--- en: account: 'Account' activerecord: errors: messages: blank: 'this must not be blank' # required invalid: 'this does not match the expected format' #invalid_format not_a_number: 'this must be a number' # must be number not_a_page: "there must be a page at this address" not_permitted: 'this must be one of the permitted values' taken: 'this name is already in use' # name_in_use too_long: 'this must not be longer than %{count} characters' # character_limit too_short: 'this must be at least %{count} characters long' # character_minimum models: asset: attributes: asset: blank: 'You must choose a file to upload!' page: attributes: slug: taken: 'this slug is already in use by a sibling of this page' # slug_in_use user: attributes: email: invalid: 'this is not a valid e-mail address' # invalid_email login: taken: 'this login is already in use' # login already in use password: confirmation: 'this must match confirmation' # password_confirmation add_child: 'Add Child' add_field: 'Add Field' add_part: 'Add Part' add_tab: 'Add Tab' admin: 'Administrator' assets: 'Assets' asset_types: all: 'All' documents: 'Documents' fonts: 'Fonts' images: 'Images' others: 'Others' audios: 'Audio' flashes: 'Flash' fonts: 'Fonts' videos: 'Video' pdfs: 'PDFs' swfs: 'Flash' available_tags: 'Available Tags' available_tags_for: 'Available Tags for %{name}' body: 'Body' breadcrumb: 'Breadcrumb' buttons: create: 'Create %{name}' save_and_continue: 'Save and Continue Editing' save_changes: 'Save Changes' cancel: 'Cancel' change: 'Change' clipped_extension: actions: Actions all: 'All' all_thumbnails_refreshed: 'All asset thumbnails refreshed.' alt_text_or_title: 'Set Asset Title (optional)' asset: 'Asset' asset_edit_title: 'Edit Asset' asset_errors: 'Sorry. {{errors}}' asset_page_attachment_note: 'Attached assets. These can be inserted with drag and drop or shown with the <r:assets:each /> tag.' asset_note: 'Attached assets. ' assets: 'Assets' assets_explanation: 'Assets and images can be uploaded and then attached or inserted into pages, snippets and layouts. Click on a asset name above to edit it or click Remove to delete it.' assets_title: 'Assets' asset_page_upload_note: 'Assets uploaded here will be automatically associated with this page.' asset_upload_note: 'Choose an asset to upload here. If the Title field is left blank, the filename (without the file type) will be automatically added. By clicking on More, you can add a caption as well.' attached_assets: 'Attached Assets' attach: 'Attach' attach_asset: 'attach asset' attach_assets: 'Attach assets' attach_existing: 'Attach Existing Assets' attach_to_page: 'Attach to page' audio: 'Audio' cancel_attachment: 'Unattach' copy: 'Copy' copy_alt: 'copy radius tag to clipboard' choose_file: 'Choose File' documents: 'Documents' caption: 'Caption' confirm_refresh_assets: 'Are you sure you want to regenerate every asset thumbnail? This is likely to take a long time and use a lot of server resources: the performance of your site is very likely to be affected and your browser may time out before the operation is complete. This is only recommended if your asset collection is small!' confirm_remove_asset: 'Are you sure you want to permanently remove the following asset?' confirm_remove_from_page: 'Are you sure you want to remove this assets from the page?' delete_asset: 'Delete Asset' detach: 'Detach' edit: 'Edit' edit_asset: 'Edit {{asset}}' filename: 'Filename' find_assets: 'Find Assets' images: 'Images' images_automatically_created: 'images are automatically created' insert: 'Insert' modify: 'Modify' movies: 'Movies' need_to_upload: 'Need to upload?' new_asset: 'New Asset' no_assets_found: 'There were no assets found' no_assets: 'No Assets' no_attached_assets: 'No assets attached.' others: 'Others' refresh_assets: 'Regenerate all thumbnails' regenerate: 'Regenerate' regenerate_thumbnails: 'Regenerate Thumbnails' remove_asset: 'Remove Asset' remove_from_page: 'Remove from page' reorder: 'Reorder' remove: 'Remove' refresh_assets_rake_task: 'For better results please log into your server and run rake paperclip:refresh class=Asset.' replace_file: 'Replace File' save_and_upload: 'Save and Upload' search_assets: 'Search for assets' search: 'Search' select: 'Select' thumbnails_refreshed: "Thumbnails refreshed." title: 'Title' type: 'Type' types_to_find: 'Types to find' upload: 'Upload' upload_asset: 'Upload Asset' close: 'Close' trusty_config: admin: title: 'admin header title' assets: additional_thumbnails: 'Additional Thumbnails' content_types: 'Content Types' create_image_thumbnails?: 'Image thumbnails' create_pdf_thumbnails?: 'PDF thumbnails' create_video_thumbnails?: 'Video thumbnails' display_size: 'Display Size' insertion_size: 'Insertion Size' max_asset_size: 'Max Asset Size' path: 'Path' s3: bucket: 'Bucket' key: 'Key' secret: 'Secret' skip_filetype_validation: 'Skip Filetype Validation' storage: 'Storage' url: 'Url' defaults: locale: 'default language' page: fields: "page fields" filter: "page filter" parts: "page parts" status: "page status" dev: host: "dev site domain" local: timezone: "local timezone" site: title: "site title" host: "site domain" user: allow_password_reset?: "allow password reset" content: 'Content' content_type: 'Content‑Type' creating_status: 'Creating %{model}…' date: abbr_day_names: [Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat] abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec] day_names: [Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday] formats: default: "%Y-%m-%d" long: "%B %e, %Y" only_day: "%e" short: "%e %b" month_names: [~, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December] order: - :year - :month - :day delete_layout: 'Delete Layout' delete_pages: 'Delete %{pages}' delete_user: 'Delete User' description: 'Description' design: 'Design' designer: 'Designer' draft: 'Draft' edit: 'Edit' edit_configuration: 'Edit Configuration' edit_layout: 'Edit Layout' edit_page: 'Edit Page' edit_preferences: 'Edit Preferences' edit_settings: 'Edit Settings' edit_user: 'Edit User' email_address: 'E-mail Address' extension: 'Extension' extensions: 'Extensions' filter: 'Filter' hidden: 'Hidden' hide: 'Hide' keywords: 'Keywords' language: 'Language' layout: 'Layout' layouts: 'Layouts' log_out: 'Logout' logged_in_as: 'Logged in as' login: 'Login' modify: 'Modify' more: 'More' more_info: 'More Info' name: 'Name' new_homepage: 'New Homepage' new_layout: 'New Layout' new_page: 'New Page' new_password: 'New Password' new_user: 'New User' 'no': 'No' no_layouts: 'No Layouts' no_pages: 'No Pages' normal_page: 'Normal Page' notes: 'Notes' optional: 'Optional' or: 'or' page: 'Page' page_hierarchy: 'Page hierarchy of the current site' page_page: 'Page Part' page_title: 'Page Title' page_type: 'Page Type' pages: 'Pages' pages_controller: removed_many: "The pages were successfully removed from the site." removed_one: "The page was successfully removed from the site." saved: "Your page has been saved below." password: 'Password' password_confirmation: 'Confirm New Password' personal: 'Personal' personal_preferences: 'Personal Preferences' please_login: 'Please Login' powered_by: 'Powered by' preferences: 'Preferences' preferences_controller: error_updating: 'There was an error updating your preferences.' updated: 'Your preferences have been updated.' preview: 'Preview' published: 'Published' published_at: 'Published at' published_on: 'Published On' reference: 'Reference' remember_me: 'Remember me' remember_me_in_this_browser: 'Remember me in this browser' remove: 'Remove' remove_field: 'Remove Field' remove_layout: 'Remove Layout' remove_page: 'Remove Page' remove_pages: 'Remove %{pages}' remove_tab: 'Remove Tab' remove_user: 'Remove user' required: 'Required' resource_controller: not_found: "%{humanized_model_name} could not be found." removed: "%{humanized_model_name} has been deleted." saved: "%{humanized_model_name} saved below." update_conflict: "%{humanized_model_name} has been modified since it was last loaded. Changes cannot be saved without potentially losing data." validation_errors: "Validation errors occurred while processing this form. Please take a moment to review the form and correct any input errors before continuing." reviewed: 'Reviewed' roles: 'Roles' saving_changes: Saving Changes saving_preferences: Saving preferences scheduled: "Scheduled" search_tags: 'Search Tags:' select: default: '' inherit: '' none: '' normal: '' settings: 'Settings' show_all: 'Show all' slug: 'Slug' status: 'Status' # Warnings and info text: testing: Testing text: layouts: remove_warning: 'Are you sure you want to permanently remove the following layout?' pages: remove_warning: 'Are you sure you want to permanently remove the following %{pages}?' users: remove_warning: 'Are you sure you want to permanently remove the following user?' this_file_language: "English" time: am: 'am' formats: datetime: formats: default: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z" default: "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y" long: "%B %d, %Y %H:%M" only_second: "%S" short: "%d %b %H:%M" time: "%H:%M" timestamp: "%I:%M %p on %B %d, %Y" pm: 'pm' timestamp: at: 'at' by: 'by' last_updated: 'Last Updated' type: 'Type' units: KB: "KB" MB: "MB" GB: "GB" seconds: "seconds" minutes: "minutes" hours: "hours" days: "days" weeks: "weeks" months: "months" user: 'User' username: 'Username' username_or_email: 'Username or E-mail Address' users: 'Users' users_controller: cannot_delete_self: 'You cannot delete yourself.' version: 'Version' view_site: 'View Site' warning: 'Warning' website: 'Website' welcome_controller: invalid_user: 'Invalid username, e-mail address, or password.' logged_out: 'You are now logged out.' 'yes': 'Yes'