require 'json' class JsonManifestProcessor def initialize(json_path, language, output_path) @json_path = json_path @language = language @output_path = output_path @manifest = read_manifest end def process # First process files specified in manifest process_manifest_files if @manifest && @manifest['files'] # Then process remaining JSON files process_remaining_files end private def read_manifest manifest_path = File.join(@json_path, 'json_manifest.json') JSON.parse( rescue JSON::ParserError => e Solara.logger.debug("Error parsing manifest JSON: #{e.message}") nil rescue Errno::ENOENT => e Solara.logger.debug("Manifest file not found: #{e.message}") nil rescue StandardError => e Solara.logger.debug("Unexpected error reading manifest: #{e.message}") nil end def process_manifest_files @manifest['files'].each do |file| process_manifest_file(file) end end def process_manifest_file(file) return unless file['generate'] file_name = file['fileName'] class_name = file['parentClassName'] return if file_name.empty? || class_name.empty? custom_class_names = convert_to_map(file['customClassNames']) process_json_file( File.join(@json_path, file_name), class_name, custom_class_names, true ) end def process_remaining_files manifest_files = @manifest&.dig('files')&.map { |f| f['fileName'] } || [] json_files = get_json_files json_files.each do |file_path| file_name = File.basename(file_path) # Skip files that were already processed via manifest next if manifest_files.include?(file_name) next if file_name == 'json_manifest.json' class_name = derive_class_name(file_name) process_json_file(file_path, class_name, {}, false) end end def get_json_files Dir.glob(File.join(@json_path, '**', '*.json')) rescue StandardError => e Solara.logger.debug("Error reading directory #{@json_path}: #{e.message}") [] end def process_json_file(file_path, class_name, custom_types, is_manifest_file) begin json_content = JSON.parse( code_generator = json: json_content, language: @language, parent_class_name: class_name, custom_types: custom_types ) generated_code = code_generator.generate output_path = File.join(@output_path, generated_filename(class_name)) write_to_file(output_path, generated_code) rescue JSON::ParserError => e Solara.logger.debug("Error parsing JSON file #{File.basename(file_path)}: #{e.message}") rescue StandardError => e Solara.logger.debug("Error processing file #{File.basename(file_path)}: #{e.message}") end end def derive_class_name(file_name) # Remove .json extension and convert to PascalCase base_name = File.basename(file_name, '.json') base_name.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join end def convert_to_map(custom_class_names) return {} unless custom_class_names custom_class_names.each_with_object({}) do |item, result| result[item['originalName']] = item['customName'] end end def generated_filename(class_name) case SolaraSettingsManager.instance.platform when Platform::Flutter "#{to_snake_case(class_name)}.dart" when Platform::IOS "#{class_name}.swift" when Platform::Android "#{class_name}.kt" else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid platform: #{@platform}" end end def to_snake_case(string) string.gsub(/[A-Z]/) { |match| "_#{match.downcase}" }.sub(/^_/, '') end def write_to_file(output, content) File.write(output, content) Solara.logger.debug("Generated #{output}") rescue StandardError => e Solara.logger.debug("Error writing to file #{output}: #{e.message}") end end