require 'spec_helper' require 'stringio' describe "PuppetDebugger" do let(:resource) do "service{'httpd': ensure => running}" end before(:each) do debugger.handle_input('reset') end let(:output) do'', 'w') end let(:debugger) do{:out_buffer => output}.merge(options)) end let(:options) do {} end let(:input) do "file{'/tmp/test2.txt': ensure => present, mode => '0755'}" end let(:resource_types) do debugger.parser.evaluate_string(debugger.scope, input) end describe 'native classes' do describe 'create' do let(:input) do 'class testfoo {}' end let(:debugger_output) do "\n => Puppet::Type::Component {\n loglevel\e[0;37m => \e[0m\e[0;36mnotice\e[0m,\n name\e[0;37m => \e[0m\e[0;33m\"Testfoo\"\e[0m,\n title\e[0;37m => \e[0m\e[0;33m\"Class[Testfoo]\"\e[0m\n}\n" end it do debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to eq("\n") expect(debugger.known_resource_types[:hostclasses]).to include('testfoo') end it do debugger.handle_input(input) debugger.handle_input("include testfoo") expect(debugger.scope.compiler.catalog.classes).to include('testfoo') end it do debugger.handle_input(input) debugger.handle_input('include testfoo') expect( include('Testfoo') end end end describe 'native definitions' do describe 'create' do let(:input) do 'define testfoo {}' end let(:debugger_output) do "\n => Puppet::Type::Component {\n loglevel\e[0;37m => \e[0m\e[0;36mnotice\e[0m,\n name\e[0;37m => \e[0m\e[0;33m\"some_name\"\e[0m,\n title\e[0;37m => \e[0m\e[0;33m\"Testfoo[some_name]\"\e[0m\n}\n" end it do debugger.handle_input(input) expect(debugger.scope.environment.known_resource_types.definitions.keys).to include('testfoo') expect(output.string).to eq("\n") end it do debugger.handle_input(input) debugger.handle_input("testfoo{'some_name':}") expect(debugger.scope.compiler.resources.collect(&:name)).to include('some_name') expect(debugger.scope.compiler.resources.collect(&:type)).to include('Testfoo') expect(output.string).to include("\n => Puppet::Type::Component") end end end describe 'native functions', :native_functions => true do let(:func) do <<-EOF function debugger::bool2http($arg) { case $arg { false, undef, /(?i:false)/ : { 'Off' } true, /(?i:true)/ : { 'On' } default : { "$arg" } } } EOF end before(:each) do debugger.handle_input(func) end describe 'create' do it 'shows function' do expect(output.string).to eq("\n") end end describe 'run' do let(:input) do <<-EOF debugger::bool2http(false) EOF end it do debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to include('Off') end end end describe 'types' do describe 'string' do let(:input) do "String" end it 'shows type' do debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to eq("\n => String\n") end end describe 'Array' do let(:input) do "type_of([1,2,3,4])" end it 'shows type' do debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to eq("\n => Tuple[Integer[1, 1], Integer[2, 2], Integer[3, 3], Integer[4, 4]]\n") end end end describe 'multiple lines of input' do describe '3 lines' do let(:input) do "$var1 = 'test'\nfile{\"/tmp/${var1}.txt\": ensure => present, mode => '0755'}\nvars" end it do debugger.play_back_string(input) expect(output.string).to match(/server_facts/) if Puppet.version.to_f >= 4.1 expect(output.string).to match(/test/) expect(output.string).to match(/Puppet::Type::File/) end end describe '2 lines' do let(:input) do "$var1 = 'test'\n $var2 = 'test2'" end it do debugger.play_back_string(input) expect(output.string).to include("$var1 = 'test'") expect(output.string).to include("\"test\"") expect(output.string).to include("$var2 = 'test2'") expect(output.string).to include("\"test2\"") end end describe '1 lines' do let(:input) do "$var1 = 'test'" end it do debugger.play_back_string(input) expect(output.string).to include("$var1 = 'test'") expect(output.string).to include("\"test\"") end end end describe 'returns a array of resource_types' do it 'returns resource type' do expect(resource_types.first.class.to_s).to eq('Puppet::Pops::Types::PResourceType') end end describe 'help' do let(:input) do 'help' end it 'can show the help screen' do expected_debugger_output = /Type \"exit\", \"functions\", \"vars\", \"krt\", \"whereami\", \"facts\", \"resources\", \"classes\",\n \"play\", \"classification\", \"reset\", or \"help\" for more information.\n\n/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(/Ruby Version: #{RUBY_VERSION}\n/) expect(output.string).to match(/Puppet Version: \d.\d.\d\n/) expect(output.string).to match(/Puppet Debugger Version: \d.\d.\d\n/) expect(output.string).to match(/Created by: NWOps \n/) expect(output.string).to match(expected_debugger_output) end end describe 'empty' do let(:input) do "" end it 'can run' do debugger_output = "\n" debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to eq(debugger_output) end describe 'space' do let(:input) do " " end it 'can run' do debugger_output = "\n" debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to eq(debugger_output) end end end describe 'krt' do let(:input) do "krt" end it 'can run' do debugger_output = /hostclasses/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) end end describe 'play' do let(:fixtures_file) do File.join(fixtures_dir, 'sample_manifest.pp') end before(:each) do allow(debugger).to receive(:fetch_url_data).with(file_url + '.txt').and_return( end let(:file_url) do '' end it 'file' do debugger.handle_input("play #{fixtures_file}") expect(output.string).to match(/Puppet::Type::File/) end it 'url' do debugger.handle_input("play #{file_url}") expect(output.string).to match(/Puppet::Type::File/) end end describe 'variables' do let(:input) do "$file_path = '/tmp/test2.txt'" end it 'can process a variable' do debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(/\/tmp\/test2.txt/) end end describe 'resource' do let(:input) do "file{'/tmp/test2.txt': ensure => present, mode => '0755'}" end it 'can process a resource' do debugger_output = /Puppet::Type::File/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) end end describe 'bad input' do let(:input) do "Service{" end it 'can process' do debugger_output = "\n => \e[31mSyntax error at end of file\e[0m\n" debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to eq(debugger_output) end end describe 'classification' do let(:input) do "classification" end it 'can process a file' do debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to eq("\n[]\n") end end describe 'reset' do let(:input) do "file{'/tmp/reset': ensure => present}" end it 'can process a file' do debugger_output = /Puppet::Type::File/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) debugger.handle_input('reset') debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) end describe 'loglevel' do it 'has not changed' do debugger.handle_input(":set loglevel debug") expect(Puppet::Util::Log.level).to eq(:debug) expect(Puppet::Util::Log.destinations[:buffer].name).to eq(:buffer) debugger.handle_input('reset') expect(Puppet::Util::Log.level).to eq(:debug) expect(Puppet::Util::Log.destinations[:buffer].name).to eq(:buffer) end end end describe 'map block' do let(:input) do "['/tmp/test3', '/tmp/test4'].map |String $path| { file{$path: ensure => present} }" end it 'can process a each block' do debugger_output = /Puppet::Type::File/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) end end describe 'each block' do let(:input) do "['/tmp/test3', '/tmp/test4'].each |String $path| { file{$path: ensure => present} }" end it 'can process a each block' do debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(/\/tmp\/test3/) expect(output.string).to match(/\/tmp\/test4/) end end describe 'facts' do let(:input) do "$::fqdn" end it 'should be able to resolve fqdn' do debugger_output = /foo\.example\.com/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) end end describe 'print facts' do let(:input) do "facts" end it 'should be able to print facts' do debugger_output = /kernel/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) end end describe 'print resources' do let(:input) do 'resources' end it 'should be able to print resources' do debugger_output = /main/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) end end describe 'print class' do let(:input) do "Class['settings']" end it 'should be able to print classes' do debugger_output = /Settings/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) end end describe 'print classes' do let(:input) do 'resources' end it 'should be able to print classes' do debugger_output = /Settings/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) end end describe 'set' do let(:input) do ":set loglevel debug" end it 'should set the loglevel' do debugger_output = /loglevel debug is set/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) expect(Puppet::Util::Log.level).to eq(:debug) expect(Puppet::Util::Log.destinations[:buffer].name).to eq(:buffer) end end describe 'vars' do let(:input) do "vars" end it 'display facts variable' do debugger_output = /facts/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) end it 'display server facts variable' do debugger_output = /server_facts/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) if Puppet.version.to_f >= 4.1 end it 'display serverversion variable' do debugger_output = /serverversion/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) if Puppet.version.to_f >= 4.1 end it 'display local variable' do debugger.handle_input("$var1 = 'value1'") expect(output.string).to match(/value1/) debugger.handle_input("$var1") expect(output.string).to match(/value1/) end end describe 'execute functions' do let(:input) do "md5('hello')" end it 'execute md5' do debugger_output = /5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) end it 'execute swapcase' do debugger_output = /HELLO/ debugger.handle_input("swapcase('hello')") expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) end end describe 'whereami' do let(:input) do File.expand_path File.join(fixtures_dir, 'sample_start_debugger.pp') end let(:options) do { source_file: input, source_line: 10, } end it 'runs' do expect(debugger.whereami).to match(/\s+5/) end it 'contains marker' do expect(debugger.whereami).to match(/\s+=>\s10/) end end describe 'error message' do let(:input) do "file{'/tmp/test': ensure => present, contact => 'blah'}" end if >='4.0') it 'show error message' do debugger_output = /no\ parameter\ named\ 'contact'/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) end else it 'show error message' do debugger_output = /Invalid\ parameter\ contact/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) end end end end