# frozen_string_literal: true module Spotlight ## # Featured images for browse categories, feature pages, and exhibits class FeaturedImage < ActiveRecord::Base mount_uploader :image, Spotlight::FeaturedImageUploader before_validation do next unless upload_id.present? && source == 'remote' # copy the image from the temp upload temp_image = Spotlight::TemporaryImage.find(upload_id) self.image = CarrierWave::SanitizedFile.new tempfile: StringIO.new(temp_image.image.read), filename: temp_image.image.filename || temp_image.image.identifier, content_type: temp_image.image.content_type # Unset the incoming iiif_tilesource, which points at the temp image self.iiif_tilesource = nil end after_commit do # Clean up the temporary image Spotlight::TemporaryImage.find(upload_id).delete if upload_id.present? end after_save do if image.present? image.cache! unless image.cached? image.store! end end after_save :bust_containing_resource_caches attr_accessor :upload_id def iiif_url return if iiif_service_base.blank? [iiif_service_base, iiif_region || 'full', image_size.join(','), '0', 'default.jpg'].join('/') end # This is used to fetch images given the URL field in the CSV uploads # If the image is local, this step will fail, which is okay since the only # consumer is CSV uploads and the URL is intended to be remote def remote_image_url=(url) super url unless url.starts_with? '/' end def document return unless document_global_id && source == 'exhibit' @document = nil if @document && document_global_id != @document.to_global_id.to_s @document ||= GlobalID::Locator.locate document_global_id rescue Blacklight::Exceptions::RecordNotFound => e Rails.logger.info("Exception fetching record by id: #{document_global_id}") Rails.logger.info(e) nil end def file_present? image.file.present? end def iiif_tilesource if self[:iiif_tilesource] self[:iiif_tilesource] elsif file_present? Spotlight::Engine.config.iiif_service.info_url(self) end end # Include a hashed updated_at timestamp in the parameter key to bust any # browser caching. def to_param "#{id}-#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(updated_at.iso8601)}" end private def image_size Spotlight::Engine.config.featured_image_thumb_size end def iiif_service_base iiif_tilesource&.sub('/info.json', '') end # This is an unfortunate work-around because: # - when this instance is updated through accepts_nested_attributes_for on a parent model, # the parent model is not necessarily updated (to bust caches, etc) # - this model doesn't have an association back to where it is being used # - these images can be used by multiple model instances (e.g. various translations of a feature page) # - this model is used by different types of models (polymorphic use), so belongs_to/has_many doesn't help # - potentially a problem with https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/26726 # # Ideally, we might create a join table to connect this model to where it is used, but 🤷‍♂️ # Instead, we check each place this might be used and touch it def bust_containing_resource_caches if Rails.version > '6' Spotlight::Search.where(thumbnail: self).or(Spotlight::Search.where(masthead: self)).touch_all Spotlight::Page.where(thumbnail: self).touch_all Spotlight::Exhibit.where(thumbnail: self).or(Spotlight::Exhibit.where(masthead: self)).touch_all Spotlight::Contact.where(avatar: self).touch_all Spotlight::Resources::Upload.where(upload: self).touch_all else bust_containing_resource_caches_rails5 end end # Rails 5 doesn't support touch_all. def bust_containing_resource_caches_rails5 Spotlight::Search.where(thumbnail: self).or(Spotlight::Search.where(masthead: self)).find_each(&:touch) Spotlight::Page.where(thumbnail: self).find_each(&:touch) Spotlight::Exhibit.where(thumbnail: self).or(Spotlight::Exhibit.where(masthead: self)).find_each(&:touch) Spotlight::Contact.where(avatar: self).find_each(&:touch) Spotlight::Resources::Upload.where(upload: self).find_each(&:touch) end end end