#=============================== # Helpers def variant_by_descriptor(descriptor) values = descriptor.split(" ") values.map! { |word| Spree::OptionValue.find_by_presentation(word) rescue nil }.compact! return if values.blank? @product.variants.includes(:option_values).select{|i| i.option_value_ids.sort == values.map(&:id) }.first end def random_image unless @sample_images dir = File.expand_path("../../../test/support/images/*", __FILE__) @sample_images = Dir[dir] end image = @sample_images.shuffle.first File.open(image) end #=============================== # Givens Given /^I( don't)? allow backorders$/ do |dont| Spree::Config.instance_variable_set("@configuration", nil) Spree::Config.set(:allow_backorders => dont.nil?) assert_equal dont.nil?, !!Spree::Config[:allow_backorders] end Given /^I have a product( with variants)?( and images)?$/ do |has_variants, has_images| @product = Factory.create(has_variants ? :product_with_variants : :product) unless has_images.nil? @product.images.create(:attachment => random_image, :alt => @product.name) unless has_variants.nil? @product.variants.each do |v| v.images.create(:attachment => random_image, :alt => v.sku) end end end end Given /^the first option type has an option value with image "([^"]*)"$/ do |source| flunk unless @product @product.option_types.first.option_values.first.update_attributes(:image => File.open(Rails.root.join("../support/images/#{source}"))) end Then /^I should see image "([^"]*)" within the first option value$/ do |source| ot = @product.option_types.first ov = ot.option_values.first within ".variant-options a[rel='#{ot.id}-#{ov.id}']" do assert_match "/system/images/#{ov.id}/small/#{source}", find("img").native.attribute("src") end end Given /^the "([^"]*)" variant is out of stock$/ do |descriptor| flunk unless @product @variant = variant_by_descriptor(descriptor) @variant.update_attributes(:count_on_hand => 0) end Given /^I have an? "([^"]*)" variant( for .*)?$/ do |descriptor, price| price = price ? price.gsub(/[^\d\.]/, '').to_f : 10.00 values = descriptor.split(" ") flunk unless @product && values.length == @product.option_types.length @variant = variant_by_descriptor(descriptor) return @variant if @variant @product.option_type_ids.each_with_index do |otid, index| word = values[index] val = Spree::OptionValue.find_by_presentation(word) || Factory.create(:option_value, :option_type_id => otid, :presentation => word, :name => word.downcase) values[index] = val end @variant = Factory.create(:variant, :product => @product, :option_values => values, :price => price) @product.reload end #=============================== # Whens When /^I click the (current|first|last) clear button$/ do |parent| link = case parent when 'first'; find(".clear-index-0") when 'last'; find(".clear-index-#{@product.option_types.length - 1}") else find(".clear-button:last") end assert_not_nil link link.click end #=============================== # Thens Then /^the source should contain the options hash$/ do assert source.include?("VariantOptions(#{@product.variant_options_hash.to_json}, #{Spree::Config[:allow_backorders]})") end Then /^I should see (enabled|disabled)+ links for the ((?!option).*) option type$/ do |state, option_type| enabled = state == "enabled" option_type = case option_type when "first"; @product.option_types.first; when "second"; @product.option_types[1]; when "last"; @product.option_types.last; end assert_seen option_type.presentation, :within => "#spree_option_type_#{option_type.id} h6.variant-option-type" option_type.option_values.each do |value| rel = "#{option_type.id}-#{value.id}" link = find("#spree_option_type_#{option_type.id} a[rel='#{option_type.id}-#{value.id}']") assert_not_nil link assert_equal value.presentation, link.text assert_equal "#", link.native.attribute('href').last assert_equal "option-value #{enabled ? 'in-stock' : 'locked'}", link.native.attribute('class') assert_equal rel, link.native.attribute('rel') # obviously! end end Then /^I should have a hidden input for the selected variant$/ do flunk unless @product field = find("input[type=hidden]#variant_id") assert_not_nil field assert_equal "products[#{@product.id}]", field.native.attribute("name") assert_equal "", field.native.attribute("value") end Then /^the add to cart button should be (enabled|disabled)?$/ do |state| enabled = state == "enabled" button = find("#cart-form button[type=submit]") assert_equal !enabled, button.native.attribute("disabled") == "true" end Then /^I should see an (out-of|in)-stock link for "([^"]*)"$/ do |state, button| in_stock = state == "in" buttons = button.split(", ") buttons.each do |button| link = find_link(button) assert_equal "option-value #{in_stock ? 'in' : 'out-of'}-stock", link.native.attribute("class") assert_not_nil link end end Then /^I should see "([^"]*)" selected within the (first|second|last) set of options$/ do |button, group| parent = case group when 'first'; '.variant-options.index-0' when 'second'; '.variant-options.index-1' when 'last'; ".variant-options.index-#{@product.option_values.length - 1}" end within parent do link = find_link(button) assert_not_nil link assert link.native.attribute("class").include?("selected") end end Then /^I should not see a selected option$/ do assert_raises Capybara::ElementNotFound do find(".option-value.selected") end end Then /^I should be on the cart page$/ do assert_equal cart_path, current_path end