module OrientSupport # This Module fences specialized Ruby objects # The Array _knows_ its database-class. This enables database-transactions outside the scope # of ActiveOrient # # The Database-Class is available through Array#record # # *caution:* # Don't mix ActiveOrient::Array's with conventional ones # > t= G21.first # > t.ll # => ["test", "test_2", 5, 8, 7988, "uzg"] # > t.ll = [9,6,7] # This is an assignment of an Array to the variable »ll» # # It does NOT call ActiveOrient::Array#=[]. # => [9, 6, 7] # Instead an Array is assigned to the variable »ll» # # it is only updated localy, as shown if we reload the document # > t= G21.first.attributes # => {:ll=>["test", "test_2", 5, 8, 7988, "uzg"]} # # Thus its imperativ to safe the changes made. class Array < Array include OrientSupport::Support =begin During initialisation the model-instance to work on is stored in @orient. The keyword_parameter »work_on« holds the record to work on. The second argument holds the array to work with If instead of a model-instance the model-class is provided, a new model-instance is created and returned Its up to the caller to save the new instance in the database Further a list of array-elements is expected, which are forwarded (as Array) to Array Its used to initialize Objects comming from the database (i.e. /lib/base.rb) elsif iv.is_a? Array work_on: self, work_with: iv.from_orient){ key.to_sym } =end def initialize( work_on:, work_with: ) @orient = work_on.class == Class ? : work_on super work_with begin @name = block_given? ? yield : @orient.attributes.key(self) rescue TypeError => e # not defined ActiveOrient::Base.logger.debug{ "--------------------Type Error ----------------------------------" } ActiveOrient::Base.logger.debug("OrientSupport::Array"){ "Attributes #{@orient.attributes.inspect}" } ActiveOrient::Base.logger.debug("OrientSupport::Array"){ e.inspect ActiveOrient::Base.logger.debug{ "indicates a try to access a non existing array element" }} nil rescue NameError =>e ActiveOrient::Base.logger.debug{ "--------------------Name Error ------------" } ActiveOrient::Base.logger.debug ("OrientSupport::Array"){ e.inspect } #ActiveOrient::Base.logger.error{ {|l| " #{l}\n"}.join } ActiveOrient::Base.logger.debug{ "due to a bug in ActiveSupport DateTime Calculations" } # we just ignore the error end end def as_json o=nil map{|x| x.rid? ? x.rid : x } end def record @orient end def to_human map &:to_human end =begin Appends the arguments to the Array. Returns the modified database-document (not the array !!) =end def append *arg @orient.update { "set #{@name.to_s} = #{@name} || #{arg.to_or} "}[@name] if check_if_complete @orient.reload! end =begin Append the argument to the Array, changes the Array itself. Returns the modified Array ( and is chainable ) # # i= V.get( '89:0') # ii=i.zwoebelkuchen << 'z78' << 6 << [454, 787] # => [7, 5, 6, "z78", 78, 45, "z78", 6, 454, 787] The change is immediately transmitted to the database. The difference to `append`: that method accepts a komma separated list of arguments and returns the modified database-document. `<<` accepts only one argument. An Array is translated into multi-arguments of `append` > t = G21.create ll: ['test','test_2', 5, 8 , 7988, "uzg"] INFO->CREATE VERTEX ml_g21 CONTENT {"ll":["test","test_2",5,8,7988,"uzg"]} => #<ML::G21:0x0000000002622cb0 @metadata={:type=>"d", :class=>"ml_g21", :version=>1, :fieldTypes=>nil, :cluster=>271, :record=>0}, @attributes={:ll=>["test", "test_2", 5, 8, 7988, "uzg"]}> > t.ll << [9,10] INFO->update #271:0 set ll = ll || [9, 10] return after @this => ["test", "test_2", 5, 8, 7988, "uzg"] > t.ll << [9,10] << 'u' INFO->update #271:0 set ll = ll || [9, 10] return after @this INFO->update #271:0 set ll = ll || ['u'] return after @this => ["test", "test_2", 5, 8, 7988, "uzg", 9, 10] The Array can be treated separately > z = t.ll => ["test", "test_2", 5, 8, 7988, "uzg"] > z << 78 INFO->update #272:0 set ll = ll || [78] return after @this => ["test", "test_2", 5, 8, 7988, "uzg", 78] =end def << arg append( *arg).send @name end =begin Removes the specified list entries from the Array Returns the modified Array (and is chainable). > t= G21.first > t.ll => ["test", "test_2", 7988, "uzg", 6789, "xvy"] > u= t.ll << 'xvz' # INFO->update #272:0 set ll = ll || ['xvz'] return after @this => ["test", "test_2", 7988, "uzg", 6789, "xvy", "xvz"] > z= u.remove 'xvy' # INFO->update #272:0 remove ll = 'xvy' return after @this => ["test", "test_2", 7988, "uzg", 6789, "xvz"] The ModelInstance is updated, too, as shown by calling > t.ll => ["test", "test_2", 7988, "uzg", 6789, "xvz"] Thus > t.ll.remove 7988 # INFO->update #272:0 remove ll = 7988 return after @this => ["test", "test_2", "uzg", 6789, "xvz"] returns thea modified Array =end def remove *k # todo combine queries in a transaction ActiveOrient::Base.logger.debug { "delete: #{@name} --< #{ ' :: ' )}"}{|l| @orient.update( {remove: { @name => l} } ) } # @orient.reload! # @orient.send @name end def remove_by_index index @orient.update( { remove: { @name => "#{@name[index]}" } } ) end def check_if_complete if @name.blank? @orient.logger.warn{ "Database is uneffected. Operation is incomplete/ not allowed" } false else true end end =begin Updating of single items =end def []= key, value super @orient.update set: {@name => self} if @name.present? if check_if_complete end ### ## just works with Hashes as parameters def where *item where_string ={|m| where_string = compose_where( m ) }.join(' and ') subquery= from: @orient, projection: "expand( #{@name})" q= from: subquery, where: item @orient.db.execute{ q.to_s } if check_if_complete end def method_missing method, *args return if empty? if @orient.is_a? ActiveOrient::Model # IB::Model # delegate to public methods{|x| x.public_send(method, *args)} else{|x| x.send method, *args } end rescue NoMethodError => e ActiveOrient::Base.logger.error("OrientSupport::Array"){ "#{self.inspect} MethodMissing -> Undefined method: #{args.first} -- Args: #{args[1..-1].inspect}"} ActiveOrient::Base.logger.error {" The Message #{e.message}"} ActiveOrient::Base.logger.error{ {|l| " #{l}\n"}.join } raise end end #Class class Hash < Hash # WithIndifferentAccess include OrientSupport::Support def initialize modelinstance, args super() @orient = modelinstance self.merge! args @name = block_given? ? yield : modelinstance.attributes.key(self) self end def store k, v @orient.update { "set #{@name}[#{k.to_s.to_or}] = #{v.to_or} "}[@name] #if check_if_complete @orient.reload! end alias []= store # Inserts the provided Hash to the (possibly empty) list-property and updates the dataset # # Keys are translated to symbols # def merge **arg @orient.update @name => super(**arg) @orient.reload! end alias << merge # removes a key-value entry from the hash. # # parameter: list of key's # # returns the modified OrientSupport::Hash # # ie, given # b => <Base[51:0]: < Base: 51:0 >, a_set : {:warrant_value=>["8789", "HKD"], :what_if_pm_enabled=>["true", ""], :t_bill_value=>["0", "HKD"]}> # c= b.a_set.remove :warrant_value # INFO->update #51:0 remove a_set = 'warrant_value' return after $current # c => {:what_if_pm_enabled=>["true", ""], :t_bill_value=>["0", "HKD"]} def remove *k # todo combine queries in a transaction r={|key| @orient.update{ "remove #{@name} = #{key.to_s.to_or} " } } @orient.reload!.send @name end def delete_if &b super &b @orient.update set:{ @name => self} end # slice returns a subset of the hash # # excepts a regular expression as well def slice arg if arg.is_a? Regexp find_all{ |key| key.to_s.match(arg) }.to_h else super arg.to_sym end end def [] arg super end end end #Module class Hash def to_human "{ " +{ |k,v| [k.to_s,": ", v.to_orient].join }.join(', ') + " }" end # def coerce arg # if arg.is_a? DateTime # nil # else # super # # end # end end