text_field :short_title, {:maxlength => 30, :size => 30} %>

Repository Title
<%= f.text_field :harvested_from_title, :size => 100 %>

Repository Short Title
<%= f.text_field :harvested_from_short_title, {:maxlength => 30, :size => 30} %>

Address of the Collection Metadata
<%= f.text_field :uri, :size => 100 %>

Address of the Collection Home Page
<%= f.text_field :display_uri, :size => 100 %>

Type of Metadata:
If you specify OAI, you must specify the full url to the ListRecords request (not just the OAI endpoint)

Collection Description
<%= f.text_field :description, :size => 100 %>

How Often to Harvest the Collection
<%= select :feed, "refresh_interval_hours", [["Once a day", "24"], ["Once a week", "168"], ["Once a month", "672"]] %>

<%= submit_tag "Add Collection" %>

<% end %>