# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi gems # typed: ignore # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/new/master?filename=lib/cucumber/all/cucumber.rbi # # cucumber-6.0.0 module Cucumber def self.deprecate(*args); end def self.file_mode(mode, encoding = nil); end def self.logger; end def self.logger=(logger); end def self.use_full_backtrace; end def self.use_full_backtrace=(arg0); end def self.use_legacy_autoloader; end def self.use_legacy_autoloader=(arg0); end def self.wants_to_quit; end def self.wants_to_quit=(arg0); end end module Cucumber::Constantize def constantize(camel_cased_word); end def constantize_name(constant, name); end def underscore(camel_cased_word); end end module Cucumber::Cli end class Cucumber::Cli::RerunFile def features; end def initialize(path); end def lines; end def path; end def self.can_read?(path); end def self.real_path(path); end end module Cucumber::Events def self.make_event_bus; end def self.registry; end end class Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_26 < Cucumber::Core::Event def attributes; end def event_id; end def initialize(*args); end def pickle; end def test_case; end def to_h; end end class Cucumber::Events::TestCaseCreated < Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_26 def pickle; end def test_case; end end class Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_27 < Cucumber::Core::Event def attributes; end def event_id; end def gherkin_document; end def initialize(*args); end def to_h; end end class Cucumber::Events::GherkinSourceParsed < Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_27 def gherkin_document; end end class Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_28 < Cucumber::Core::Event def attributes; end def event_id; end def initialize(*args); end def test_cases; end def to_h; end end class Cucumber::Events::TestRunStarted < Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_28 def test_cases; end end class Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_29 < Cucumber::Core::Event def attributes; end def envelope; end def event_id; end def initialize(*args); end def to_h; end end class Cucumber::Events::Envelope < Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_29 def envelope; end end class Cucumber::Events::TestCaseFinished < Cucumber::Core::Events::TestCaseFinished def result; end def test_case; end end class Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_30 < Cucumber::Core::Event def attributes; end def body; end def event_id; end def initialize(*args); end def path; end def to_h; end end class Cucumber::Events::GherkinSourceRead < Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_30 def body; end def path; end end class Cucumber::Events::TestStepFinished < Cucumber::Core::Events::TestStepFinished def result; end def test_step; end end class Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_31 < Cucumber::Core::Event def attributes; end def event_id; end def initialize(*args); end def pickle_step; end def test_step; end def to_h; end end class Cucumber::Events::TestStepCreated < Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_31 def pickle_step; end def test_step; end end class Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_32 < Cucumber::Core::Event def attributes; end def event_id; end def expression; end def initialize(*args); end def to_h; end def type_name; end end class Cucumber::Events::UndefinedParameterType < Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_32 def expression; end def type_name; end end class Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_33 < Cucumber::Core::Event def attributes; end def event_id; end def initialize(*args); end def step_match; end def test_step; end def to_h; end end class Cucumber::Events::StepActivated < Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_33 def initialize(test_step, step_match); end def step_match; end def test_step; end end class Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_34 < Cucumber::Core::Event def attributes; end def event_id; end def initialize(*args); end def step_definition; end def to_h; end end class Cucumber::Events::StepDefinitionRegistered < Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_34 def initialize(step_definition); end def step_definition; end end class Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_35 < Cucumber::Core::Event def attributes; end def event_id; end def hook; end def initialize(*args); end def test_step; end def to_h; end end class Cucumber::Events::HookTestStepCreated < Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_35 def hook; end def test_step; end end class Cucumber::Events::TestStepStarted < Cucumber::Core::Events::TestStepStarted def test_step; end end class Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_36 < Cucumber::Core::Event def attributes; end def event_id; end def initialize(*args); end def test_case; end def to_h; end end class Cucumber::Events::TestCaseReady < Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_36 def test_case; end end class Cucumber::Events::TestCaseStarted < Cucumber::Core::Events::TestCaseStarted def test_case; end end class Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_37 < Cucumber::Core::Event def attributes; end def event_id; end def initialize(*args); end def to_h; end end class Cucumber::Events::TestRunFinished < Anonymous_Cucumber_Core_Event_37 end class Cucumber::Configuration def all_files_to_load; end def autoload_code_paths; end def custom_profiles; end def default_features_paths; end def default_options; end def dry_run?; end def duration?; end def error_stream; end def event_bus; end def expand?; end def fail_fast?; end def feature_dirs; end def feature_files; end def filters; end def formats; end def formatter_class(format); end def formatter_factories; end def guess?; end def id_generator; end def initialize(user_options = nil); end def name_regexps; end def notify(message, *args); end def on_event(*args, &block); end def out_stream; end def paths; end def profiles; end def publish_enabled?; end def publish_quiet?; end def randomize?; end def register_snippet_generator(generator); end def remove_excluded_files_from(files); end def require_dirs; end def retry_attempts; end def seed; end def self.default; end def skip_profile_information?; end def snippet_generators; end def snippet_type; end def snippets?; end def source?; end def step_defs_to_load; end def strict; end def support_to_load; end def tag_expressions; end def tag_limits; end def to_hash; end def wip?; end def with_default_features_path(paths); end def with_options(new_options); end extend Forwardable include Cucumber::Constantize end module Cucumber::LoadPath def add_dirs(*dirs); end def self.add_dirs(*dirs); end end module Cucumber::Formatter end module Cucumber::Formatter::Duration def format_duration(seconds); end end class Cucumber::FileSpecs def files; end def initialize(file_specs); end def locations; end end class Cucumber::FileSpecs::FileSpec def file; end def initialize(spec); end def locations; end end module Cucumber::Gherkin end class Cucumber::Gherkin::DataTableParser def feature_header; end def gherkin_options; end def initialize(builder); end def parse(text); end end module Cucumber::Gherkin::Formatter end module Cucumber::Gherkin::Formatter::Escaping def escape_cell(sym); end end module Cucumber::MultilineArgument def self.builder; end def self.from(argument, location = nil, content_type = nil); end def self.from_core(node); end end class Cucumber::MultilineArgument::DataTable def append_to(array); end def build_hashes; end def cell_matrix; end def cells_rows; end def cells_to_hash(cells); end def clear_cache!; end def col_width(col); end def column_names; end def columns; end def convert_columns!; end def convert_headers!; end def create_cell_matrix(ast_table); end def describe_to(visitor, *args); end def diff!(other_table, options = nil); end def dup; end def each_cells_row(&proc); end def ensure_table(table_or_array); end def file; end def file=(arg0); end def hashes; end def header_cell(col); end def headers; end def index(cells); end def initialize(data, conversion_procs = nil, header_mappings = nil, header_conversion_proc = nil); end def location; end def map_column!(column_name, strict = nil, &conversion_proc); end def map_column(column_name, strict = nil, &conversion_proc); end def map_headers!(mappings = nil, &block); end def map_headers(mappings = nil, &block); end def match(pattern); end def raw; end def rows; end def rows_hash; end def self.default_arg_name; end def self.from(data); end def self.from_array(data); end def self.parse(text); end def symbolic_hashes; end def symbolize_key(key); end def text?(text); end def to_hash; end def to_json(*args); end def to_s(options = nil); end def to_step_definition_arg; end def transpose; end def verify_column(column_name); end def verify_table_width(width); end end class Cucumber::MultilineArgument::DataTable::DiffMatrices def call; end def cell_matrix; end def cell_matrix=(arg0); end def changes; end def ensure_2d(array); end def fill_in_missing_values; end def initialize(cell_matrix, other_table_cell_matrix, options); end def insert_row_pos; end def inspect_rows(missing_row, inserted_row); end def mark_as_missing(col); end def misplaced_col; end def missing_col; end def missing_row_pos; end def options; end def options=(arg0); end def original_header; end def original_width; end def other_table_cell_matrix; end def other_table_cell_matrix=(arg0); end def pad_and_match; end def padded_width; end def perform_diff; end def prepare_diff; end def raise_error; end def row_indices; end def should_raise?; end def surplus_col; end end class Cucumber::MultilineArgument::DataTable::Builder def eof; end def initialize; end def row(row); end def rows; end end class Cucumber::MultilineArgument::DataTable::Different < StandardError def initialize(table); end def table; end end class Cucumber::MultilineArgument::DataTable::DataTablePrinter def data_table; end def format_cell(cell, col_width); end def format_row(row); end def indentation; end def initialize(data_table, indentation, prefixes); end def prefixes; end def to_s; end include Cucumber::Gherkin::Formatter::Escaping end class Cucumber::MultilineArgument::DataTable::Cells def [](n); end def accept(visitor); end def dom_id; end def each(&proc); end def exception; end def index; end def initialize(table, cells); end def line; end def to_hash; end def to_sexp; end def value(n); end def width; end include Cucumber::Gherkin::Formatter::Escaping include Enumerable end class Cucumber::MultilineArgument::DataTable::Cell def ==(other); end def eql?(other); end def hash; end def initialize(value, table, line); end def inspect!; end def line; end def status; end def status=(arg0); end def table; end def to_sexp; end def value; end def value=(arg0); end end class Cucumber::MultilineArgument::DataTable::SurplusCell < Cucumber::MultilineArgument::DataTable::Cell def ==(_other); end def hash; end def status; end end class Cucumber::MultilineArgument::DocString < SimpleDelegator def append_to(array); end end class InvalidName___Class_0x00___Builder_38 def data_table(node, *_args); end def doc_string(node, *_args); end def wrap(node); end end class Cucumber::MultilineArgument::None def append_to(array); end def describe_to(visitor); end end class Cucumber::StepMatch def activate(test_step); end def args; end def backtrace_line; end def deep_clone_args; end def file_colon_line; end def format_args(format = nil, &proc); end def initialize(step_definition, step_name, step_arguments); end def inspect; end def invoke(multiline_arg); end def location; end def replace_arguments(string, step_arguments, format); end def step_arguments; end def step_definition; end def text_length; end end class Cucumber::SkippingStepMatch def activate(test_step); end end class Cucumber::NoStepMatch def activate(test_step); end def backtrace_line; end def file_colon_line; end def format_args(*_args); end def initialize(step, name); end def location; end def name; end def step_arguments; end def step_definition; end def text_length; end end class Cucumber::AmbiguousStepMatch def activate(test_step); end def initialize(error); end end class Cucumber::Undefined < Cucumber::Core::Test::Result::Undefined def self.from(result, step_name); end def self.with_prefix(step_name); end end class Cucumber::UndefinedDynamicStep < StandardError def initialize(step_name); end end class Cucumber::Pending < Cucumber::Core::Test::Result::Pending end class Cucumber::Ambiguous < StandardError def initialize(step_name, step_definitions, used_guess); end end class Cucumber::TagExcess < StandardError def initialize(messages); end end module Cucumber::Filters end class Anonymous_Object_39 def configuration; end def done; end def initialize(*args); end def receiver; end def step_match_search; end def test_case(test_case); end def with_receiver(new_receiver); end end class Cucumber::Filters::ActivateSteps < Anonymous_Object_39 def test_case(test_case); end end class Cucumber::Filters::ActivateSteps::CaseFilter def attempt_to_activate(test_step); end def find_match(test_step); end def initialize(test_case, step_match_search, configuration); end def new_test_steps; end def test_case; end end class Cucumber::Filters::ActivateSteps::CaseFilter::FindMatch def configuration; end def initialize(step_match_search, configuration, test_step); end def match; end def matches; end def result; end def step_match_search; end def test_step; end end class Anonymous_Object_40 def done; end def hooks; end def initialize(*args); end def receiver; end def test_case(test_case); end def with_receiver(new_receiver); end end class Cucumber::Filters::ApplyAfterStepHooks < Anonymous_Object_40 def test_case(test_case); end end class Anonymous_Object_41 def done; end def hooks; end def initialize(*args); end def receiver; end def test_case(test_case); end def with_receiver(new_receiver); end end class Cucumber::Filters::ApplyBeforeHooks < Anonymous_Object_41 def test_case(test_case); end end class Anonymous_Object_42 def done; end def hooks; end def initialize(*args); end def receiver; end def test_case(test_case); end def with_receiver(new_receiver); end end class Cucumber::Filters::ApplyAfterHooks < Anonymous_Object_42 def test_case(test_case); end end class Anonymous_Object_43 def done; end def hooks; end def initialize(*args); end def receiver; end def test_case(test_case); end def with_receiver(new_receiver); end end class Cucumber::Filters::ApplyAroundHooks < Anonymous_Object_43 def test_case(test_case); end end class Anonymous_Object_44 def config; end def done; end def initialize(*args); end def receiver; end def test_case(test_case); end def with_receiver(new_receiver); end end class Cucumber::Filters::BroadcastTestRunStartedEvent < Anonymous_Object_44 def done; end def initialize(config, receiver = nil); end def test_case(test_case); end end module Cucumber::RunningTestCase def self.new(test_case); end end class Cucumber::RunningTestCase::TestCase < SimpleDelegator def accept_hook?(hook); end def exception; end def failed?; end def initialize(test_case, result = nil); end def passed?; end def source_tag_names; end def status; end def with_result(result); end end class Anonymous_Object_45 def done; end def initialize(*args); end def receiver; end def runtime; end def test_case(test_case); end def with_receiver(new_receiver); end end class Cucumber::Filters::PrepareWorld < Anonymous_Object_45 def test_case(test_case); end end class Cucumber::Filters::PrepareWorld::CaseFilter def initialize(runtime, original_test_case); end def scenario; end def test_case; end end class Cucumber::Filters::Quit def done; end def initialize(receiver = nil); end def test_case(test_case); end def with_receiver(receiver); end end class Cucumber::Filters::Randomizer def done; end def initialize(seed, receiver = nil); end def seed; end def shuffled_test_cases; end def test_case(test_case); end def with_receiver(receiver); end end class Anonymous_Object_46 def configuration; end def done; end def initialize(*args); end def receiver; end def test_case(test_case); end def with_receiver(new_receiver); end end class Cucumber::Filters::Retry < Anonymous_Object_46 def retry_required?(test_case, event); end def test_case(test_case); end def test_case_counts; end end class Cucumber::Filters::GatedReceiver def done; end def initialize(receiver); end def test_case(test_case); end end class Cucumber::Filters::TagLimits def done; end def gated_receiver; end def initialize(tag_limits, receiver = nil); end def test_case(test_case); end def test_case_index; end def verifier; end def with_receiver(receiver); end end class Cucumber::Filters::TagLimits::TestCaseIndex def add(test_case); end def count_by_tag_name(tag_name); end def index; end def index=(arg0); end def initialize; end def locations_of_tag_name(tag_name); end end class Cucumber::Filters::TagLimits::Verifier def collect_breaches(test_case_index); end def initialize(tag_limits); end def tag_limits; end def verify!(test_case_index); end end class Cucumber::Filters::TagLimits::Verifier::Breach def initialize(tag_name, limit, locations); end def limit; end def locations; end def tag_count; end def tag_name; end def to_s; end end class Cucumber::Filters::TagLimitExceededError < StandardError def initialize(*limit_breaches); end end class Anonymous_Object_47 def config; end def done; end def initialize(*args); end def receiver; end def test_case(test_case); end def with_receiver(new_receiver); end end class Cucumber::Filters::BroadcastTestCaseReadyEvent < Anonymous_Object_47 def test_case(test_case); end end class Cucumber::Formatter::Fanout < BasicObject def initialize(recipients); end def method_missing(message, *args); end def recipients; end def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = nil); end end module Cucumber::Gherkin::I18n def self.code_keyword_for(gherkin_keyword); end def self.code_keywords_for(gherkin_keywords); end end module Cucumber::StepMatchSearch def self.new(search, configuration); end end class Cucumber::StepMatchSearch::AssertUnambiguousMatch def call(step_name); end def initialize(search, configuration); end end class Cucumber::StepMatchSearch::AttemptToGuessAmbiguousMatch def best_matches(_step_name, step_matches); end def call(step_name); end def initialize(search); end end class Cucumber::StepMatchSearch::CachesStepMatch < SimpleDelegator def call(step_name); end end class Cucumber::Runtime def accept_options?(factory); end def begin_scenario(test_case); end def configuration; end def configure(new_configuration); end def create_formatter(factory, formatter_options, path_or_io); end def doc_string(string_without_triple_quotes, content_type = nil, _line_offset = nil); end def dry_run?; end def end_scenario(_scenario); end def fail_fast_report; end def failure?; end def feature_files; end def features; end def features_paths; end def filespecs; end def filters; end def fire_after_configuration_hook; end def formatters; end def initialize(configuration = nil); end def install_wire_plugin; end def load_step_definitions; end def log; end def publish_banner_printer; end def report; end def results; end def run!; end def summary_report; end def support_code; end def unmatched_step_definitions; end include Cucumber::Core include Cucumber::Formatter::Duration include Cucumber::Runtime::UserInterface end module Cucumber::Runtime::UserInterface def ask(question, timeout_seconds); end def attach(src, media_type); end def jruby_gets(timeout_seconds); end def mri_gets(timeout_seconds); end def visitor=(arg0); end end class Cucumber::Runtime::ForProgrammingLanguages def ask(*args, &block); end def attach(*args, &block); end def embed(*args, &block); end def features_paths(*args, &block); end def initialize(support_code, user_interface); end def invoke_dynamic_step(*args, &block); end def invoke_dynamic_steps(*args, &block); end def puts(*args, &block); end def step_match(*args, &block); end def support_code; end extend Forwardable end class Cucumber::Runtime::StepHooks def after_step_hooks(test_step); end def apply(test_steps); end def initialize(id_generator, hooks, event_bus); end end module Cucumber::Hooks def self.after_hook(id, location, &block); end def self.after_step_hook(id, test_step, location, &block); end def self.around_hook(&block); end def self.before_hook(id, location, &block); end def self.build_hook_step(id, location, block, hook_type, action_type); end end class Cucumber::Hooks::AfterHook def describe_to(visitor, *args); end def initialize(location); end def location; end def match_locations?(queried_locations); end def text; end def to_s; end end class Cucumber::Hooks::BeforeHook def describe_to(visitor, *args); end def initialize(location); end def location; end def match_locations?(queried_locations); end def text; end def to_s; end end class Cucumber::Hooks::AfterStepHook def describe_to(visitor, *args); end def initialize(location); end def location; end def match_locations?(queried_locations); end def text; end def to_s; end end class Cucumber::Runtime::BeforeHooks def apply_to(test_case); end def before_hooks; end def initialize(id_generator, hooks, scenario, event_bus); end end class Cucumber::Runtime::AfterHooks def after_hooks; end def apply_to(test_case); end def initialize(id_generator, hooks, scenario, event_bus); end end class Cucumber::Gherkin::StepsParser def feature_header(dialect); end def gherkin_options; end def initialize(builder, language); end def parse(text); end end class Cucumber::Runtime::SupportCode def apply_after_hooks(test_case); end def apply_before_hooks(test_case); end def configure(new_configuration); end def find_after_step_hooks(test_case); end def find_around_hooks(test_case); end def fire_hook(name, *args); end def initialize(user_interface, configuration = nil); end def invoke_dynamic_step(step_name, multiline_argument, _location = nil); end def invoke_dynamic_steps(steps_text, iso_code, _location); end def load_file(file); end def load_files!(files); end def load_files_from_paths(paths); end def log; end def registry; end def step_definitions; end def step_matches(step_name); end def unmatched_step_definitions; end include Cucumber::Constantize end class Cucumber::Runtime::SupportCode::StepInvoker def initialize(support_code); end def multiline_arg(step, location); end def step(step); end def steps(steps); end end class Cucumber::Formatter::IgnoreMissingMessages < BasicObject def initialize(receiver); end def method_missing(message, *args); end def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = nil); end end class Cucumber::Formatter::HTTPIO def self.open(url, https_verify_mode = nil, reporter = nil); end end class Cucumber::Formatter::CurlOptionParser def self.parse(options); end def self.parse_header(header_arg); end def self.remove_arg_for(args, arg); end end class Cucumber::Formatter::IOHTTPBuffer def build_client(uri, https_verify_mode); end def build_request(uri, method, headers); end def close; end def closed?; end def flush; end def headers; end def initialize(uri, method, headers = nil, https_verify_mode = nil, reporter = nil); end def method; end def send_content(uri, method, headers, attempt = nil); end def uri; end def write(data); end end class Cucumber::Formatter::URLReporter def initialize(io); end def report(banner); end end class Cucumber::Formatter::NoReporter def report(banner); end end class Cucumber::Cli::ProfileLoader def args_from(profile); end def cucumber_file; end def cucumber_yml; end def cucumber_yml_defined?; end def ensure_configuration_file_exists; end def initialize; end def load_configuration; end def process_configuration_file_with_erb; end def processed_shellwords(args_from_yml); end def profile?(profile); end end module Cucumber::Term end module Cucumber::Term::ANSIColor def attributes; end def black(string = nil); end def blink(string = nil); end def blue(string = nil); end def bold(string = nil); end def clear(string = nil); end def concealed(string = nil); end def cyan(string = nil); end def dark(string = nil); end def green(string = nil); end def italic(string = nil); end def magenta(string = nil); end def negative(string = nil); end def on_black(string = nil); end def on_blue(string = nil); end def on_cyan(string = nil); end def on_green(string = nil); end def on_magenta(string = nil); end def on_red(string = nil); end def on_white(string = nil); end def on_yellow(string = nil); end def rapid_blink(string = nil); end def red(string = nil); end def reset(string = nil); end def self.attributes; end def self.coloring=(val); end def self.coloring?; end def self.included(klass); end def strikethrough(string = nil); end def uncolored(string = nil); end def underline(string = nil); end def underscore(string = nil); end def white(string = nil); end def yellow(string = nil); end end module Cucumber::Formatter::ANSIColor def comment(string = nil, &proc); end def comment_param(string = nil, &proc); end def cukes(n); end def failed(string = nil, &proc); end def failed_param(string = nil, &proc); end def flaky(string = nil, &proc); end def flaky_param(string = nil, &proc); end def green_cukes(n); end def grey(string); end def outline(string = nil, &proc); end def outline_param(string = nil, &proc); end def passed(string = nil, &proc); end def passed_param(string = nil, &proc); end def pending(string = nil, &proc); end def pending_param(string = nil, &proc); end def red_cukes(n); end def self.define_grey; end def self.define_real_grey; end def skipped(string = nil, &proc); end def skipped_param(string = nil, &proc); end def tag(string = nil, &proc); end def tag_param(string = nil, &proc); end def undefined(string = nil, &proc); end def undefined_param(string = nil, &proc); end def yellow_cukes(n); end include Cucumber::Term::ANSIColor end module Cucumber::Gherkin::Formatter::AnsiEscapes def comments; end def comments_arg; end def executing; end def executing_arg; end def failed; end def failed_arg; end def outline; end def outline_arg; end def passed; end def passed_arg; end def pending; end def pending_arg; end def reset; end def skipped; end def skipped_arg; end def tag; end def tag_arg; end def undefined; end def undefined_arg; end def up(n); end end module Cucumber::Deprecate end class Cucumber::Deprecate::AnsiString def failure_message(message); end def self.failure_message(message); end include Cucumber::Gherkin::Formatter::AnsiEscapes end class Cucumber::Deprecate::CliOption def self.deprecate(stream, option, message, remove_after_version); end end module Cucumber::Deprecate::ForUsers def self.call(message, method, remove_after_version); end end module Cucumber::Deprecate::ForDevelopers def self.call(_message, _method, remove_after_version); end end module Cucumber::Glue def self.backtrace_line(proc, name); end end module Cucumber::Glue::Dsl def 7(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def A(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def AN(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Aber(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ac(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ach(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Adott(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def After(*tag_expressions, &proc); end def AfterConfiguration(&proc); end def AfterStep(*tag_expressions, &proc); end def Agus(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ak(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Akkor(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Alavez(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ale(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Aleshores(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ali(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Allora(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Alors(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Als(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ama(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Amennyiben(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Amikor(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Amma(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ampak(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def An(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ananging(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ancaq(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def And(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Angenommen(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Anrhegediga(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ansin(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Antonces(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Apabila(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Around(*tag_expressions, &proc); end def Ataktiež(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ataké(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Atesa(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Atiež(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Atunci(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Atès(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Avast(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Aye(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Azároveň(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def BUT(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Bagi(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Banjur(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Before(*tag_expressions, &proc); end def Bet(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Bila(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Biết(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Blimey(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Buh(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def But(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ButattheendofthedayIreckon(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Cal(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Cand(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Cando(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ce(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Cho(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Cuan(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Cuando(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Cuirigcásgo(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Cuirigcásgur(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Cuirigcásnach(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Cuirigcásnár(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Când(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def DEN(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def DaHghubejlu(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Dada(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Dadas(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Dadena(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Dadeno(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Dado(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Dados(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Daes(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Dan(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Dann(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Dano(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Daos(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Dar(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Data(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Date(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Datefiind(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Datfiind(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Dati(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Datifiind(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Dato(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Datăfiind(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Dau(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Daus(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Daţifiind(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Dațifiind(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def De(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Dengan(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Denyousegotta(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Diasumsikan(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Diberi(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Diketahui(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Diyelimki(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Do(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Donada(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Donat(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Donc(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Donitaĵo(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Dun(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Duota(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Dáu(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def E(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Eeldades(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ef(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def En(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Entao(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Entonces(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Então(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Entón(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Entós(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Epi(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Et(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Etantdonné(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Etantdonnée(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Etantdonnées(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Etantdonnéqu(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Etantdonnéque(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Etantdonnés(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Etqu(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Etque(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Eğerki(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Fakat(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Gangway(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Gdy(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Gegebensei(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Gegebenseien(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Gegeven(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Gegewe(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Gitt(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Given(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Givet(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Givun(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ha(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Həm(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def I(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ICANHAZ(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def In(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ir(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Itsjustunbelievable(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ja(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Jeśli(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Jeżeli(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Jika(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Kad(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Kada(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Kadar(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Kai(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Kaj(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Když(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Kemudian(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ketika(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Keď(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Khi(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Kiedy(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ko(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Koga(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Komence(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Kui(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Kuid(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Kun(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Lan(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Le(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Lesaa(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Letgoandhaul(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Logo(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Lorsqu(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Lorsque(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Lè(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Lèsaa(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ma(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Maar(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Mais(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Maisqu(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Maisque(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Majd(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Mając(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Maka(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Manawa(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Mas(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Men(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Menawa(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Mutta(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Nalika(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Nalikaning(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Nanging(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Nato(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Nhưng(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Niin(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Njuk(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def No(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Nuaira(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Nuairba(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Nuairnach(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Nuairnár(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def När(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Når(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Nəvaxtki(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Och(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Og(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ohalda(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Oletetaan(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ond(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Onda(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Oraz(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ozaman(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Pak(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ParameterType(options); end def Pero(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Peru(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Però(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Podano(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Pokiaľ(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Pokud(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Potem(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Potom(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Privzeto(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Pryd(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Quan(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Quand(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Quando(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Sachant(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Sachantqu(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Sachantque(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Se(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Sed(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Si(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Siis(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Sipoze(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def SipozeKe(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Sipozeke(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Soit(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Stel(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Så(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Tad(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Tada(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Tak(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Takrat(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Tapi(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ter(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Tetapi(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Tha(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Thathe(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Then(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Thurh(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Thì(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Toda(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Togash(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Tooright(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Tutaqki(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ukoliko(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Un(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Und(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ve(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Vendar(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Verilir(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Và(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Və(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def WEN(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Wanneer(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Wenn(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def When(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def World(*world_modules, **namespaced_world_modules, &proc); end def Wtedy(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Wun(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Y(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ya(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Yeahnah(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Yknow(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Yna(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Youseknowlikewhen(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Youseknowwhenyousegot(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Zadan(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Zadani(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Zadano(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Zadate(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Zadati(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Zadato(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Zakładając(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Zakładającże(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Zapredpokladu(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Zapředpokladu(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Zaradi(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Zatim(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def a(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ach(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def an(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def awer(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def dann(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ej(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ghunoblu(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def if_nil(value, default); end def latlh(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def mä(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def qaSDI(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def register_rb_step_definition(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def self.alias_adverb(adverb); end def self.build_rb_world_factory(world_modules, namespaced_world_modules, proc); end def self.define_parameter_type(parameter_type); end def self.rb_language=(arg0); end def self.register_rb_hook(phase, tag_names, proc); end def self.register_rb_step_definition(regexp, proc_or_sym, options = nil); end def ugeholl(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def vaj(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def wann(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def És(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Étantdonné(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Étantdonnée(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Étantdonnées(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Étantdonnéqu(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Étantdonnéque(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Étantdonnés(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ða(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ðaðe(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ðurh(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Þa(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Þaþe(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Þegar(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Þurh(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Þá(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Če(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Şi(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Əgər(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Și(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Όταν(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Αλλά(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Δεδομένου(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Και(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Τότε(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def І(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def А(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Агар(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Але(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Али(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Аммо(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Анх(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Атакож(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Бирок(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ва(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Вә(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Гэхдээ(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Дадена(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Дадено(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Дано(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Допустим(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Если(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Задате(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Задати(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Задато(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Затем(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def И(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Иначе(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Кад(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Када(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Кога(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Когато(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Когда(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Коли(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ктомуже(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Лекин(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ләкин(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Мөн(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Нехай(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Но(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Нәтиҗәдә(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Онда(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Припустимо(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Припустимощо(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Пусть(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Та(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Также(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def То(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Тогаш(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Тогда(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Тоді(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Тэгэхэд(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Тэгээд(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Унда(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Харин(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Хэрэв(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Якщо(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Үүнийдараа(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Һәм(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Әгәр(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Әйтик(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Әмма(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Өгөгдсөннь(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Ապա(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Բայց(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Դիցուք(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Եթե(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Եվ(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def Երբ(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def אבל(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def אז(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def אזי(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def בהינתן(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def וגם(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def כאשר(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def آنگاه(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def اذاً(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def اما(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def اور(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def اگر(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def بافرض(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def بالفرض(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def بفرض(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def تب(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ثم(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def جب(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def عندما(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def فرضکیا(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def لكن(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def لیکن(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def متى(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def هنگامی(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def و(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def پھر(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def अगर(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def अनी(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def आणि(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def और(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def कदा(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def किन्तु(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def चूंकि(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def जब(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def जर(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def जेव्हा(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def तथा(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def तदा(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def तब(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def तर(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def तसेच(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def तेव्हा(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def त्यसपछि(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def दिइएको(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def दिएको(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def दिलेल्याप्रमाणे(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def पण(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def पर(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def परंतु(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def परन्तु(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def मग(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def यदि(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def र(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ਅਤੇ(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ਜਦੋਂ(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ਜਿਵੇਂਕਿ(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ਜੇਕਰ(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ਤਦ(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ਪਰ(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def અને(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def આપેલછે(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ક્યારે(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def પછી(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def પણ(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def அப்பொழுது(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ஆனால்(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def எப்போது(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def கொடுக்கப்பட்ட(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def மற்றும்(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def மேலும்(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def అప్పుడు(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ఈపరిస్థితిలో(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def కాని(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def చెప్పబడినది(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def మరియు(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ಆದರೆ(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ನಂತರ(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ನೀಡಿದ(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ಮತ್ತು(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ಸ್ಥಿತಿಯನ್ನು(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def กำหนดให้(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ดังนั้น(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def เมื่อ(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def แต่(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def และ(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def და(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def მაშინ(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def მოცემული(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def როდესაც(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def かつ(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def しかし(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ただし(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def ならば(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def もし(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 並且(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 但し(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 但是(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 假如(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 假定(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 假設(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 假设(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 前提(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 同时(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 同時(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 并且(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 当(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 當(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 而且(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 那么(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 那麼(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 그러면(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 그리고(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 단(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 만약(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 만일(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 먼저(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 조건(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end def 하지만(regexp, symbol = nil, options = nil, &proc); end end module Cucumber::Glue::Snippet end class Cucumber::Glue::Snippet::Generator def call(code_keyword, step_name, multiline_arg, snippet_type); end def initialize(cucumber_expression_generator); end def self.register_on(configuration); end def typed_snippet_class(type); end end class Cucumber::Glue::Snippet::BaseSnippet def code_keyword; end def do_block; end def generated_expressions; end def initialize(cucumber_expression_generator, code_keyword, step_name, multiline_argument); end def multiline_argument; end def number_of_arguments; end def parameters; end def pattern; end def replace_and_count_capturing_groups(pattern); end def self.cli_option_string(type, cucumber_expression_generator); end def self.example(cucumber_expression_generator); end def step; end def to_s; end end class Cucumber::Glue::Snippet::CucumberExpression < Cucumber::Glue::Snippet::BaseSnippet def parameters(expr); end def self.description; end def to_s; end def typed_pattern; end end class Cucumber::Glue::Snippet::Regexp < Cucumber::Glue::Snippet::BaseSnippet def self.description; end def typed_pattern; end end class Cucumber::Glue::Snippet::Classic < Cucumber::Glue::Snippet::BaseSnippet def self.description; end def typed_pattern; end end class Cucumber::Glue::Snippet::Percent < Cucumber::Glue::Snippet::BaseSnippet def self.description; end def typed_pattern; end end module Cucumber::Glue::Snippet::MultilineArgumentSnippet def self.new(multiline_argument); end end class Cucumber::Glue::Snippet::MultilineArgumentSnippet::Builder def data_table(table, *_args); end def doc_string(*_args); end def result; end end class Cucumber::Glue::Snippet::MultilineArgumentSnippet::DocString def append_block_parameter_to(array); end def append_comment_to(string); end end class Cucumber::Glue::Snippet::MultilineArgumentSnippet::DataTable def append_block_parameter_to(array); end def append_comment_to(string); end def initialize(table); end end class Cucumber::Glue::Snippet::MultilineArgumentSnippet::None def append_block_parameter_to(array); end def append_comment_to(string); end end class Cucumber::Glue::InvokeInWorld def self.cucumber_compatible_arity?(args, block); end def self.cucumber_instance_exec_in(world, check_arity, pseudo_method, *args, &block); end def self.cucumber_run_with_backtrace_filtering(pseudo_method); end def self.replace_instance_exec_invocation_line!(backtrace, instance_exec_invocation_line, pseudo_method); end end class Cucumber::Glue::ArityMismatchError < StandardError end class Cucumber::Glue::Hook def fail_for_old_style_tag_expressions(tag_expressions); end def id; end def initialize(id, registry, tag_expressions, proc); end def invoke(pseudo_method, arguments, &block); end def location; end def sanitize_tag_expressions(tag_expressions); end def tag_expressions; end def to_envelope; end end module Cucumber::Glue::ProtoWorld def ask(question, timeout_seconds = nil); end def attach(file, media_type = nil); end def inspect; end def log(*messages); end def pending(message = nil); end def self.for(runtime, language); end def skip_this_scenario(message = nil); end def step(name, raw_multiline_arg = nil); end def steps(steps_text); end def table(text_or_table); end def to_s; end end class String def indent(n); end end class Cucumber::Glue::StepDefinition def ==(other); end def arguments_from(step_name); end def backtrace_line; end def expression; end def expression_type; end def file; end def file_colon_line; end def id; end def initialize(id, registry, expression, proc); end def invoke(args); end def location; end def registry; end def self.create_proc(proc_or_sym, options); end def self.new(id, registry, string_or_regexp, proc_or_sym, options); end def self.parse_target_proc_from(options); end def self.patch_location_onto(block); end def to_envelope; end def to_hash; end end class Cucumber::Glue::StepDefinition::MissingProc < StandardError def message; end end class Cucumber::Glue::WorldFactory def create_world; end def initialize(proc); end def raise_nil_world; end end class Cucumber::StepDefinitionLight def eql?(other); end def hash; end def initialize(regexp_source, location); end def location; end def regexp_source; end end class Cucumber::Glue::NilWorld < StandardError def initialize; end end class Cucumber::Glue::MultipleWorld < StandardError def initialize(first_proc, second_proc); end end class Cucumber::Glue::RegistryAndMore def add_hook(phase, hook); end def after_configuration(configuration); end def available_step_definition(regexp_source, file_colon_line); end def available_step_definition_hash; end def begin_scenario(test_case); end def build_rb_world_factory(world_modules, namespaced_world_modules, proc); end def clear_hooks; end def create_expression(string_or_regexp); end def current_world; end def define_parameter_type(parameter_type); end def end_scenario; end def hooks; end def hooks_for(phase, scenario); end def initialize(runtime, configuration); end def invoked_step_definition(regexp_source, file_colon_line); end def invoked_step_definition_hash; end def load_code_file(code_file); end def parameter_type_envelope(parameter_type); end def register_rb_hook(phase, tag_expressions, proc); end def register_rb_step_definition(string_or_regexp, proc_or_sym, options); end def self.cli_snippet_type_options; end def step_definitions; end def step_matches(name_to_match); end def unmatched_step_definitions; end end class Cucumber::ProjectInitializer def create_directory(dir_name); end def create_directory_or_file(file_name, directory); end def create_file(file_name); end def report_creating(file); end def report_exists(file); end def run; end end class Cucumber::Cli::Options def [](key); end def []=(key, value); end def add_option(option, value); end def add_profile(p); end def add_tag(value); end def add_tag_limit(tag_limits, tag_name, limit); end def add_tag_limits(value); end def banner; end def check_formatter_stream_conflicts; end def color(color); end def color_msg; end def custom_profiles; end def default_options; end def default_profile_should_be_used?; end def disable_profile_loading; end def disable_profile_loading?; end def dry_run_msg; end def exclude_msg; end def exit_ok(text); end def expanded_args; end def extract_environment_variables; end def filters; end def format_msg; end def i18n_keywords_msg; end def i18n_languages_msg; end def indicate_invalid_language_and_exit(lang); end def init_msg; end def initialize(out_stream = nil, error_stream = nil, options = nil); end def initialize_project; end def language(lang); end def lines_msg; end def list_keywords_and_exit(lang); end def list_languages_and_exit; end def merge_profiles; end def merge_tag_limits(option_limits, other_limits); end def merge_with_profile(profile); end def name_msg; end def no_profile_short_flag_msg; end def non_stdout_formats; end def options; end def out_msg; end def out_stream(v); end def parse!(args); end def parse_formats(v); end def process_publish_options; end def profile_loader; end def profile_short_flag_msg; end def profiles; end def publisher; end def require_files(v); end def require_files_msg; end def require_jars(jars); end def retry_msg; end def reverse_merge(other_options); end def self.parse(args, out_stream, error_stream, options = nil); end def set_dry_run_and_duration; end def set_option(option, value = nil); end def set_strict(setting, type = nil); end def shut_up; end def snippet_type_msg; end def stdout_formats; end def strict_msg; end def tags_msg; end def to_code_keywords_string(list); end def to_hash; end def to_keywords_string(list); end def truthy_string?(str); end end module Cucumber::Formatter::Io def ensure_dir(path, name); end def ensure_file(path, name); end def ensure_io(path_or_url_or_io, error_stream); end def io?(path_or_url_or_io); end def self.ensure_dir(path, name); end def self.ensure_file(path, name); end def self.ensure_io(path_or_url_or_io, error_stream); end def self.included(formatter_class); end def self.io?(path_or_url_or_io); end def self.url?(path_or_url_or_io); end def url?(path_or_url_or_io); end end module Cucumber::Formatter::Io::ClassMethods def new(*args, &block); end end module Cucumber::Formatter::Console def attach(src, media_type); end def collect_snippet_data(test_step, ast_lookup); end def collect_undefined_parameter_type_names(undefined_parameter_type); end def do_print_passing_wip(passed_messages); end def do_print_profile_information(profiles); end def do_print_snippets(snippet_text_proc); end def do_print_undefined_parameter_type_snippet(type_name); end def element_messages(elements, status); end def exception_message_string(e, indent); end def format_for(*keys); end def format_step(keyword, step_match, status, source_indent); end def format_string(o, status); end def linebreaks(msg, max); end def print_element_messages(element_messages, status, kind); end def print_elements(elements, status, kind); end def print_exception(e, status, indent); end def print_passing_wip(config, passed_test_cases, ast_lookup); end def print_profile_information; end def print_snippets(options); end def print_statistics(duration, config, counts, issues); end def snippet_text(step_keyword, step_name, multiline_arg); end extend Cucumber::Formatter::ANSIColor include Cucumber::Formatter::Duration end class Cucumber::Formatter::Console::SnippetData def actual_keyword; end def initialize(actual_keyword, step); end def step; end end class Cucumber::Formatter::FailFast def initialize(configuration); end end module Cucumber::Term::Banner def display_banner(lines, io, border_modifiers = nil); end end class Cucumber::Term::Banner::BannerMaker def apply_modifiers(str, modifiers); end def display_banner(lines, io, border_modifiers); end def display_line(line); end def display_span(span); end def line_length(line); end def span_length(span); end include Cucumber::Term::ANSIColor end class Cucumber::Formatter::PublishBannerPrinter def display_publish_ad(io); end def highlight(text); end def initialize(configuration); end def link(text); end def pre(text); end include Cucumber::Term::Banner end module Cucumber::FixRuby21Bug9285 def message; end end class Cucumber::FileException < RuntimeError def initialize(original_exception, path); end def path; end end class Cucumber::FileNotFoundException < Cucumber::FileException end class Cucumber::FeatureFolderNotFoundException < RuntimeError def initialize(path); end def message; end end class Cucumber::Runtime::NormalisedEncodingFile def initialize(path); end def read; end def self.read(path); end def set_encoding; end end class Cucumber::Cli::YmlLoadError < StandardError end class Cucumber::Cli::ProfilesNotDefinedError < Cucumber::Cli::YmlLoadError end class Cucumber::Cli::ProfileNotFound < StandardError end class Cucumber::Cli::Configuration def add_default_formatter; end def arrange_formats; end def dry_run?; end def expand?; end def fail_fast?; end def filters; end def formats; end def formatter_missing?; end def guess?; end def initialize(out_stream = nil, error_stream = nil); end def log; end def name_regexps; end def needs_default_formatter?; end def out_stream; end def parse!(args); end def paths; end def publish_only?; end def randomize?; end def retry_attempts; end def seed; end def set_environment_variables; end def snippet_type; end def strict; end def tag_expressions; end def tag_limits; end def to_hash; end def verbose?; end def wip?; end include Cucumber::Constantize end class Cucumber::Cli::Configuration::LogFormatter < Logger::Formatter def call(_severity, _time, _progname, msg); end end class Cucumber::Cli::Main def configuration; end def execute!(existing_runtime = nil); end def exit_ok; end def exit_tests_failed; end def exit_unable_to_finish!; end def exit_unable_to_finish; end def initialize(args, _ = nil, out = nil, err = nil, kernel = nil); end def runtime(existing_runtime); end def self.execute(args); end def trap_interrupt; end end class Cucumber::StepDefinitions def initialize(configuration = nil); end def to_json(obj = nil); end end