require 'bio-velvet' require 'bio' require 'pry' class Bio::FinishM::GraphGenerator include Bio::FinishM::Logging DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :velvet_kmer_size => 51, :assembly_coverage_cutoff => 3.5, } def add_options(option_parser, options) options.merge!(DEFAULT_OPTIONS) option_parser.on("--assembly-kmer NUMBER", "when assembling, use this kmer length [default: #{options[:velvet_kmer_size] }]") do |arg| options[:velvet_kmer_size] = arg.to_i end option_parser.on("--assembly-coverage-cutoff NUMBER", "Require this much coverage in each node, all other nodes are removed [default: #{options[:assembly_coverage_cutoff] }]") do |arg| options[:assembly_coverage_cutoff] = arg.to_f end option_parser.on("--post-assembly-coverage-cutoff NUMBER", "Require this much coverage in each node, implemented after assembly [default: not used]") do |arg| options[:post_assembly_coverage_cutoff] = arg.to_f end option_parser.on("--velvet-directory PATH", "Output assembly intermediate files to this directory [default: use temporary directory, delete afterwards]") do |arg| options[:output_assembly_path] = arg end option_parser.on("--already-assembled-velvet-directory PATH", "If an assembly directory has been specified previously with --velvet-directory, re-use this assembly rather than re-doing the assembly [default: off]") do |arg| options[:previous_assembly] = arg end end # Generate a ProbedGraph object, given one or more 'probe sequences' # and metagenomic reads. This is a rather large method, but seems to # be approximately repeated in different applications of FinishM, so # creating it for DRY purposes. # # probe_sequences: DNA sequences (as String objects whose direction points to the outsides of contigs) # read_inputs: a ReadInput object, containing the information to feed to velveth # # options: # :probe_reads: a list of sequence numbers (numbering as per velvet Sequence file) # :probe_read_names: a list of sequence names (not IDs) that are probes (convert the names to IDs using the CnyUnifiedSeqNames file). There may not be a one to one correspondence of these read names and the probe reads returned in the ProbedGraph since reads can map to multiple sequence IDs. # :velvet_kmer_size: kmer # :assembly_coverage_cutoff: coverage cutoff for nodes # :post_assembly_coverage_cutoff: apply this coverage cutoff to nodes after parsing assembly # :output_assembly_path: write assembly to this directory # :previous_assembly: a velvet directory from a previous run of the same probe sequences and reads. (Don't re-assemble) # :use_textual_sequence_file: by default, a binary sequence file is used. Set this true to get velvet to generate the Sequences file # :remove_unconnected_nodes: delete nodes from the graph that are not connected to the probe nodes # :graph_search_leash_length: when :remove_unconnected_nodes'ing, use this leash length # :dont_parse_noded_reads: if true, skip parsing noded reads (ie the positions of the reads in the graph) # :dont_parse_reads: if true, skip parsing reads (ie the sequences of the reads themselves) def generate_graph(probe_sequences, read_inputs, options={}) options[:parse_sequence_file] ||= true graph = nil read_probing_graph = nil finishm_graph = log.debug "Options for generate_graph: #{options}" if log.debug? velvet_binary_folder = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','..','ext','src') log.debug "Using velvet binary folder #{velvet_binary_folder}" if log.debug? velvet_result = nil probe_read_ids = nil if options[:probe_reads] probe_read_ids = options[:probe_reads] else probe_read_ids = end if options[:previous_assembly].nil? #If assembly has not already been carried out'probes.fa') do |tempfile| 50.times do # Do 50 times to make sure that velvet doesn't throw out parts of the graph that contain this contig probe_sequences.each_with_index do |probe, i| tempfile.puts ">probe#{i}" tempfile.puts probe end end tempfile.close singles = read_inputs.fasta_singles if singles and !singles.empty? read_inputs.fasta_singles = [tempfile.path, singles].flatten else read_inputs.fasta_singles = [tempfile.path] end log.debug "Inputting probes into the assembly:\n#{}" if log.debug? runner = required_version = '1.2.10-wwood_finishm' found_version = runner.binary_version(File.join(velvet_binary_folder, 'velveth')) if found_version != required_version raise "Detected velvet version incompatible with FinishM: #{found_version}, expected #{required_version} which is available from (on branch less_clipping)" end "Assembling sampled reads with velvet" raise "Need to specify -cov_cutoff" if options[:assembly_coverage_cutoff].nil? raise "Need to specify a kmer size" if options[:velvet_kmer_size].nil? # Bit of a hack, but have to use -short1 as the anchors because then start and end anchors will have node IDs 1,2,... etc. use_binary = options[:use_textual_sequence_file] ? '' : '-create_binary' velvet_result = runner.velvet( options[:velvet_kmer_size], "#{read_inputs.velvet_read_arguments} #{use_binary}", "-read_trkg yes -cov_cutoff #{options[:assembly_coverage_cutoff] } -tour_bus no -read_to_node_binary yes", :output_assembly_path => options[:output_assembly_path], :velveth_path => File.join(velvet_binary_folder, 'velveth'), :velvetg_path => File.join(velvet_binary_folder, 'velvetg'), ) if log.debug? log.debug "velveth stdout: #{velvet_result.velveth_stdout}" log.debug "velveth stderr: #{velvet_result.velveth_stderr}" log.debug "velvetg stdout: #{velvet_result.velvetg_stdout}" log.debug "velvetg stderr: #{velvet_result.velvetg_stderr}" end "Finished running assembly" finishm_graph.velvet_result_directory = velvet_result.result_directory end else "Using previous assembly stored in #{options[:previous_assembly] }" velvet_result = velvet_result.result_directory = options[:previous_assembly] finishm_graph.velvet_result_directory = velvet_result.result_directory end # Check that the probe reads given are present in the assembly passed here unless options[:dont_parse_reads] sequence_store = parse_velvet_binary_reads(velvet_result.result_directory) finishm_graph.velvet_sequences = sequence_store if !check_probe_sequences(probe_sequences, sequence_store) raise "Probe sequences changed since previous velvet assembly!" end end "Parsing the graph output from velvet" opts = { # noded reads are parsed in via C, if they are wanted at all :dont_parse_noded_reads => true } bio_velvet_graph = Bio::Velvet::Graph.parse_from_file( File.join(velvet_result.result_directory, 'LastGraph'), opts ) "Finished parsing graph: found #{bio_velvet_graph.nodes.length} nodes and #{bio_velvet_graph.arcs.length} arcs" if options[:dont_parse_noded_reads] graph = bio_velvet_graph else "Beginning parse of graph using velvet's parsing C code.." read_probing_graph = Bio::Velvet::Underground::Graph.parse_from_file File.join(velvet_result.result_directory, 'LastGraph') "Completed velvet code parsing velvet graph" # Make the two graphs into a hybrid one graph =, read_probing_graph) end finishm_graph.graph = graph # Find the anchor nodes again anchor_sequence_ids = probe_read_ids.to_a.sort endings = [] unless probe_read_ids.empty? and options[:probe_read_names].nil? #don't bother trying to find probes if none exists # Convert read names to read IDs if required if options[:probe_read_names] # Probe reads are given as names, not IDs. What are the corresponding probes then? entries = Bio::Velvet::CnyUnifiedSeqNamesFile.extract_entries_using_grep_hack( File.join(velvet_result.result_directory, 'CnyUnifiedSeq.names'), options[:probe_read_names] ) anchor_sequence_ids = [] double_counts = 0 options[:probe_read_names].each do |name| #maintain order of them as they are specified in the original array parameter if entries[name].empty? raise "Unable to find probe `#{name}' in the probe reads file - was it included in the assembly?" elsif entries[name].length > 2 raise "Found >2 sequences named #{name} in the assembly, being conservative and not continuing" else entries[name].each do |res| anchor_sequence_ids.push res.read_id end if entries[name].length == 2 double_counts += 1 log.debug "Found 2 sequences for #{name}" if log.debug? end end end if double_counts > 0 "#{double_counts} reads were found twice (likely as pairs), including both as probes" end "Recovered #{anchor_sequence_ids.length} sequences using their names" if end # Parse the read to node structure "Reading ReadToNode.bin file.." if finishm_graph.read_to_nodes =, 'ReadToNode.bin')) finder = "Finding probe nodes in the assembly" c_graph_endings = finder.find_probes_from_read_to_node(finishm_graph.graph, finishm_graph.read_to_nodes, anchor_sequence_ids) log.debug "Converting probe nodes found in C graph to Ruby analogues and adding to Ruby-parsed graph" endings = c_graph_endings.collect do |node_direction_read| if node_direction_read.empty? # No probe found [] else #found a node. #equivalent node node = graph.nodes[node_direction_read[0].node_id] #equivalent direction direction = node_direction_read[1] #equivalent noded read nr = # nr.read_id = read_id # nr.offset_from_start_of_node = row[1].to_i # nr.start_coord = row[2].to_i # nr.direction = current_node_direction cnr = node_direction_read[2] nr.read_id = cnr.read_id nr.offset_from_start_of_node = cnr.offset_from_start_of_node nr.start_coord = cnr.start_coord nr.direction = direction # collect [node, direction, nr] end end end finishm_graph.probe_nodes = endings.collect{|array| array[0]} finishm_graph.probe_node_directions = endings.collect{|array| array[1]} finishm_graph.probe_node_reads = endings.collect{|array| array[2]} # Check to make sure the probe sequences map to nodes in the graph if finishm_graph.completely_probed? if found_all = true num_found = 0 finishm_graph.probe_nodes.each_with_index do |probe,i| if probe.nil? found_all = false log.debug "Unable to recover probe ##{i+1}, perhaps this will cause problems, but proceding optimistically" else num_found += 1 end end if found_all if finishm_graph.probe_nodes.empty? log.debug "No probes specified, so didn't find any" else "Found all anchoring nodes in the graph." end else "Found #{num_found} of #{finishm_graph.probe_nodes.length} anchoring nodes in the graph, ignoring the rest" end end else raise "Unable to find all anchor reads from the assembly, cannot continue. This is probably an error with this script, not you. Probes not found: #{finishm_graph.missing_probe_indices.inspect}" end if options[:post_assembly_coverage_cutoff] "Removing nodes with coverage < #{options[:post_assembly_coverage_cutoff] } from graph.." original_num_nodes = graph.nodes.length original_num_arcs = graph.arcs.length filter = filter.remove_low_coverage_nodes(graph, options[:post_assembly_coverage_cutoff], :whitelisted_sequences => ) "Removed #{original_num_nodes-graph.nodes.length} nodes and #{original_num_arcs-graph.arcs.length} arcs, leaving #{graph.nodes.length} nodes and #{graph.arcs.length} arcs." end if options[:remove_unconnected_nodes] if options[:graph_search_leash_length] "Removing nodes unconnected to probe nodes from the graph using leash #{options[:graph_search_leash_length] }.." else "Removing nodes unconnected to probe nodes from the graph without using a leash.." end original_num_nodes = graph.nodes.length original_num_arcs = graph.arcs.length filter = filter.remove_unconnected_nodes( graph, finishm_graph.probe_nodes.reject{|n| n.nil?}, :leash_length => options[:graph_search_leash_length] ) "Removed #{original_num_nodes-graph.nodes.length} nodes and #{original_num_arcs-graph.arcs.length} arcs, leaving #{graph.nodes.length} nodes and #{graph.arcs.length} arcs." end return finishm_graph end # Read in the reads from a velvet result def parse_velvet_binary_reads(velvet_result_directory) sequences_file_path = File.join velvet_result_directory, 'CnyUnifiedSeq' "Reading in the actual sequences of all reads from #{sequences_file_path}" sequences = sequences_file_path "Read in #{sequences.length} sequences" return sequences end # When re-using an assembly, sometimes need to make # sure that the probe sequences used previously are the same # as what is given this time. Given am Array of probe sequences # and a binary_sequence_file, check the probe sequences are the # consistent. def check_probe_sequences(probe_sequences, sequence_store) return true if probe_sequences.nil? probe_sequences.each_with_index do |probe, i| log.debug "Checking probe sequence \##{i+1}" if log.debug? if sequence_store[i+1].upcase != probe.upcase log.error "Probe sequence \##{i+1} has changed - perhaps the wrong velvet assembly directory was specified, or a fresh assembly is required?" return false end end log.debug "Presence of #{probe_sequences.length} probe sequences verified" return true end end