# -*- coding: utf-8; frozen_string_literal: true -*- # #-- # Copyright (C) 2009-2019 Thomas Leitner # # This file is part of kramdown which is licensed under the MIT. #++ # module Kramdown module Parser class Kramdown IAL_CLASS_ATTR = 'class' # Parse the string +str+ and extract all attributes and add all found attributes to the hash # +opts+. def parse_attribute_list(str, opts) return if str.strip.empty? || str.strip == ':' attrs = str.scan(ALD_TYPE_ANY) attrs.each do |key, sep, val, ref, id_and_or_class, _, _| if ref (opts[:refs] ||= []) << ref elsif id_and_or_class id_and_or_class.scan(ALD_TYPE_ID_OR_CLASS).each do |id_attr, class_attr| if class_attr opts[IAL_CLASS_ATTR] = "#{opts[IAL_CLASS_ATTR]} #{class_attr}".lstrip else opts['id'] = id_attr end end else val.gsub!(/\\(\}|#{sep})/, "\\1") opts[key] = val end end warning("No or invalid attributes found in IAL/ALD content: #{str}") if attrs.empty? end # Update the +ial+ with the information from the inline attribute list +opts+. def update_ial_with_ial(ial, opts) (ial[:refs] ||= []).concat(opts[:refs]) if opts.key?(:refs) opts.each do |k, v| if k == IAL_CLASS_ATTR ial[k] = "#{ial[k]} #{v}".lstrip elsif k.kind_of?(String) ial[k] = v end end end # Parse the generic extension at the current point. The parameter +type+ can either be :block # or :span depending whether we parse a block or span extension tag. def parse_extension_start_tag(type) saved_pos = @src.save_pos start_line_number = @src.current_line_number @src.pos += @src.matched_size error_block = lambda do |msg| warning(msg) @src.revert_pos(saved_pos) add_text(@src.getch) if type == :span false end if @src[4] || @src.matched == '{:/}' name = (@src[4] ? "for '#{@src[4]}' " : '') return error_block.call("Invalid extension stop tag #{name} found on line " \ "#{start_line_number} - ignoring it") end ext = @src[1] opts = {} body = nil parse_attribute_list(@src[2] || '', opts) unless @src[3] stop_re = (type == :block ? /#{EXT_BLOCK_STOP_STR % ext}/ : /#{EXT_STOP_STR % ext}/) if (result = @src.scan_until(stop_re)) body = result.sub!(stop_re, '') body.chomp! if type == :block else return error_block.call("No stop tag for extension '#{ext}' found on line " \ "#{start_line_number} - ignoring it") end end if !handle_extension(ext, opts, body, type, start_line_number) error_block.call("Invalid extension with name '#{ext}' specified on line " \ "#{start_line_number} - ignoring it") else true end end def handle_extension(name, opts, body, type, line_no = nil) case name when 'comment' if body.kind_of?(String) @tree.children << Element.new(:comment, body, nil, category: type, location: line_no) end true when 'nomarkdown' if body.kind_of?(String) @tree.children << Element.new(:raw, body, nil, category: type, location: line_no, type: opts['type'].to_s.split(/\s+/)) end true when 'options' opts.select do |k, v| k = k.to_sym if Kramdown::Options.defined?(k) if @options[:forbidden_inline_options].include?(k) || k == :forbidden_inline_options warning("Option #{k} may not be set inline") next false end begin val = Kramdown::Options.parse(k, v) @options[k] = val (@root.options[:options] ||= {})[k] = val rescue StandardError end false else true end end.each do |k, _v| warning("Unknown kramdown option '#{k}'") end @tree.children << new_block_el(:eob, :extension) if type == :block true else false end end ALD_ID_CHARS = /[\w-]/ ALD_ANY_CHARS = /\\\}|[^\}]/ ALD_ID_NAME = /\w#{ALD_ID_CHARS}*/ ALD_CLASS_NAME = /[^\s\.#]+/ ALD_TYPE_KEY_VALUE_PAIR = /(#{ALD_ID_NAME})=("|')((?:\\\}|\\\2|[^\}\2])*?)\2/ ALD_TYPE_CLASS_NAME = /\.(#{ALD_CLASS_NAME})/ ALD_TYPE_ID_NAME = /#([A-Za-z][\w:-]*)/ ALD_TYPE_ID_OR_CLASS = /#{ALD_TYPE_ID_NAME}|#{ALD_TYPE_CLASS_NAME}/ ALD_TYPE_ID_OR_CLASS_MULTI = /((?:#{ALD_TYPE_ID_NAME}|#{ALD_TYPE_CLASS_NAME})+)/ ALD_TYPE_REF = /(#{ALD_ID_NAME})/ ALD_TYPE_ANY = /(?:\A|\s)(?:#{ALD_TYPE_KEY_VALUE_PAIR}|#{ALD_TYPE_REF}|#{ALD_TYPE_ID_OR_CLASS_MULTI})(?=\s|\Z)/ ALD_START = /^#{OPT_SPACE}\{:(#{ALD_ID_NAME}):(#{ALD_ANY_CHARS}+)\}\s*?\n/ EXT_STOP_STR = "\\{:/(%s)?\\}" EXT_START_STR = "\\{::(\\w+)(?:\\s(#{ALD_ANY_CHARS}*?)|)(\\/)?\\}" EXT_BLOCK_START = /^#{OPT_SPACE}(?:#{EXT_START_STR}|#{EXT_STOP_STR % ALD_ID_NAME})\s*?\n/ EXT_BLOCK_STOP_STR = "^#{OPT_SPACE}#{EXT_STOP_STR}\s*?\n" IAL_BLOCK = /\{:(?!:|\/)(#{ALD_ANY_CHARS}+)\}\s*?\n/ IAL_BLOCK_START = /^#{OPT_SPACE}#{IAL_BLOCK}/ BLOCK_EXTENSIONS_START = /^#{OPT_SPACE}\{:/ # Parse one of the block extensions (ALD, block IAL or generic extension) at the current # location. def parse_block_extensions if @src.scan(ALD_START) parse_attribute_list(@src[2], @alds[@src[1]] ||= {}) @tree.children << new_block_el(:eob, :ald) true elsif @src.check(EXT_BLOCK_START) parse_extension_start_tag(:block) elsif @src.scan(IAL_BLOCK_START) if (last_child = @tree.children.last) && last_child.type != :blank && (last_child.type != :eob || [:link_def, :abbrev_def, :footnote_def].include?(last_child.value)) parse_attribute_list(@src[1], last_child.options[:ial] ||= {}) @tree.children << new_block_el(:eob, :ial) unless @src.check(IAL_BLOCK_START) else parse_attribute_list(@src[1], @block_ial ||= {}) end true else false end end define_parser(:block_extensions, BLOCK_EXTENSIONS_START) EXT_SPAN_START = /#{EXT_START_STR}|#{EXT_STOP_STR % ALD_ID_NAME}/ IAL_SPAN_START = /\{:(#{ALD_ANY_CHARS}+)\}/ SPAN_EXTENSIONS_START = /\{:/ # Parse the extension span at the current location. def parse_span_extensions if @src.check(EXT_SPAN_START) parse_extension_start_tag(:span) elsif @src.check(IAL_SPAN_START) if (last_child = @tree.children.last) && last_child.type != :text @src.pos += @src.matched_size attr = {} parse_attribute_list(@src[1], attr) update_ial_with_ial(last_child.options[:ial] ||= {}, attr) update_attr_with_ial(last_child.attr, attr) else warning("Found span IAL after text - ignoring it") add_text(@src.getch) end else add_text(@src.getch) end end define_parser(:span_extensions, SPAN_EXTENSIONS_START, '\{:') end end end