#!/usr/bin/env ruby #^syntax detection node 'vagrant' do provider TestLab::Provider::Vagrant provisioners [ TestLab::Provisioner::Raring, TestLab::Provisioner::AptCacherNG, TestLab::Provisioner::Bind, TestLab::Provisioner::Resolv ] config ({ :vagrant => { :id => "test-cucumber-#{TestLab.hostname}".downcase, :cpus => ZTK::Parallel::MAX_FORKS.div(2), # use half of the available processors :memory => ZTK::Parallel::MAX_MEMORY.div(3).div(1024 * 1024), # use a third of available RAM :box => 'raring64', :box_url => 'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/22904185/boxes/raring64.box', :file => File.dirname(__FILE__) } }) network 'labnet' do provisioners [ TestLab::Provisioner::Bind ] address '' bridge 'br0' end container "test-server" do distro "ubuntu" release "precise" provisioners [ TestLab::Provisioner::Resolv, TestLab::Provisioner::AptCacherNG, TestLab::Provisioner::Apt ] user do username 'deployer' password 'deployer' identity File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.ssh', 'id_rsa') public_identity File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.ssh', 'id_rsa.pub') uid 2600 gid 2600 end interface do network_id 'labnet' name 'eth0' address '' mac '00:00:5e:63:b5:9f' end interface do network_id 'labnet' name 'eth1' address '' mac '00:00:5e:63:b5:9e' end end end