pageflow.Configuration = Backbone.Model.extend({ modelName: 'page', i18nKey: 'pageflow/page', mixins: [pageflow.transientReferences], defaults: { gradient_opacity: 100, display_in_navigation: true, transition: 'fade', text_position: 'left', invert: false, hide_title: false, autoplay: true }, /** * Used by views (i.e. FileInputView) to get id which can be used in * routes to lookup configuration via its page. */ getRoutableId: function() { return; }, getImageFileUrl: function(attribute, options) { options = options || {}; var file = this.getImageFile(attribute); if (file && file.isReady()) { return file.get(options.styleGroup ? options.styleGroup + '_url' : 'url'); } return ''; }, getImageFile: function(attribute) { return this.getReference(attribute, pageflow.imageFiles); }, getFilePosition: function(attribute, coord) { var propertyName = this._filePositionProperty(attribute, coord); return this.has(propertyName) ? this.get(propertyName) : 50; }, setFilePosition: function(attribute, coord, value) { var propertyName = this._filePositionProperty(attribute, coord); this.set(propertyName, value); }, setFilePositions: function(attribute, x, y) { var attributes = {}; attributes[this._filePositionProperty(attribute, 'x')] = x; attributes[this._filePositionProperty(attribute, 'y')] = y; this.set(attributes); }, _filePositionProperty: function(attribute, coord) { return attribute.replace(/_id$/, '_' + coord); }, getVideoFileSources: function(attribute) { var file = this.getVideoFile(attribute); if (file && file.isReady()) { return file.get('sources') ? this._appendSuffix(file.get('sources')) : ''; } return ''; }, getVideoFile: function(attribute) { return this.getReference(attribute, pageflow.videoFiles); }, getAudioFileSources: function(attribute) { var file = this.getAudioFile(attribute); if (file && file.isReady()) { return file.get('sources') ? this._appendSuffix(file.get('sources')) : ''; } return ''; }, getAudioFile: function(attribute) { return this.getReference(attribute, pageflow.audioFiles); }, getVideoPosterUrl: function() { var posterFile = this.getReference('poster_image_id', pageflow.imageFiles), videoFile = this.getReference('video_file_id', pageflow.videoFiles); if (posterFile) { return posterFile.get('url'); } else if (videoFile) { return videoFile.get('poster_url'); } return null; }, _appendSuffix: function(sources) { var parent = this.parent; if (!parent || ! { return sources; } return, function(source) { var clone = _.clone(source); clone.src = clone.src + '?e=' + + '&t=' + new Date().getTime(); return clone; }); } });