en: helpers: submit: page: create: "Add %{model}" update: "Update %{model}" group: create: "Add %{model}" update: "Update %{model}" label: page: slug: 'Slug:' path: 'Path:' parent_id: 'Parent Page:' activerecord: errors: models: amalgam/models/group: taken: "%{attribute} has been taken" blank: "%{attribute} can not be blank" models: page: "Page" amalgam/models/group: 'Group' attributes: amalgam/models/group: name: 'Name' page: slug: 'Slug' path: 'Path' parent_id: 'Parent Page' group_ids: "Groups" amalgam: file_download: 'File Download' file_pre: 'File Preview' file_upload: 'File Upload' attachment_list: 'Attachment List' attachment: 'Attachment' description: 'Description' name: 'Name' locales: zh-CN: '中文(简体)' zh-cn: '中文(简体)' en: 'English' registrations: currentpassword: 'We need your current password to confirm your changes' leaveblank: "Leave it blank if you don't want to change it" fail: password_confirmation_not_match: "Password and password_confirmation are not match" current_password_not_match: "Current_password not match" sessions: actions: sign_in: 'Sign In' sign_out: 'Sign Out' edit_info: 'Edit Info' success: sign_in: 'Sign in successfully' sign_out: 'Sign out successfully' fail: invalid_name_or_password: 'Invalid username or password' need_to_be_admin: 'You need to be an admin,please sign in as a admin' need_to_be_user: 'You need to be an user,please sign in as a user' not_enough_authority: 'You do not have enough authority,please sign in' admin: actions: edit: 'Edit' update: 'Update' apply: 'Apply' cancel: 'Cancel' index: 'Index' new: 'New' show: "Show" destroy: 'Destroy' preview: 'Preview' new_child: 'New child' edit_content: 'Edit content' a: back: "Back" show: "Show" confirmation: delete_child: 'Delete this %{model} and all its children %{model}, are you sure to remove this %{model}?' tree: moved: "Moved successfully" move_error: "Move error" message: create_successfully: 'Created successfully' update_successfully: 'Updated successfully' destroy_successfully: 'Destroyed successfully' destroy_failed: 'Destroy failed' error: "Load error!" loading: "Loading..." done: "Done!"