baseURL = "" title = "FacterDB" languageCode = "en-us" theme = "elate" [params] #custom_css = ["css/custom1.css", "css/custom2.css"] # Meta author = "Camptocamp" description = "" email = "" # Navigation [params.navigation] brand = "FacterDB" intro = "Install" #work = "Screenshots" #testimonials = "Testimonials" services = "Features" about = "Other projects" contact = " Contact" # You can add custom links before or after the default links # Assign a weight to define the order # Hero section [params.hero] title = "![FacterDB](images/facterdb.png)
" subtitle = ''' A Database of OS facts provided by Facter [![GitHub stars](]( [![Gem Downloads](]( [![By Camptocamp](]( ''' # Intro section # Available icons: [params.intro] [[params.intro.item]] title = "Install" description = ''' ```shell $ gem install facterdb ``` ''' #url = "#" #button = "Get In Touch" icon = "icon-bulb" [[params.intro.item]] title = "Example usage" description = ''' ```shell $ facterdb \ 'facterversion=/^2.4\./ and (operatingsystem=Debian and operatingsystemrelease>=7 or operatingsystem=RedHat and operatingsystemrelease=/^7/)' ``` ''' #url = "#" #button = "Copy" icon = "icon-arrow-right" # img = "img_8.jpg" [[params.intro.item]] title = "Use in Rakefile" description = ''' ```ruby require 'facterdb' FacterDB::get_facts() ``` ''' #url = "#" #button = "Why us?" icon = "icon-diamond" #[] # enable = true # title = "Watch the video" # icon = "icon-play2" # url = "" # Services section [] enable = true title = "Features" description = "FacterDB provides a collection of stock facts for various Operating Systems." [[]] title = "Command Line Interface" description = "FacterDB can be queried on the CLI." icon = "icon-arrow-right" [[]] title = "Rakefile integration" description = "Integrate FacterDB into your Rakefile extends rspec-puppet with [rspec-puppet-facts](" icon = "icon-diamond" # About section [params.about] enable = true title = "Other projects" description = "We love to contribute Open Source projects at Camptocamp.