-- Originally from: https://github.com/ioguix/pgsql-bloat-estimation/blob/master/table/table_bloat.sql /* WARNING: executed with a non-superuser role, the query inspect only tables you are granted to read. * This query is compatible with PostgreSQL 9.0 and more */ SELECT current_database(), schemaname, tblname AS object_name, bs*tblpages AS real_size, (tblpages-est_tblpages)*bs AS extra_size, CASE WHEN tblpages - est_tblpages > 0 THEN 100 * (tblpages - est_tblpages)/tblpages::float ELSE 0 END AS extra_ratio, fillfactor, CASE WHEN tblpages - est_tblpages_ff > 0 THEN (tblpages-est_tblpages_ff)*bs ELSE 0 END AS bloat_size, CASE WHEN tblpages - est_tblpages_ff > 0 THEN 100 * (tblpages - est_tblpages_ff)/tblpages::float ELSE 0 END AS bloat_ratio, is_na -- , (pst).free_percent + (pst).dead_tuple_percent AS real_frag FROM ( SELECT ceil( reltuples / ( (bs-page_hdr)/tpl_size ) ) + ceil( toasttuples / 4 ) AS est_tblpages, ceil( reltuples / ( (bs-page_hdr)*fillfactor/(tpl_size*100) ) ) + ceil( toasttuples / 4 ) AS est_tblpages_ff, tblpages, fillfactor, bs, tblid, schemaname, tblname, heappages, toastpages, is_na -- , stattuple.pgstattuple(tblid) AS pst FROM ( SELECT ( 4 + tpl_hdr_size + tpl_data_size + (2*ma) - CASE WHEN tpl_hdr_size%ma = 0 THEN ma ELSE tpl_hdr_size%ma END - CASE WHEN ceil(tpl_data_size)::int%ma = 0 THEN ma ELSE ceil(tpl_data_size)::int%ma END ) AS tpl_size, bs - page_hdr AS size_per_block, (heappages + toastpages) AS tblpages, heappages, toastpages, reltuples, toasttuples, bs, page_hdr, tblid, schemaname, tblname, fillfactor, is_na FROM ( SELECT tbl.oid AS tblid, ns.nspname AS schemaname, tbl.relname AS tblname, tbl.reltuples, tbl.relpages AS heappages, coalesce(toast.relpages, 0) AS toastpages, coalesce(toast.reltuples, 0) AS toasttuples, coalesce(substring( array_to_string(tbl.reloptions, ' ') FROM 'fillfactor=([0-9]+)')::smallint, 100) AS fillfactor, current_setting('block_size')::numeric AS bs, CASE WHEN version()~'mingw32' OR version()~'64-bit|x86_64|ppc64|ia64|amd64' THEN 8 ELSE 4 END AS ma, 24 AS page_hdr, 23 + CASE WHEN MAX(coalesce(null_frac,0)) > 0 THEN ( 7 + count(*) ) / 8 ELSE 0::int END + CASE WHEN tbl.relhasoids THEN 4 ELSE 0 END AS tpl_hdr_size, sum( (1-coalesce(s.null_frac, 0)) * coalesce(s.avg_width, 1024) ) AS tpl_data_size, bool_or(att.atttypid = 'pg_catalog.name'::regtype) OR count(att.attname) <> count(s.attname) AS is_na FROM pg_attribute AS att JOIN pg_class AS tbl ON att.attrelid = tbl.oid JOIN pg_namespace AS ns ON ns.oid = tbl.relnamespace LEFT JOIN pg_stats AS s ON s.schemaname=ns.nspname AND s.tablename = tbl.relname AND s.inherited=false AND s.attname=att.attname LEFT JOIN pg_class AS toast ON tbl.reltoastrelid = toast.oid WHERE att.attnum > 0 AND NOT att.attisdropped AND tbl.relkind = 'r' GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, tbl.relhasoids ORDER BY 2,3 ) AS s ) AS s2 ) AS s3 WHERE NOT is_na -- AND tblpages*((pst).free_percent + (pst).dead_tuple_percent)::float4/100 >= 1 AND schemaname= 'public';