require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../test_helper.rb' CRITIC_HASH = {"display_name" => "A. O. Scott", "sort_name" => "A. O. Scott", "status" => "full-time", "bio" => "A. O. Scott joined The New York Times as a film critic in January 2000. Previously, Mr. Scott was a Sunday book reviewer for Newsday and a frequent contributor to Slate, The New York Review of Books, and many other publications. He has served on the editorial staffs of Lingua Franca and The New York Review of Books. He also edited \"A Bolt from the Blue and Other Essays,\" a collection by Mary McCarthy, which was published by The New York Review of Books in 2002. In addition to his film-reviewing duties, Mr. Scott often writes for the Times Magazine and the Book Review. He was born on July 10, 1966, in Northampton, Mass., and now lives in Brooklyn, N.Y. with his wife and two children.", "seo_name" => "A-O-Scott", "multimedia" => {"resource" => {"type" => "image","src" => "http:\/\/\/images\/2007\/03\/02\/movies\/scott.163.jpg", "height" => nil,"width" => nil,"credit" => "Tony Cenicola\/
The New York Times"}}} FIND_BY_NAME_REPLY = <<-EOF {"status":"OK","copyright":"Copyright (c) 2008 The New York Times Company. All Rights Reserved.","results":[{"display_name":"A. O. Scott","sort_name":"A. O. Scott","status":"full-time","bio":"A. O. Scott joined The New York Times as a film critic in January 2000. Previously, Mr. Scott was a Sunday book reviewer for Newsday and a frequent contributor to Slate, The New York Review of Books, and many other publications. He has served on the editorial staffs of Lingua Franca and The New York Review of Books. He also edited \\\"A Bolt from the Blue and Other Essays,\\\" a collection by Mary McCarthy, which was published by The New York Review of Books in 2002. In addition to his film-reviewing duties, Mr. Scott often writes for the Times Magazine and the Book Review. He was born on July 10, 1966, in Northampton, Mass., and now lives in Brooklyn, N.Y. with his wife and two children.","seo_name":"A-O-Scott","multimedia":{"resource":{"type":"image","src":"","height":null,"width":null,"credit":"Tony Cenicola/
The New York Times"}}}]} EOF class TestNytimes::TestMovies::TestCritic < Test::Unit::TestCase include Nytimes::Movies # global setup def setup FakeWeb.clean_registry FakeWeb.block_uri_pattern(Base::API_SERVER) end context "Critic.create_from_api" do setup do @critic = Critic.create_from_api(CRITIC_HASH) end should "return an object of the Critic type" do assert_kind_of(Critic, @critic) end %w(display_name sort_name status bio).each do |attr| should "assign the value of the @#{attr} attribute from the '#{attr}' key in the hash" do assert_equal(CRITIC_HASH[attr], @critic.send(attr)) end end context "for the multimedia hash value" do should "assign it to the @photo attribute" do assert_not_nil end should "return a Nytimes::Movies::MultimediaLink instance" do assert_kind_of(MultimediaLink, end end end context "Critic.escape_critic_name" do should "not escape a name that looks like it's escaped" do assert_equal 'a-o-scott', Critic.escape_critic_name('a-o-scott') end should "downcase a name and replace spaces with hyphens" do assert_equal 'mahnola-dargis', Critic.escape_critic_name('Mahnola Dargis') end should "not include punctuation characters in the escaped name" do assert_equal 'a-o-scott', Critic.escape_critic_name('A.O. Scott') end end context "Critic.find_by_name" do context "for a valid critic" do setup do FakeWeb.register_uri(api_url_for('critics/a-o-scott'), :string => FIND_BY_NAME_REPLY) @critic = Critic.find_by_name('a-o-scott') end should "return a single Nytimes::Movies::Critic instance" do assert_kind_of(Critic, @critic) assert_equal 'A. O. Scott', @critic.display_name end end context "for a nonexistant critic" do setup do FakeWeb.register_uri(api_url_for('critics/unknown-person'), :string => FIND_BY_NAME_REPLY, :status => [ 404, "Not Found" ]) @critic = Critic.find_by_name('Unknown Person') end should "return nil" do assert_nil @critic end end end context "Critic.find_by_type" do setup do FakeWeb.register_uri(api_url_for('critics/full-time'), :string => FIND_BY_NAME_REPLY) end should "raise an ArgumentError if passed anything besides :full_time, :part_time, or :all" do assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Critic.find_by_type(:foo) } end should "return an array of Nytimes::Movies::Critic instances" do @critics = Critic.find_by_type(:full_time) assert_kind_of(Array, @critics) assert @critics.all? {|c| c.is_a? Critic} assert_equal 'A. O. Scott', @critics.first.display_name end end end