# CHANGELOG ## v1.12.0 (2019/09/09) ### Enhancements - Starts Support Ichiba Tag API. [#110](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/110) ### Thanks We are pleased to say thanks to @keisukeponpoko. This release is made by their seminal work. ## v1.11.0 (2019/07/11) ### Improvements * Drop ruby 2.3 from supported ruby versions. [#104](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/104) * Fixes some issues reported by CoceClimate [#108](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/108) * `RWS.configuration` no longer accepsts block [#107](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/107) ## v1.10.0 (2019/03/11) ### Enhancements * Starts Support of two Travel APIs: SimpleHotelSearch and GetAreaClass. [#91](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/91) ## v1.9.2 (2018/12/28) ### Enhancements * Ruby 2.6 has been released :tada: this version joined the supported versions! [#100](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/100) ## v1.9.1 (2018/03/30) ### Improvements * Use the magic comment to frozen all string literals.[#93](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/93) * Drop ruby 2.2 from supported ruby versions since it goes to the EOL. [#95](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/95) ## v1.9.0 (2018/01/04) ### Enhancements * Update supported API versions. [#87](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/87) ## v1.8.0 (2017/12/30) ### Enhancements * Add `RWS::Resource#attributes` method. [#85](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/85) ### Improvements * Start supporting Ruby 2.5 and drop 2.1 from supported versions. [#83](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/83) * Update outdated gems. [#84](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/84) ## v1.7.0 (2017/09/17) ### Enhancements * Add Helpers for pagination. [#78](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/78) ### Improvements * Minor fix for README.ja.md [#77](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/77) * Suppressing installing gems required for debugging with VSCode in CI. [#79](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/79) ### Thanks I'm pleasured to say thanks to @jinco13. He fixed wrong method names and links in README.ja.md. ## v1.6.1 (2017/08/21) ### Bug Fix * `RakutenWebService::Ichiba::Genre#brothers` always returns an empty array. [#75](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/75) ## v1.6.0 (2017/08/16) ### Improvements * Added `RakutenWebService::BaseGenre#brothers`. [#74](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/74) ## v1.5.0 (2017/03/31) ### Improvements * Allows to call `RakutenWebService::Recipe.ranking` without `category_id`. [#70](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/70) ### Thanks I'm pleasured to say thanks to @kakakakakku. His work has made the usage of `RWS::Recipe.raning` easy to get the ranking in all genres. Thanks! ## v1.4.2 (2017/01/22) ### Bug Fixes * `Net::HTTP` is NOT `reuquire`d anywhere in the codebase. [#67](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/67) The version 1.4.1 or earlier of this gem doesn't `require 'net/http'` by itself. @gouf found the bug report in [teratail](https://teratail.com/questions/62804) and made a pull-request to fix it. Thanks! ### Improvements * `debug_mode` has come again! if you want to see responses from Rakuten Web Service APIs, you can see the ones by set `debug_mode` `true`. [#56](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/56) * Refactoring: use new Hash syntax as supporting ruby 1.9 series has been stopped already. [#60](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/60) ## v1.4.1 (2016/11/22) ### Bug Fix * Fixed: `WrongParameter` raises when giving any `sort` option to `RakutenWebService::Resource.serch`. [#54](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/54) ### Thanks I'm pleased to say thanks to @sho-yamane since he reported the bug #53. If he didn't do it, I would find the bug much later. Thanks, @sho-yamane. ## v1.4.0 (2016/11/11) ### Enhancements * Raise RuntimeError if required option `application_id` is not set when generating parameters. [#51](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/51) ## v1.3.0 (2016/11/08) ### Enhancements * Loads Application ID and Affiliate ID from environment varaibles `RWS_APPLICATION_ID` and `RWS_AFFILIATE_ID` respectively. [#47](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/47) ### Improvements * Upgraded `codeclimate-test-reporter`. [#48](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/48) ## v1.2.0 (2016/10/25) ### Ehancements * Started supporting GenreInformation. [#45](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/45) * `RakutenWebService::BaseGenre#parent` returns Genre object of the parent genre. [#44](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/44) ## v1.1.1 (2016/09/12) ### Bug Fix * Fixed `RakutenWebService::Ichiba::Genre#ranking` ignores given options to be passed to Ichiba Ranking API. [#43](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/43) ## v1.1.0 (2016/09/12) ### Enhancements * Remove the dependency on faraday, using `Net::HTTP`. [#39](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/39) * Allows users to rescue any exception with `RakutenWebService::Error` which is a superclass of all the error class like `RakutenWebService::NotFound`. [#41](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/41) ## v1.0.0 (2016/07/29) ### Enhancements * Upgrade the version of RSpec and refactoring the configuration. [#36](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/36) and [#37](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/36) ## v1.0.0.rc1 ### Enhancements * Started supporting Gora APIs by @kamatama41 .[#29](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/29) * Started supporting Recipe APIs. [#31](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/pull/31) * Updated versions of supported Rakuten Web Service APIs. ### Compatibility Changes * Updated supported Ruby versions to 2.1.0 or later * Any resource's `search` such as `RakutenWebService::Ichiba::Item` returns Enumerator which provides resources fetched at one page. It used to provide all resources by auto-pagerize. From this version provides methods for pagerizing. Please refer to [the sample in README](https://github.com/rakuten-ws/rws-ruby-sdk/blob/master/README.md#pagerizing). * Deprecated calling `RakutenWebService.configuration` with a block, recommending to use `RakutenWebService.configure`. ### Thanks At first, I should appreciate all users of the gems. One of the enhancements, supporting Gora APIs, is realized by @kamatama41 's seminal work. Thank you for your contribution! ## v0.6.3 (2015/07/03) * Update a gem dependency by @45deg * Fix typo by @45deg * Add new section for `Prerequisites` to explaing how to get new Application ID for Rakuten Web Service. * `RakutenWebService::BaseGenre.[]` fetches the genre information of specified a given genrecode.