# frozen_string_literal: true # Methods to display Jekyll variable contents module Dumpers # See https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/blob/master/lib/jekyll/collection.rb # attr_reader :site, :label, :metadata # attr_writer :docs # Metadata is a hash with at least these keys: output[Boolean], permalink[String] # selected methods: collection_dir, directory, entries, exists?, files, filtered_entries, relative_directory def collection_as_string(collection, indent_spaces) indent = " " * indent_spaces result = <<~END_COLLECTION '#{collection.label}' collection within '#{collection.relative_directory}' subdirectory #{indent}Directory: #{collection.directory} #{indent}Does the directory exist and is it not a symlink if in safe mode? #{collection.exists?} #{indent}Collection_dir: #{collection.collection_dir} #{indent}Metadata: #{collection.metadata} #{indent}Static files: #{collection.files} #{indent}Filtered entries: #{collection.filtered_entries} END_COLLECTION result.chomp end def count_lines(string) return string.split("\n").length if string 0 end # Calling value.to_s blows up when a Jekyll::Excerpt # Error message is unrelated to the problem, makes it hard to track down # Be careful when converting values to string! def safe_to_s(value) return value.content if value.is_a? Jekyll::Excerpt value.to_s rescue StandardError => e e.message end # @param msg[String] # @param document[Jekyll:Document] https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/blob/master/lib/jekyll/document.rb # attr_reader :path, :extname, :collection, :type; :site is too big to dump here, we already have it anyway # Selected methods: date def dump_document(logger, msg, document) attributes = attributes_as_string(document, [:@path, :@extname, :@type]) data = document.data.map { |k, v| " #{k} = #{safe_to_s(v)}" } logger.info do <<~END_DOC #{msg} document dated #{document.date.to_date}: relative_path: #{document.relative_path}: #{attributes.join("\n")} Is it a draft? #{document.draft?} collection = #{collection_as_string(document.collection, 4)} content not dumped because it would likely be too long site not dumped also data: #{data.join("\n ").rstrip.chomp} END_DOC end end # @param msg[String] # @param page[Jekyll:Page] https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/blob/master/lib/jekyll/page.rb # attr_accessor :basename, :content, :data, :ext, :name, :output, :pager, :site # Selected methods: dir, excerpt, path, permalink, url def dump_page(logger, msg, page) attributes = attributes_as_string(page, [:@basename, :@ext, :@name]) # site = page.site available if you need it data = page.data.map { |k, v| " #{k} = #{v}" } logger.info do <<~END_PAGE #{msg}\n page at #{page.dir}: #{attributes.join("\n")} Is it HTML? #{page.html?}; is it an index? #{page.index?} Permalink: #{page.permalink} URL: #{page.url} content not dumped because it would likely be too long site not dumped also Excerpt: "#{page.excerpt}" data: #{data.join("\n")} END_PAGE end end # @param msg[String] # @param payload[Jekyll::Drops::UnifiedPayloadDrop] See https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/blob/master/lib/jekyll/drops/unified_payload_drop.rb # This is a mutable class. # attr_accessor :content, :page, :layout, :paginator, :highlighter_prefix, :highlighter_suffix # payload.page is a Jekyll::Drops::DocumentDrop, which contains this payload, # see https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/blob/master/lib/jekyll/drops/document_drop.rb def dump_payload(logger, msg, payload) result = <<~END_INFO #{msg} payload: content contains #{count_lines(payload.content)} lines.#{first_5_lines(payload.content)} layout = #{payload.layout} highlighter_prefix = #{payload.highlighter_prefix} paginator and site not dumped. END_INFO logger.info { result.chomp } end def first_5_lines(string) lines = string ? string.split("\n")[0..4] : [] return "\n first 5 lines:\n #{lines.join("\n ")}\n" if lines.length.positive? "" end # @param msg[String] # @param site[Jekyll::Site] https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/blob/master/lib/jekyll/site.rb # attr_accessor :baseurl, :converters, :data, :drafts, :exclude, # :file_read_opts, :future, :gems, :generators, :highlighter, # :include, :inclusions, :keep_files, :layouts, :limit_posts, # :lsi, :pages, :permalink_style, :plugin_manager, :plugins, # :reader, :safe, :show_drafts, :static_files, :theme, :time, # :unpublished # attr_reader :cache_dir, :config, :dest, :filter_cache, :includes_load_paths, # :liquid_renderer, :profiler, :regenerator, :source def dump_site(logger, msg, site) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity logger.info do <<~END_INFO #{msg} site site is of type #{site.class} site.time = #{site.time} END_INFO end env = site.config['env'] if env mode = env['JEKYLL_ENV'] logger.info { "site.config['env']['JEKYLL_ENV'] = #{mode}" } else logger.info { "site.config['env'] is undefined" } end site.collections.each do |key, _| logger.info { "site.collections.#{key}" } end # key env contains all environment variables, quite verbose so output is reduced to just the "env" key logger.info { "site.config has #{site.config.length} entries:" } site.config.sort.each { |key, value| logger.info { " site.config.#{key} = '#{value}'" unless key == "env" } } logger.info { "site.data has #{site.data.length} entries:" } site.data.sort.each { |key, value| logger.info { " site.data.#{key} = '#{value}'" } } logger.info { "site.documents has #{site.documents.length} entries." } site.documents.each { |key, _value| logger.info "site.documents.#{key}" } logger.info do <<~END_INFO site.keep_files has #{site.keep_files.length} entries. site.keep_files: #{site.keep_files.sort} site.pages has #{site.pages.length} entries. END_INFO end site.pages.each { |key, _value| logger.info "site.pages.#{key}" } logger.info { "site.posts has #{site.posts.docs.length} entries." } site.posts.docs.each { |key, _value| logger.info "site.posts.docs.#{key}" } logger.info { "site.tags has #{site.tags.length} entries." } site.tags.sort.each { |key, value| logger.info { "site.tags.#{key} = '#{value}'" } } end def attributes_as_string(object, attrs) attrs.map { |attr| " #{attr.to_s.delete_prefix("@")} = #{object.instance_variable_get(attr)}" } end module_function :attributes_as_string, :collection_as_string, :count_lines, :dump_document, :dump_page, :dump_payload, :dump_site, :first_5_lines, :safe_to_s end