# = distribution.rb - # Distribution - Statistical Distributions package for Ruby # # Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Claudio Bustos # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # == Other Sources # # * Code of several Ruby engines came from statistics2.rb, # created by Shin-ichiro HARA(sinara@blade.nagaokaut.ac.jp). # Retrieve from http://blade.nagaokaut.ac.jp/~sinara/ruby/math/statistics2/ # * Code of Beta and Gamma distribution came from GSL project. # Ported by John O. Woods # Specific notices will be placed where there are appropiate # require 'distribution/math_extension' require 'distribution/version' # Several distributions modules to calculate pdf, cdf, inverse cdf and generate # pseudo-random numbers for several statistical distributions # # == Usage: # Distribution::Normal.cdf(1.96) # => 0.97500210485178 # Distribution::Normal.p_value(0.95) # => 1.64485364660836 module Distribution SQ2PI = Math.sqrt(2 * Math::PI) module Shorthand EQUIVALENCES = { p_value: :p, cdf: :cdf, pdf: :pdf, rng: :r, exact_pdf: :epdf, exact_cdf: :ecdf, exact_p_value: :ep } def self.add_shortcut(shortcut, method, &block) if EQUIVALENCES.include? method.to_sym name = shortcut + "_#{method}" define_method(name, &block) name = shortcut + "_#{EQUIVALENCES[method.to_sym]}" define_method(name, &block) end end end # Create a method 'has_' on Module # which require a library and return true or false # according to success of failure def self.create_has_library(library) #:nodoc: define_singleton_method("has_#{library}?") do cv = "@@#{library}" unless class_variable_defined? cv begin require library.to_s class_variable_set(cv, true) rescue LoadError class_variable_set(cv, false) end end class_variable_get(cv) end end # Retrieves the libraries used to calculate # distributions def self.libraries_order order = [:Ruby_] order.unshift(:Statistics2_) if has_statistics2? order.unshift(:GSL_) if has_gsl? order.unshift(:Java_) if has_java? order end create_has_library :gsl create_has_library :statistics2 create_has_library :java # Magic module module Distributable #:nodoc: # Create methods for each module and add methods to # Distribution::Shorthand. # # Traverse Distribution.libraries_order adding # methods availables for each engine module on # the current library # # Kids: Metaprogramming trickery! Don't do at work. # This section was created between a very long reunion # and a 456 Km. travel def create_distribution_methods Distribution.libraries_order.each do |l_name| if const_defined? l_name l = const_get(l_name) # Add methods from engine to base base, if not yet included l.singleton_methods.each do |m| unless singleton_methods.include? m define_method(m) do |*args| l.send(m, *args) end # Add method to Distribution::Shorthand sh = const_get(:SHORTHAND) Distribution::Shorthand.add_shortcut(sh, m) do |*args| l.send(m, *args) end module_function m end end end end # create alias for common methods alias_method :inverse_cdf, :p_value if singleton_methods.include? :p_value end end def self.init_java $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('../../vendor/java', __FILE__) require 'commons-math-2.2.jar' java_import 'org.apache.commons.math.distribution.NormalDistributionImpl' java_import 'org.apache.commons.math.distribution.PoissonDistributionImpl' end require 'distribution/normal' require 'distribution/chisquare' require 'distribution/gamma' require 'distribution/beta' require 'distribution/t' require 'distribution/f' require 'distribution/bivariatenormal' require 'distribution/binomial' require 'distribution/hypergeometric' require 'distribution/exponential' require 'distribution/poisson' require 'distribution/logistic' require 'distribution/lognormal' require 'distribution/weibull' init_java if has_java? end