= is_taggable At last, a short and sweet tagging implementation that you can easily modify and extend. Most of the plugins out there are on steroids or messing directly with SQL, a known gateway drug. We wanted a more sober plugin that would handle new functionality without breaking a sweat. Some plugins had minimal or no tests *gasp*. They were so messed up that operating would likely cause internal bleeding. So, we crafted the plugin we needed with the functionality we were looking for: tag kinds. It's small and healthy. So, it should be a good base to build on. == Usage After generating the migration: $ script/generate is_taggable_migration $ rake db:migrate All you need is the 'is_taggable' declaration in your models: class User < ActiveRecord::Base is_taggable :tags, :languages end In your forms, add a text fields for "tag_list" and/or "language_list" (matching the example model above): <%= f.text_field :tag_list %> Calling is_taggable with any arguments defaults to a tag_list. Instantiating our polyglot user is easy: User.new :tag_list => "rails, giraffesoft", :language_list => "english, french, spanish, latin, esperanto, tlhIngan Hol" A comma is the default tag separator, but this can be easily changed: IsTaggable::TagList.delimiter = " " You can also set options on the tags. The only option currently supported is :fixed. If you set :fixed => true, tags will not be added to a taggable model unless you explicitly create a Tag record. This is for tagging with fixed vocabularies. class User < ActiveRecord::Base is_taggable :tags, :fixed => true end == Get it $ sudo gem install bdimcheff-is_taggable -s http://gems.github.com As a rails gem dependency: config.gem 'bdimcheff-is_taggable', :lib => 'is_taggable' Or get the source from github: $ git clone git://github.com/bdimcheff/is_taggable.git (or fork it at http://github.com/bdimcheff/is_taggable) == Credits is_taggable was created, and is maintained by Daniel Haran and James Golick. Brandon Dimcheff added fixed tag vocabulary support. == License is_taggable is available under the MIT License