#!/usr/bin/env ruby ROOT = File.expand_path('..', File.dirname(__FILE__)) $:.unshift "#{ROOT}/lib" require 'minitest' require 'minitest/autorun' require 'minitest/focus' require 'pry' require 'stringio' require 'fileutils' require 'cast' # a dir to cd into for creating files and such TEST_DIR = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/var" # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helpers for testing # -------------------------------------------------------------------- class Array def same_list?(other) self.length == other.length or return false self.zip(other).all? do |mine, yours| mine.equal? yours or return false end end end class Integer # # Return a `self'-element array containing the result of the given # block. # def of(&blk) Array.new(self, &blk) end end module Minitest::Assertions INDENT = ' ' # # Assert that the given string is parsed as expected. The given # string is of the format: # # # ---- # # # The part is yielded to obtain the AST. # def check_ast(test_data) inp, exp = test_data.split(/^----+\n/) ast = yield(inp) assert_tree(ast) assert(ast.is_a?(C::Node)) assert_equal_inspect_strs(exp, ast.inspect) end # # Assert that the given Node#inspect strings are equal. # def assert_equal_inspect_strs(exp, out) # remove EOL space out = out.gsub(/ *$/, '') exp = exp.gsub(/ *$/, '') # normalize BOL space exp.gsub!(%r'^#{INDENT}*') do |s| levels = s.length / INDENT.length C::Node::INSPECT_TAB*levels end # compare msg = "Debug strings unequal:\n#{juxtapose('Expected', exp, 'Output', out)}" assert(out == exp, msg) end # # Return a string of `s1' and `s2' side by side with a dividing line # in between indicating differences. `h1' and `h2' are the column # headings. # def juxtapose(h1, s1, h2, s2) s1 = s1.split("\n") s2 = s2.split("\n") rows = [s1.length, s2.length].max wl = s1.map{|line| line.length}.max wr = s2.map{|line| line.length}.max ret = '' ret << "#{('-'*wl)}----#{'-'*wr}\n" ret << "#{h1.ljust(wl)} || #{h2}\n" ret << "#{('-'*wl)}-++-#{'-'*wr}\n" (0...rows).each do |i| if i >= s1.length ret << "#{' '*wl} > #{s2[i]}\n" elsif i >= s2.length ret << "#{s1[i].ljust(wl)} <\n" elsif s1[i] == s2[i] ret << "#{s1[i].ljust(wl)} || #{s2[i]}\n" else ret << "#{s1[i].ljust(wl)} <> #{s2[i]}\n" end end ret << "#{('-'*wl)}----#{'-'*wr}\n" return ret end # # Assert that an exception of the given class is raised, and that # the message matches the given regex. # def assert_error(klass, re) ex = nil assert_raises(klass) do begin yield rescue Exception => ex raise end end assert_match(re, ex.message) end # # Assert that the given ast's nodes' parents are correct, and there # aren't non-Nodes where there shouldn't be. # def assert_tree(ast) meth = 'unknown method' caller.each do |line| if line =~ /in `(test_.*?)'/ #` meth = $1 break end end filename = "#{self.class}_#{meth}.out" begin assert_tree1(ast, nil) assert(true) rescue BadTreeError => e require 'pp' open("#{filename}", 'w'){|f| PP.pp(ast, f)} flunk("#{e.message}. Output dumped to `#{filename}'.") end end # def assert_tree1(x, parent) if x.is_a? C::Node parent.equal? x.parent or raise BadTreeError, "#{x.class}:0x#{(x.id << 1).to_s(16)} has #{x.parent ? 'wrong' : 'no'} parent" x.fields.each do |field| next if !field.child? val = x.send(field.reader) next if val.nil? val.is_a? C::Node or raise BadTreeError, "#{x.class}:0x#{(x.id << 1).to_s(16)} is a non-Node child" assert_tree1(val, x) end end end class BadTreeError < StandardError; end # # Assert that `arg' is a C::NodeList. # def assert_list(arg) assert_kind_of(C::NodeList, arg) end # # Assert that `arg' is an empty C::NodeList. # def assert_empty_list(arg) assert_list arg assert(arg.empty?) end # # Assert that the elements of exp are the same as those of out, and # are in the same order. # def assert_same_list(exp, out) assert_equal(exp.length, out.length, "Checking length") (0...exp.length).each do |i| assert_same(exp[i], out[i], "At index #{i} (of 0...#{exp.length})") end end # # Assert that out is ==, but not the same as exp (i.e., it is a # copy). # def assert_copy(exp, out) refute_same exp, out assert_equal exp, out end # # Assert the invariants of `node'. # def assert_invariants(node) node.assert_invariants(self) end end