require 'spec_helper' describe Spotlight::CustomField, :type => :model do describe "#label" do subject { configuration: { "label" => "the configured label"}, field: 'foo_tesim' } describe "when the exhibit doesn't have a config" do its(:label) { should eq "the configured label"} end describe "when the exhibit has a config" do let(:exhibit) { FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit) } before { subject.exhibit = exhibit } describe "that overrides the label" do before do exhibit.blacklight_configuration.index_fields['foo_tesim'] = { 'label' => "overridden" } end its(:label) { should eq "overridden"} end describe "that doesn't override the label" do its(:label) { should eq "the configured label"} end end end describe "#label=" do subject { field: 'foo_tesim' } describe "when the exhibit doesn't have a config" do before { subject.label = 'the configured label' } its(:configuration) { should eq({ 'label' => "the configured label" }) } end describe "when the exhibit has a config" do let(:exhibit) { FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit) } before { subject.exhibit = exhibit } describe "that overrides the label" do before do exhibit.blacklight_configuration.index_fields['foo_tesim'] = { 'label' => "overridden" } subject.label = 'edited' end it "should have updated the exhibit" do expect(subject.exhibit.blacklight_configuration.index_fields['foo_tesim']['label']).to eq 'edited' end end end end describe "#field" do let(:exhibit) { FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit) } it "should be auto-generated from the field label" do subject.configuration["label"] = "xyz" subject.exhibit = exhibit expect(subject.field).to eq "exhibit_#{exhibit.to_param}_xyz_tesim" end it "should use the solr field prefix" do allow(Spotlight::Engine.config.solr_fields).to receive(:prefix).and_return "prefix_" subject.configuration["label"] = "xyz" subject.exhibit = exhibit expect(subject.field).to eq "prefix_exhibit_#{exhibit.to_param}_xyz_tesim" end end describe '#configured_to_display?' do let(:exhibit) { FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit) } before do exhibit.blacklight_configuration.blacklight_config.view = {view_name: {}} subject.exhibit = exhibit subject.label = "Label" subject.field = 'foo_tesim' end it 'should be truthy when a view has been configured true' do exhibit.blacklight_configuration.blacklight_config.index_fields['foo_tesim'] = "Label", enabled: true, view_name: true) expect(subject).to be_configured_to_display end it 'should be truthey for show views when enabled' do exhibit.blacklight_configuration.blacklight_config.index_fields['foo_tesim'] = "Label", enabled: true, show: true) expect(subject).to be_configured_to_display end it 'should be falsey when a few has not been configured true' do exhibit.blacklight_configuration.blacklight_config.index_fields['foo_tesim'] = "Label", enabled: true, view_name: false) expect(subject).to_not be_configured_to_display end it 'should be falsey when the field is not enabled' do exhibit.blacklight_configuration.index_fields['foo_tesim'] = { 'label' => "overridden", enabled: false, view_name: false } expect(subject).to_not be_configured_to_display end end describe "#field_name" do let(:exhibit) { double(to_param: "a") } before do subject.label = "xyz" end it "should end in the text suffix if it is a text field" do subject.field_type = "text" expect(subject.send(:field_name)).to end_with Spotlight::Engine.config.solr_fields.text_suffix end it "should end in a string suffix if it is a vocab field" do subject.field_type = "vocab" expect(subject.send(:field_name)).to end_with Spotlight::Engine.config.solr_fields.string_suffix end end describe "changing the field type" do let(:exhibit) { FactoryGirl.create(:exhibit) } before do subject.label = "xyz" subject.exhibit = exhibit! end it "should change the field name for the field" do expect(subject.field).to end_with "tesim" subject.field_type = "vocab" expect(subject.field).to end_with "ssim" end it "should copy index field configuration to the new field name" do subject.exhibit.blacklight_configuration.index_fields_will_change! subject.exhibit.blacklight_configuration.index_fields[subject.field] = { value: true } expect(subject.exhibit.blacklight_configuration.index_fields).to have_key subject.field subject.field_type = "vocab" expect(subject.exhibit.blacklight_configuration.index_fields).to have_key subject.field expect(subject.exhibit.blacklight_configuration.index_fields[subject.field]).to include value: true end it "should queue a job to reindex any documents with data in the old field" do expect(Spotlight::RenameSidecarFieldJob).to receive(:perform_later).with(exhibit, subject.field, subject.field.sub("tesim", "ssim")) subject.field_type = "vocab" end end end