# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Author: Alexander Kravets <alex@slatestudio.com>, # Slate Studio (http://www.slatestudio.com) # # Coding Guide: # https://github.com/thoughtbot/guides/tree/master/style/coffeescript # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # LIST # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Configuration options: # itemClass - item class to be used instead of default one # itemTitleField - object attributes name for list item title # itemSubtitleField - object attributes name for list item subtitle # disableNewItems - do not show new item button in list header # disableUpdateItems - do not update list items # onListInit - callback on list is initialized # onListShow - callback on list is shown # objects - objects array to be added to the store on start # # Public methods: # hide() - hide list # show() - show list # updateItems() - update list items (sync through store with backend) # isVisible() - check if list is visible # # Dependencies: #= require ./list_config #= require ./list_pagination #= require ./list_reorder #= require ./list_search # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class @List constructor: (@module, @name, @config, @parentList) -> @configItemsCount = 0 @path = @_path() @items = {} @title = @config.title ? @name.titleize() @itemClass = @config.itemClass ? Item @showWithParent = false if @parentList @showWithParent = @parentList.config.showNestedListsAside || false @config.showListWithParent ? false @$el =$ "<div class='list #{ @name }'>" @module.$el.append @$el # hide all nested lists if @parentList then @$el.hide() # items @$items =$ "<div class='items'>" @$el.append @$items # header @$header =$ "<header></header>" @$el.append @$header # back button if @parentList @$backBtn =$ "<a href='#/#{ @parentList.path }' class='back silent'></a>" @$backBtn.on 'click', (e) => @_back(e) else @$backBtn =$ "<a href='#/' class='back'></a>" @$header.prepend @$backBtn # spinner & title @$header.append "<div class='spinner'></div>" @$header.append "<span class='title'>#{ @title }</span>" # new item button if not @config.disableNewItems and @config.formSchema @$newBtn =$ "<a href='#/#{ @path }/new' class='new silent'></a>" @$newBtn.on 'click', (e) => @_new(e) @$header.append @$newBtn if @config.items then @_process_config_items() if @config.arrayStore then @_bind_config_array_store() if @config.objectStore then @_bind_config_object_store() @_bind_hashchange() @config.onListInit?(@) # PRIVATE =============================================== _bind_hashchange: -> $(chr).on 'hashchange', => @_set_active_item() _set_active_item: -> hash = window.location.hash if hash.startsWith "#/#{ @module.name }" for a in @$items.children() itemPath = $(a).attr('href') if hash.startsWith(itemPath) return $(a).addClass('active') _path: -> crumbs = [] ; l = this while l.parentList crumbs.push(l.name) ; l = l.parentList @module.name + ( if crumbs.length > 0 then '/' + crumbs.reverse().join('/') else '' ) _add_item: (path, object, position, config) -> item = new @itemClass(@module, path, object, config) @items[object._id] = item @_update_item_position(item, position) _update_item_position: (item, position) -> position = @configItemsCount + position if position == 0 @$items.prepend(item.$el) else @$items.append(item.$el.hide()) $(@$items.children()[position - 1]).after(item.$el.show()) _show_spinner: -> @$el.addClass('show-spinner') _hide_spinner: -> @$el.removeClass('show-spinner') # EVENTS ================================================ _back: (e) -> @module.chr.unsetActiveListItems() @module.destroyView() if @showWithParent @hide() else @module.hideActiveList() _new: (e) -> chr.updateHash($(e.currentTarget).attr('href'), true) @module.showView(null, @config, 'New') # PUBLIC ================================================ hide: -> @$el.hide() show: (callback) -> @$el.show 0, => @$items.scrollTop(0) @config.onListShow?(@) callback?() updateItems: -> if not @config.disableUpdateItems if @config.arrayStore @_show_spinner() @config.arrayStore.reset() isVisible: -> @$el.is(':visible') include(List, listConfig) include(List, listPagination) include(List, listReorder) include(List, listSearch)