John had always been a bit of a loner. He enjoyed his own company, and while he didn't hate people, he didn't exactly go out of his way to form relationships either. He had a job he enjoyed, a decent place to live, and didn't see the point in adding unnecessary drama to his life. As time went on, John started to realize that he was becoming more and more isolated. Not that he cared, of course. He was perfectly content with his life as it was, but everyone else seemed to have an issue with it. His coworkers would often invite him out for drinks after work, but John would politely decline. He didn't want to spend his evenings surrounded by people he had nothing in common with, making small talk and pretending to enjoy himself. His family would call him, but he rarely picked up the phone. He knew they wanted him to come over for dinner, but he had no interest in hearing about their petty problems and bickering. Even his neighbors would try to strike up conversation as he walked to his car in the morning, but John would just nod and keep walking. Despite all of this, John didn't regret his decision to keep to himself. He was content in his own little world, and nothing anyone said or did could change that. And then, one day, something incredible happened. John had been working on a side project for years, something that he had poured his heart and soul into. It was something that he knew would change the world, and he was determined to see it through. He worked tirelessly, day and night, until finally, it was complete. The world was stunned by what John had accomplished, and overnight he became an international sensation. People everywhere wanted to know him, interview him, spend time with him. But John didn't care. He had accomplished something major, something that few people ever do, and that was all that mattered to him. As John sat in his quiet apartment, reading the countless articles and interviews about himself, he realized that he had achieved something that few people ever do. He had changed the world, and he had done it on his terms. John never regretted his decision to keep to himself, to isolate himself from the world. He knew that he had accomplished so much precisely because he had been able to focus all of his energy and attention on his work, without the distractions of social relationships. And as he looked around at the many friends and acquaintances who had tried to pull him away from his passion, John felt a sense of pride that he had never felt before. He had proven them all wrong, and he had done it all by himself.