# This migration comes from spree (originally 20140309023735) class MigrateOldPreferences < ActiveRecord::Migration disable_ddl_transaction! def up migrate_preferences(Spree::Calculator) migrate_preferences(Spree::PromotionRule) migrate_preferences(Spree::PaymentMethod) end def down end private def migrate_preferences klass klass.reset_column_information klass.find_in_batches do |batch| ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do batch.each do |record| keys = record.class.defined_preferences # Batch load preferences for this record. preferences = Hash[Spree::Preference.where( key: keys.map{ |k| cache_key(record, k) } ).pluck(:key, :value)] # Copy preferences to the record. keys.each do |key| value = preferences[cache_key(record, key)] record.preferences[key] = value unless value.nil? end # Persist the preferences. record.update_column(:preferences, record.preferences) end end end end def cache_key model, key [ ENV["RAILS_CACHE_ID"], class_underscore_cache[model.type], key, model.id ].compact.join("/") end def class_underscore_cache @class_underscore_cache ||= Hash.new{ |h,k| h[k] = k.underscore } end end