raise "Only JRuby is supported at this time." unless RUBY_PLATFORM == "java" require "net/http" require "uri" require "digest/sha1" def vendor(*args) return File.join("vendor", *args) end directory "vendor/" => ["vendor"] do |task, args| mkdir task.name end def fetch(url, sha1, output) puts "Downloading #{url}" actual_sha1 = download(url, output) if actual_sha1 != sha1 fail "SHA1 does not match (expected '#{sha1}' but got '#{actual_sha1}')" end end # def fetch def file_fetch(url, sha1) filename = File.basename( URI(url).path ) output = "vendor/#{filename}" task output => [ "vendor/" ] do begin actual_sha1 = file_sha1(output) if actual_sha1 != sha1 fetch(url, sha1, output) end rescue Errno::ENOENT fetch(url, sha1, output) end end.invoke return output end def file_sha1(path) digest = Digest::SHA1.new fd = File.new(path, "r") while true begin digest << fd.sysread(16384) rescue EOFError break end end return digest.hexdigest ensure fd.close if fd end def download(url, output) uri = URI(url) digest = Digest::SHA1.new tmp = "#{output}.tmp" Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port, :use_ssl => (uri.scheme == "https")) do |http| request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.path) http.request(request) do |response| fail "HTTP fetch failed for #{url}. #{response}" if [200, 301].include?(response.code) size = (response["content-length"].to_i || -1).to_f count = 0 File.open(tmp, "w") do |fd| response.read_body do |chunk| fd.write(chunk) digest << chunk if size > 0 && $stdout.tty? count += chunk.bytesize $stdout.write(sprintf("\r%0.2f%%", count/size * 100)) end end end $stdout.write("\r \r") if $stdout.tty? end end File.rename(tmp, output) return digest.hexdigest rescue SocketError => e puts "Failure while downloading #{url}: #{e}" raise ensure File.unlink(tmp) if File.exist?(tmp) end # def download def untar(tarball, &block) require "archive/tar/minitar" tgz = Zlib::GzipReader.new(File.open(tarball)) # Pull out typesdb tar = Archive::Tar::Minitar::Input.open(tgz) tar.each do |entry| path = block.call(entry) next if path.nil? parent = File.dirname(path) mkdir_p parent unless File.directory?(parent) # Skip this file if the output file is the same size if entry.directory? mkdir path unless File.directory?(path) else entry_mode = entry.instance_eval { @mode } & 0777 if File.exists?(path) stat = File.stat(path) # TODO(sissel): Submit a patch to archive-tar-minitar upstream to # expose headers in the entry. entry_size = entry.instance_eval { @size } # If file sizes are same, skip writing. next if stat.size == entry_size && (stat.mode & 0777) == entry_mode end puts "Extracting #{entry.full_name} from #{tarball} #{entry_mode.to_s(8)}" File.open(path, "w") do |fd| # eof? check lets us skip empty files. Necessary because the API provided by # Archive::Tar::Minitar::Reader::EntryStream only mostly acts like an # IO object. Something about empty files in this EntryStream causes # IO.copy_stream to throw "can't convert nil into String" on JRuby # TODO(sissel): File a bug about this. while !entry.eof? chunk = entry.read(16384) fd.write(chunk) end #IO.copy_stream(entry, fd) end File.chmod(entry_mode, path) end end tar.close File.unlink(tarball) if File.file?(tarball) end # def untar def ungz(file) outpath = file.gsub('.gz', '') tgz = Zlib::GzipReader.new(File.open(file)) begin File.open(outpath, "w") do |out| IO::copy_stream(tgz, out) end File.unlink(file) rescue File.unlink(outpath) if File.file?(outpath) raise end tgz.close end desc "Process any vendor files required for this plugin" task "vendor" => [ "vendor:files", "vendor:jars" ] namespace "vendor" do task "files" do # TODO(sissel): refactor the @files Rakefile ivar usage anywhere into # the vendor.json stuff. if @files @files.each do |file| download = file_fetch(file['url'], file['sha1']) if download =~ /.tar.gz/ prefix = download.gsub('.tar.gz', '').gsub('vendor/', '') untar(download) do |entry| if !file['files'].nil? next unless file['files'].include?(entry.full_name.gsub(prefix, '')) out = entry.full_name.split("/").last end File.join('vendor', out) end elsif download =~ /.gz/ ungz(download) end end end end task "jars" do # Skip jars work on non-java platforms. next unless RUBY_PLATFORM == "java" require 'jar_installer' # Find all gems that have jar dependencies. # This is notable by the Gem::Specification#requirements having an entry # that starts with "jar " Gem::Specification.find_all.select { |gem| gem.requirements.any? { /^jar / } }.each do |gem| puts "Fetching jar dependencies for #{gem.name}" Jars::JarInstaller.new(gem).vendor_jars end end end