module ActsAsStatusFor def self.included(base) base.instance_eval do include InstanceMethods end base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def acts_as_status_for(*status_marks,&after_migrations) @all_status_marks_exist = true @on_at_events = status_marks @off_at_events = on_at_events.collect do | event | "not_#{event.to_s}".to_sym end install_scopes install_methods if @all_status_marks_exist && block_given? end def log_error(state) STDERR.puts "Arel could not find #{state}_at in the database - skipping installation of acts_as_status" end def install_scopes on_at_events.each do |state| if self.arel_table["#{state}_at".to_sym] then scope "#{state}".to_sym, where(self.arel_table["#{state}_at".to_sym].not_eq(nil)) scope "not_#{state}".to_sym, where(self.arel_table["#{state}_at".to_sym].eq(nil)) else log_error(state) @all_status_marks_exist = @all_status_marks_exist && false end end end def install_methods on_at_events.each do |state| if self.arel_table["#{state}_at".to_sym] then define_method "#{state}?" do !read_attribute("#{state}_at".to_sym).nil? end define_method "not_#{state}!" do if self.__send__("#{state}?") self.send("#{state}_at=".to_sym,nil)! end end define_method "#{state}!" do unless self.__send__("#{state}?") self.send("#{state}_at=".to_sym,! end end else log_error(state) @all_status_marks_exist = @all_status_marks_exist && false end end end def off_at_events @off_at_events end def all_at_events @all_at_events ||= ( off_at_events | on_at_events ) end def on_at_events @on_at_events end end module InstanceMethods def current_status status.split(' ').first or '' end def status=(event_string) case event_string when '' self.class.off_at_events.each do | event | self.send("#{event}!") if self.respond_to?("#{event}!") end else event_string.split(' ').each do | event | if self.class.all_at_events.include?(event.to_sym) self.send("#{event}!") if self.respond_to?("#{event}!") end end end end alias :current_status= :status= def status status_time = {} self.class.on_at_events.each do | event | time = self.send("#{event}_at") status_time[event] = time unless time.nil? end status_time.sort { |a,b| b.last <=> a.last }.collect(&:first).join(' ') end end end