# Copyright (c) 2010 The Mirah project authors. All Rights Reserved. # All contributing project authors may be found in the NOTICE file. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'rake' require 'rake/testtask' require 'rubygems' require 'rubygems/package_task' require 'bundler/setup' require 'java' require 'jruby/compiler' require 'ant' Gem::PackageTask.new Gem::Specification.load('mirah.gemspec') do |pkg| pkg.need_zip = true pkg.need_tar = true end bitescript_lib_dir = File.dirname Gem.find_files('bitescript').first task :gem => 'jar:bootstrap' task :default => :test def run_tests tests results = tests.map do |name| begin Rake.application[name].invoke rescue Exception end end tests.zip(results).each do |name, passed| unless passed puts "Errors in #{name}" end end fail if results.any?{|passed|!passed} end desc "run full test suite" task :test do run_tests [ 'test:core', 'test:plugins', 'test:jvm' ] end namespace :test do desc "run the core tests" Rake::TestTask.new :core do |t| t.test_files = FileList["test/core/**/test*.rb"] java.lang.System.set_property("jruby.duby.enabled", "true") end desc "run tests for plugins" Rake::TestTask.new :plugins do |t| t.libs << 'test' t.test_files = FileList["test/plugins/**/test*.rb"] java.lang.System.set_property("jruby.duby.enabled", "true") end desc "run jvm tests, both bytecode and java source" task :jvm do run_tests ["test:jvm:bytecode", "test:jvm:javac"] end namespace :jvm do desc "run jvm tests compiling to bytecode" Rake::TestTask.new :bytecode do |t| t.libs << 'test/jvm' t.ruby_opts.concat ["-r", "bytecode_test_helper"] t.test_files = FileList["test/jvm/**/test*.rb"] java.lang.System.set_property("jruby.duby.enabled", "true") end desc "run jvm tests compiling to java source, then bytecode" Rake::TestTask.new :javac do |t| t.libs << 'test/jvm' t.ruby_opts.concat ["-r", "javac_test_helper"] t.test_files = FileList["test/jvm/**/test*.rb"] java.lang.System.set_property("jruby.duby.enabled", "true") end end end task :init do mkdir_p 'dist' mkdir_p 'build' end desc "clean up build artifacts" task :clean do ant.delete :quiet => true, :dir => 'build' ant.delete :quiet => true, :dir => 'dist' end task :compile => :init do require 'mirah' # build the Ruby sources puts "Compiling Ruby sources" JRuby::Compiler.compile_argv([ '-t', 'build', '--javac', 'src/org/mirah/mirah_command.rb' ]) # build the Mirah sources puts "Compiling Mirah sources" Dir.chdir 'src' do classpath = Mirah::Env.encode_paths([ 'javalib/jruby-complete.jar', 'javalib/JRubyParser.jar', 'build', '/usr/share/ant/lib/ant.jar' ]) Mirah.compile( '-c', classpath, '-d', '../build', '--jvm', '1.6', 'org/mirah', 'duby/lang', 'mirah' ) end # compile invokedynamic stuff ant.javac :destdir => 'build', :srcdir => 'src', :includes => 'org/mirah/DynalangBootstrap.java', :classpath => 'javalib/dynalink-0.1.jar:javalib/jsr292-mock.jar' end desc "build basic jar for distribution" task :jar => :compile do ant.jar :jarfile => 'dist/mirah.jar' do fileset :dir => 'lib' fileset :dir => 'build' fileset :dir => '.', :includes => 'bin/*' fileset :dir => bitescript_lib_dir manifest do attribute :name => 'Main-Class', :value => 'org.mirah.MirahCommand' end end end namespace :jar do desc "build self-contained, complete jar" task :complete => :jar do ant.jar :jarfile => 'dist/mirah-complete.jar' do zipfileset :src => 'dist/mirah.jar' zipfileset :src => 'javalib/jruby-complete.jar' zipfileset :src => 'javalib/mirah-parser.jar' zipfileset :src => 'javalib/dynalink-0.2.jar' manifest do attribute :name => 'Main-Class', :value => 'org.mirah.MirahCommand' end end end desc "build bootstrap jar used by the gem" task :bootstrap => :compile do ant.jar :jarfile => 'javalib/mirah-bootstrap.jar' do fileset :dir => 'build' end end end desc "Build a distribution zip file" task :zip => 'jar:complete' do basedir = "tmp/mirah-#{Mirah::VERSION}" mkdir_p "#{basedir}/lib" mkdir_p "#{basedir}/bin" cp 'dist/mirah-complete.jar', "#{basedir}/lib" cp 'distbin/mirah.bash', "#{basedir}/bin/mirah" cp 'distbin/mirahc.bash', "#{basedir}/bin/mirahc" cp Dir['{distbin/*.bat}'], "#{basedir}/bin/" cp_r 'examples', "#{basedir}/examples" rm_rf "#{basedir}/examples/wiki" cp 'README.txt', "#{basedir}" cp 'NOTICE', "#{basedir}" cp 'LICENSE', "#{basedir}" cp 'History.txt', "#{basedir}" sh "sh -c 'cd tmp ; zip -r ../dist/mirah-#{Mirah::VERSION}.zip mirah-#{Mirah::VERSION}/*'" rm_rf 'tmp' end desc "Build all redistributable files" task :dist => [:gem, :zip]