using NUnit.Framework; [TestFixture] public class WordProblemTest { [Test] public void Can_parse_and_solve_addition_problems() { Assert.That(WordProblem.Solve("What is 1 plus 1?"), Is.EqualTo(2)); } [Ignore("Remove to run test")] [Test] public void Can_add_double_digit_numbers() { Assert.That(WordProblem.Solve("What is 53 plus 2?"), Is.EqualTo(55)); } [Ignore("Remove to run test")] [Test] public void Can_add_negative_numbers() { Assert.That(WordProblem.Solve("What is -1 plus -10?"), Is.EqualTo(-11)); } [Ignore("Remove to run test")] [Test] public void Can_add_large_numbers() { Assert.That(WordProblem.Solve("What is 123 plus 45678?"), Is.EqualTo(45801)); } [Ignore("Remove to run test")] [Test] public void Can_parse_and_solve_subtraction_problems() { Assert.That(WordProblem.Solve("What is 4 minus -12"), Is.EqualTo(16)); } [Ignore("Remove to run test")] [Test] public void Can_parse_and_solve_multiplication_problems() { Assert.That(WordProblem.Solve("What is -3 multiplied by 25?"), Is.EqualTo(-75)); } [Ignore("Remove to run test")] [Test] public void Can_parse_and_solve_division_problems() { Assert.That(WordProblem.Solve("What is 33 divided by -3?"), Is.EqualTo(-11)); } [Ignore("Remove to run test")] [Test] public void Can_add_twice() { Assert.That(WordProblem.Solve("What is 1 plus 1 plus 1?"), Is.EqualTo(3)); } [Ignore("Remove to run test")] [Test] public void Can_add_then_subtract() { Assert.That(WordProblem.Solve("What is 1 plus 5 minus -2?"), Is.EqualTo(8)); } [Ignore("Remove to run test")] [Test] public void Can_subtract_twice() { Assert.That(WordProblem.Solve("What is 20 minus 4 minus 13?"), Is.EqualTo(3)); } [Ignore("Remove to run test")] [Test] public void Can_subtract_then_add() { Assert.That(WordProblem.Solve("What is 17 minus 6 plus 3?"), Is.EqualTo(14)); } [Ignore("Remove to run test")] [Test] public void Can_multiply_twice() { Assert.That(WordProblem.Solve("What is 2 multiplied by -2 multiplied by 3?"), Is.EqualTo(-12)); } [Ignore("Remove to run test")] [Test] public void Can_add_then_multiply() { Assert.That(WordProblem.Solve("What is -3 plus 7 multiplied by -2?"), Is.EqualTo(-8)); } [Ignore("Remove to run test")] [Test] public void Can_divide_twice() { Assert.That(WordProblem.Solve("What is -12 divided by 2 divided by -3?"), Is.EqualTo(2)); } [Ignore("Remove to run test")] [Test] public void Cubed_is_too_advanced() { Assert.That(() => WordProblem.Solve("What is 53 cubed?"), Throws.ArgumentException); } [Ignore("Remove to run test")] [Test] public void Irrelevant_problems_are_not_valid() { Assert.That(() => WordProblem.Solve("Who is the president of the United States?"), Throws.ArgumentException); } }