#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w require 'rmagick' # Demonstrate the Image#stegano method. # Create a small watermark from the Snake image by # shrinking it and converting it to B&W. begin watermark = Magick::Image.read('images/Snake.wmf').first watermark.scale!(64.0/watermark.rows) watermark = watermark.quantize(256, Magick::GRAYColorspace) wmrows = watermark.rows wmcols = watermark.columns # Read the image in which we'll hide the watermark. img = Magick::Image.read('images/Flower_Hat.jpg').first img.scale!(250.0/img.rows) # Embed the watermark starting at offset 91. puts 'Embedding watermark...' stegano = img.stegano(watermark, 91) puts 'Watermark embedded' # Write the watermarked image in MIFF format. Note that # the format must be lossless - Image#stegano doesn't work # with lossy formats like JPEG. stegano.write('img.miff') # Read the image and retrieve the watermark. The size # attribute describes the size and offset of the watermark. # This can take some time. Keep track of how far along we are. monitor = proc do |text, quantum, span| printf("Extracting watermark...%3.0f%% complete\n", ((1.0-(quantum/span.to_f))*100.0)) true end stegano = Magick::Image.read('stegano:img.miff') do self.size = Magick::Geometry.new(wmcols, wmrows, 91) self.monitor = monitor end stegano[0].monitor = nil # We don't need this any more. File.delete('img.miff') stegano[0].write('stegano.gif') rescue Magick::ImageMagickError puts "#{$PROGRAM_NAME}: ImageMagickError - #{$ERROR_INFO}" end exit