# Changelog ## 0.0.25 (Unreleased) ### features ### improvements ### bug fixes ## 0.0.24 (August 10, 2015) ### features ### improvements - Remove rack-timeout (ref.: https://github.com/heroku/rack-timeout/issues/73#issuecomment-89170627) - Change Ruby version to 2.2.2 - Update the Gemfile to most recent gems ### bug fixes - Fix Heroku addon names - Replace to Mandrill addon with Sendgrid - Fix `pg:backups schedule` task which requires --at param ## 0.0.23 (June 12,2015) ### improvements - Change command that add Heroku add-ons from `addons:add` to `addons:create` ### bug fixes - Changed NewRelic Add-on plan from stark to wayne ## 0.0.22 (April 20,2015) ### features - Changed Ruby version to 2.2.1 ### improvements - Update Puma configuration file and puma version ### bug fixes - Changed jumpup-heroku version to 0.0.6 [[GH-475](https://github.com/Helabs/pah/issues/475)] - Update sass-rails. This fixes the bug `Sass::SyntaxError` ## 0.0.21 (March 19,2015) ### features - Add the spring-commands-rspec gem - Make pah less verbose. To get all the outputs use the --verbose option ### bug fixes - Pg backups as a addon has been deprecated, update commands to reflect it ### improvements - Update the bitters and refills gems - Remove old spec/support files - Remove acceptance test example - Break heroku config class in small methods ## 0.0.20 (January 16,2015) ### features - Changed Ruby version to 2.2.0 - Changed Rails version to 4.2.0 - Changed rails-slim version to 3.0.1 due conflict with rails 4.2.0 - Update the Gemfile to most recent gems ### improvements ### bug fixes ## 0.0.19 (December 12, 2014) ### features ### improvements - Remove shared_connection.rb - Add [normalize-rails](https://github.com/markmcconachie/normalize-rails) gem - Add [Librato](https://addons.heroku.com/librato) addon - Update gems including jumpup to `0.0.8` which includes task to abort integration if a new commit is inserted between test and push - Set Ruby 2.1.5 as default - Handle version and help commands, instead of delegate directly to rails new - Change from sendgrid to mandrill - Removed humans.txt ### bug fixes - Fix pah generating duplicated inflections configuration - Fix the import of grid-settings on bitters ## 0.0.18 (yanked) ## 0.0.17 (October 16, 2014) ### bug fixed - Fix pah binary to run ## 0.0.16 (October 11, 2014) ### features ### improvements - Add humans.txt - Remove HE:labs logo from the default README - Load the timezone from the TZ env & fallback to Brasilia (America/Sao_Paulo) - Use a random timezone on every spec run - Make VCR filter all Rails secrets by default - Update gem versions - Replace Loggly with Logentries - Set Ruby 2.1.3 as default - Add API acronym to inflections.rb - Add `ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers` module to RSpec's `rails_helper.rb` configuration - Update order of jumpup rake tasks ## 0.0.15 (July 4, 2014) ### features - Config bourbon, neat and bitters ### improvements - Update email_spec to `1.6.0` - Update rspec-rails to 3.0.1 - Update rollbar to 0.13.1 - Update VCR to 2.9.2 - Remove extra CSS and HTML markup - Future proof rollbar config for staging environments - Update gem versions - Move production/staging only gems to the correct group on Gemfile ### bug fixes - Fix the I18n problem (ref.: https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/13164#issuecomment-39744133) - Error out when `heroku` commands fail to run during app's creation ## 0.0.14 (May 30, 2014) ### improvements - Update rails version to `4.1.1` - Set ruby 2.1.2 as default - Better config of RSpec mocks - Update RSpec to 3.0.0.beta2 - Better default README - Use `rack-timeout` from github (ref.: https://github.com/kch/rack-timeout/issues/41) - Add `config/puma.rb` with Puma app server configuration - Add `preload_app!` directive for Puma workers - Add `ENV['MIN_THREADS']`, `ENV['MAX_THREADS']`, `ENV['PUMA_WORKERS']`, for Puma configuration. - Add `ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection` on worker boot specific setup - Load Puma configuration file on Procfile web process - Replace Haml with Slim - Transfer `$main-color`, `$text`, `$darker-color`, `$lighter-color` SASS variables to `_variables.scss` partial. - Add SendGrid setup - Import `_variables.scss` only once, on `application.scss` - Use `email_spec` from GitHub to avoid warnings raised by latest rspec - Add Rack::Deflater - Include **Newrelic** on the list of default addons - Add filter_run and run_all_when_everything_filtered on RSpec config ### bug fixes - Remove duplicated error messages section on locale file - Abort application generation in case problems are detected when installing gems - Remove the .disabled class on _form.scss. Issue #322 ## 0.0.13 (March 21, 2014) ### improvements - Add rollbar as default heroku addon - Add flutie page_title and body_class on application.html.haml, body_class will generate body classes based in controller and views - Update jumpup to version 0.0.4 - Add version to jumpup-heroku gem on Gemfile - Update hash syntax to Ruby 1.9 standard - Update gems - Add info about best practices on CONTRIBUTING - Add info about how release the gem - Remove sdoc gem from new project Gemfile - Add main color and darker and lighter color variables to css - Created centered 960px structure on application.html.haml - Changed CSS to keep the footer always at the bottom of the page - VCR enabled, by default - Replace Unicorn with Puma - Replace tabs with spaces on application.js - Centralized rails version (must be specified with pah version at lib/version.rb) - Change foreman port to 3000 - Add pah version to commit messages - Don't use ```git add --all``, rather explicitly add files to git - Update pt-BR.yml file from rails-i18n project - Add app.pt-BR.yml file for app specific locale strings - Add Rack::Timeout - Update rspec to `2.99.0.beta2` on Gemfile - Use FactoryGirl.lint to test all factories before running specs - Install database_cleaner gem - Update rails version to `4.0.4` - Update sass-rails version to `4.0.2` - Run `rails generate simple_form:install` - Add gem bullet - Add quiet_assets gem - Set ruby 2.1.1 as default - Add custom error pages - Update jumpup.rake to comply jumpup gem. - Remove `deferred_garbage_collection.rb`. ### bug fixes - Run pah against specific version of rails - Layout partial replaces page_title method call on application.html.haml. - Fixed Webmock version on `< 1.16` to make VCR `2.8.0` happy - Fix the I18n bug on production (See: https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/13164) - Fix database creation by adding `heroku-postgresql:dev` to default addons list ## 0.0.12 (January 16, 2014) ### improvements - Update jumpup to version 0.0.2 ## 0.0.11 (January 8, 2014) ### features - Created two kind of responsive forms (form-fluid and form-fixed) - Created a default JS file; - Created CSS and JS for Hint; - Created focus effect on fields; - Add robots.txt ### improvements - Updated CSS Reset; - Clean up HTML on application.html; - Created a new CSS file structure; - Update to rails 4.0.1 - Better vcr default on support - Update gem dependencies - Cleanup Gemfile - Update project to Rails 4.0.2 - Update project gem versions - Move rails_12factor to a group block - Not remove favicon.ico from generated app - Set ruby 2.1.0 as default - Use jumpup-heroku gem on integration - Moved old name "integration" to "jumpup" - Update jumpup.rake to comply jumpup gem. ### bug fixes - Fix git commits after removing files to reflect the changes of Git 2.0 - Fixed CSS files execution on default.rb ## 0.0.10 (November 5, 2013) ### features ### improvements - Remove rvm dependency - Remove staging app - Remove ominiauth integration - Refactoring bundle files - Refactoring integration files - Remove password from db config ### bug fixes - Integration now use app name hardcoded ## 0.0.9 (November 01, 2013) ### features ### improvements ### bug fixes - Fix deploy to production ## 0.0.8 (November 01, 2013) ### features ### improvements ### bug fixes - Check app has database before migrate - Remove `--force` on deploy to heroku - Add app name on check for deploy into production ## 0.0.7 (October 11, 2013) ### features ### improvements - use environment variable to define secret_token and secret_key_base - complete refactor of Heroku app creation and configuration - ask for user credentials before creating the Heroku app - set the correct timezone config on heroku after creating the app - move RVM config from .rvmrc to .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset files - refactor `integration.rake` and `deploy.rake` to handle projects with staging and production apps ### bug fixes - don't break if you choose an already taken name for your Heroku app - remove the `root_url` from application.html.haml since there's no default `root_url` - remove duplicated gems (foreman and letter_opener) from the default Gemfile - remove the deleted shoulda_matcher branch. Locked in 2.4.0 version ## 0.0.6 (August 16, 2013) ### features ### improvements ### bug fixes - Fix integration bug ## 0.0.5 (August 16, 2013) ### features ### improvements - added rails_12factor gem - added missing turbolinks on layout - removed valid_attribute gem - created partials from error messages and flash messages - added jumpup over integration from github - use `heroku config:set` and `heroku config:unset` - added SecureHeaders initializers - added locale configs as Brazil - no more ask for ruby version or gemset name - add required ruby 2.0.0 or greater ### bug fixes - added --app param to heroku lock and unlock tasks - resolved bug with rvm current when the bin is not properly set - fix already initialized constant APP on `tasks.rake` and `integration.rake` ## 0.0.4 (July 19, 2013) ### features ### improvements - Use the new rspec expect syntax - Halt if Heroku app already exists. - Do not say "Pushing application to Heroku" if there is no deploy - Do not install Sendgrid unless user explicitely says so - Using user input for Heroku app name - Changed readme - Heroku tasks now run out of Bundler environment - Cleaning old stuffs - Show suggestion of heroku app - Export APP on .rvmrc - Updated to Rails 4.0 and Ruby 2.0 ### bug fixes ## 0.0.3 (July 05, 2013) ### features ### improvements - Added badges - Updated rvm - Added bourbon - Removed the include of requires.rb - Removed unused gems (like Timecop) from the default Gemfile - Added Unicorn awesome configuration - Making clear that we use ruby 1.9.3 - Added integration ### bug fixes ## 0.0.2 (June 20, 2013) ### features ### improvements - Removed a lot of old stuffs - Changed Flag on Cli to Pah - Removed old comments - Updated all gems - Removed a missing README ### bug fixes - Fixed bug on add letter\_opener ## 0.0.1 (June 17, 2013) ### features - Changed rails-template to a gem named pah ### improvements - Better readme ### bug fixes ## Previous The changelog began with version 0.0.1 so any changes prior to that can be seen by reading old git commit messages.